Terrified- need a hand hold

Thank you x
My husband said there is no point worrying about the what ifs etc until they tell me , but it’s easier said than done really . My sore boob keeps reminding me of what is going on , trying my best to not catastrophise until they tell me what I’m dealing with x

sending you so much love & support xxx

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Your husband is right but let’s face it. It’s impossible. But catastrophising definitely won’t help and there is no reason to do that. You have no idea what you’re facing right now and the chances are super, super high this is curable no matter what it is. Breast cancer, although it will not feel like it ever, is not an emergency.

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I’m so sorry you have had to deal with this. Don’t beat yourself up about missing a mammogram. I missed 4 years of it and am still alive and kickin’ a year after diagnosis.
This is the time to be kind to yourself, to put yourself first above all else, and care for your emotional and physical wellbeing.
I know it’s a shock, but it was helpful for me to focus on the practical things and telling myself that sinking in my emotions will not help me. On the contrary, stress fuels cancer.
So it’s a good time to find de-stressing techniques such as slow breathing, meditation, counseling, sports etc. I believe we get cancer when we neglect ourselves at the price of caring for others. It’s a call to prioritize.
I could not disagree more with women who say not to Google anything. While I understand that for some this might be scary, an informed person is twice as powerful than an uninformed!
So, I would invite you to empower yourself and realize that no matter what, you’re the one who runs your body and has control over it. So take the reins and don’t be afraid to be proactive, whether it’s with doctors or relatives. Wishing you well!


Thanks arty1, it is hard to switch off. And hard not to look online, as i want to find out as much as I can about breast cancer. But i try and stay on sites like this so that i can find the right info and people to talk to.
I did get my results quick, but now i’m waiting again.
I’m waiting an MRI guided biopsy to test one further area.
I need a mastectomy on my right breast and depending on the results a lumpectomy or mastectomy on the left.
The maybe radiotherapy and hormone treatment.
I had swollen lymph nodes, which came back clear.
My Doc has assured me its okay to wait for these results, so I put my trust in them and hope.
But sometimes my mind just goes into overdrive!


The waiting is definitely the worst - it’s frustrating when you just want to crack on with treatment but more tests are needed , I guess it’s better to have the whole picture first x

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I’ve tried to stick to trusted sources as some of the stuff I found on Google terrified the life out of me !

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Stress I think has definitely been a factor for me as the last few years have been awful , I’m trying to practice mindfulness and relaxation … not helped by the hideous cone down from coming off the hrt !

I am 52 and went through the same in April… scary doesn’t cut it and nothing anyone says will change that. The only thing I can say is get through one day at a time… it is awful and I empathise with you… my heart goes out to you… x


Thank you x
It’s all the uncertainty isn’t it … It just completely wrecks you !

To make matters worse I’ve just received a text from the hospital to say my follow up appointment is cancelled ! I’m so stressed. It says my appointment may be being rebooked and I’ll hear shortly … typically I changed my 3 day holiday which was booked from the 11-14 to accommodate this new appointment to 8-11 and I expect they are going to call me in this week

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So sorry to hear they have cancelled the appointment and not even given you a new date. Take your break, I’m sure you need it. I was away last year and had to take a call from the oncologist while having a coffee. The oncologist had asked if I wanted to be called then or wait until after my holiday. I wanted the call some others may want to switch off on holiday and wait until afterwards.

I’m sure if they give you a date during your break you can choose to take it or rearrange to suit you. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

It’s a bit bizarre tbh - the appointment was next Monday , we go away on Thursday so if I get a new appointment for Thursday or Friday it’s tough ! I’m off to visit my mum who also has cancer (state 4 lymphoma ) and I don’t know when that will happen again as she’s 4.5 hours away … the endless plot twists are frustrating … I’m not sure why my appointment has been cancelled , I was thinking maybe not all results are back but it’s already two weeks today since I had the biopsies

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It could be the biopsy results, I was told two weeks but then had to wait 4 weeks, I did get a call to say the results weren’t in and was given a new appointment. It was the HER2+ test that took longer.

Then after my surgery on 5 July, I had to wait 4 weeks for the results of that. I’m now waiting 4 weeks for the results of my annual mammogram. I was told it’s usually 2 weeks but with holidays it’s more likely to be 4.

So in your case it could just be that, but it’s still bad they haven’t told you why.

Enjoy your break with your Mum, it’s so important for both of you. Your Mum will be worrying about you because that’s what Mums do no matter what your age. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


That’s worrying then :weary: if they are checking HER2 then it means it’s most likely invasive ?
Was yours HER2+ ?
I had no call , just the cancelled appointment text . All appointments are made via a central booking system so I can’t ring the clinic and ask .
I’ve left a message for the BCN so hopefully they’ll call back tomorrow .
It would have been nice if someone had called to explain :see_no_evil:
If my stress levels go any higher I’m going to pass out .
I think I’m going to have to tell my two youngest children as my 14 year old senses something is up and keeps asking if I’m ok .

I’m looking forward to seeing mum , she’s doing brilliantly , her lymphoma was found in her spine but she’s back to walking five miles a day and has monthly immunotherapy jabs.


@arty1 do you know the name of the consultant you were supposed to be seeing?. If so, ring the general hospital number and ask to be put through to Dr…'s secretary. It’s worth a try and has worked for me in the past. Good luck x


Ah yes it’s on the original appointment letter .
I might give that a try tomorrow x
Convinced myself now that it’s invasive and the delay is to do the extra tests , there will be nothing left of me by the time I get my appointment

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It could just be as simple as the doctor being ill, or being away on summer holidays. Give the secretary a ring and :crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3:

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Yes mine was HER2+,

Hope you manage to speak to the consultant’s secretary.

Until you have your results, whatever they are, it’s the most anxious time. It’s so hard not to worry. You are not alone. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Thank you :smiling_face: it’s like a form of torture isn’t it :see_no_evil:

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It is! In the time between my CT scan and the CT results I had convinced myself that there wasn’t a single cell in my body that didn’t have cancer in it :rofl::woman_facepalming:t2: When I got the results they were exactly as expected- the breast lump, 2 lymph nodes and absolutely nothing else!