The CraftThread

Well done Sarah for opening this thread and separating it from the bone mets thread.
I bought a ball of fancy wool in John Lewis to knit a scarf that had a free pattern with it a couple of months ago. I knitted about 8 rows and haven’t managed to do any more but I do have an excuse as I have been in hospital! I knitted a baby shawl last year for my oldest friend’s grandson’s christening and really enjoyed the whole process and that was in 3 ply wool!
This week my friend Evelyn sent me a parcel through the post. She had knitted me wonderful lilac socks in that random type wool and they came in a knitted bag with a knitted draw string. I was so delighted to receive this lovely gift out of the blue. Made my day.
Thanks for the cat pattern. may give it a go one day as I love ginger cats. A photo would be good to see what we are aiming for! Love to all crafty knitters. Val

It’s always fantastic to get gifts that someone has put a lot of effort into making. A very good friend of mine knitted a lovely shawl so that I could ‘snuggle into it when I felt down’ her words and such a lovely sentiment. She also knitted a beret for me last year when I lost my hair due to chemo. It’s not just the things themselves it’s the love behind them that’s so special. The socks sound amazing.
Knitting on circular needles gets easier the more rows you do. I was a bit worried that I might have knitted a mobiles,and not a circle at one point, but all was well. I had to cast on 168 sts on no 6 needles so I found it a bit difficult.
X Sarah

I was thinking of making some berets for me in readiness for chemo.

Jean x

They are very good. I also knitted a lovely hat which had a seed stitch crown, the brim was a deep rib worked sideways if you know what I mean. I actually didn’t wear it much as it was so warm. It will have many more outings this winter if the weather forecasters have it right.
X Sarah

I keep forgetting to look in Chit Chat for this thread. :slight_smile:
After an artistic and crafty forum member died here nearly 2 years ago I wore the fingerless gloves she’d knitted for me on a trip to the coast. A place where we used to meet up…along with someone else here. A windy day with memories and cosy fingerless gloves which were just the thing for picking up shells, stones and eating chips.
I knitted a shawl/wrap for a late friend a few years ago. Nothing tricky just basket weave knitted up in many colours of merino wool. My friend told me she found it really cosy when she was laid up with chemo and her and her children used to snuggle up with the wrap and watch The Simpsons.
Happy knitting all…x

I’ve just seen the time you posted Belinda. Are you up very late or do you have trouble sleeping? The only trouble with this being in chit chat is that it doesn’t appear in latest posts. The only thing to do is to put it in saved discussions.
X Sarah

Hi Sarah! :slight_smile: I had an afternoon nap…always a daft idea as I’m then wide awake until 3…has been 4am sometimes. Often have a good read of the Ravelry forums.
Ah saved discussions…I’ve never used it before, will try now…thanks for the tip…x

Belinda I save all my “favourite” threads and if after a while the threads are not active you can then just press on same button to remove them from your favourite. When I started on here I used to read ALL the new posts but it got me so confused that I find this way easier.
What are Ravelry forums?

Love to all, Val

Oh I googled it…I know now!

here is a link you may all be interested in:

lots and lots of free knitting patterns.

Jean x

Excellent sire ty

You’re welcome they do both knitting and crochet patterns quite a few are a bit yuck but there are loads of good ones.

Jean x

Thought some of you experimental knitters out there might like to try this you may even have already heard of it Entrelac Knitting and crochet.

Check out these tutorials on YouTube:



I am going to be using it soon to make a blanket for a moses basket, would be good to hear others thoughts on it.


Have finally figured out how to add the sleeves onto the yoke of the sweater. It’s quite heavy to work now. But very pleased with it :sunglasses:

Hi Jean, thanks for the youtube links, always wanted to have a go at crochet, doesn’t look too bad, will be off to the wool shop tomorrow. Loving this thread ladies, Simone xxx

You’re welcome Simone you can find loads of tutorials on how to crochet on YouTube and then use the one you find easiest to understand.

Good luck I love crocheting.

Jean x

I have finished the Sarah Lund sweater!!!
But I think ihave knitted it a size too big 8-(

It’ll be fine…

Oh it will be lovely comfy and warm…and no doubt stylish too.
Well done!..I would still be casting on…you are super quick.

Crochet ladies, have you seen Attic24’s lovely colourful blog?
Lovely read.

I love the blog - had a quick read this morning. I also like the way in which she has gone about clearing her home of clutter - one hour a day between 2 and 3. I doubt I’d get very far if I did that - it would be cluttered again by the next day - I’d be destined like Sisyphus to dispose of the same clutter everyday indefinitely (I think cleaning is a bit like that already anyway) - but I do like the principle.

You finished that quickly, Sarah - either you are very fast or you have not been doing anything else but knit since the wool arrived (which would have been me!). Can we see a photo?

I’ve started my throw again - Bricks and Mortar from Patons - and am finally beginning to see what it might look like when its finished. Its crocheted from a combination of colinette wool that I bought at their warehouse in Welshpool - well worth a visit.
