The CraftThread

Glad you liked the blog Naz. I’ve been reading it a while.
I just looked up the Bricks and Mortar pattern, it looks stunning.
Love colinette.

Have just finished an ascot scarf. It’s a Christmas present for a friend. Basically it’s a short scarf with two loops which fasten the scarf so it forms a snug fit around the neck. It’s only two foot long so quick to knit. Now knitting a pair of mittens in the round using a stranded technique. It’s got birds on it. Very nice!

I got the pattern free from revelry

Oh dear, slow knitter here, christmas scarves and wraps in Debbie Bliss cashmerino abandoned for quicker Rowan big wool knits…x

Excellent! Love big wool!

Yes thank goodness for Big Wool and my 12 and 15mm rolling pins! :slight_smile:

Bumping this thread up again as there’s a knitting lymphoedema thread on the main forums.

Yes I saw that. Its odd where this thread resides as it doesnt seem to appear on the main page. I have been told that knitting is good physio.
X Sarah

Hi ladies

Just found this thread on a referral from the lymphoedema thread. I am about to start knitting little bears for a children’s charity, not sure if I am allowed to put the link on here but pm me if anyone is interested. They are for children in crisis and although I am only just about to start I understand they are quick and easy and can be used using new left over wool.

My real passion is patchwork and quilting but am going back to knitting because I can do it watching TV

X Andie

Oooooo it has appeared on main page.
Do you have the bear pattern?
X Sarah


The pattern is on the page of the charity, if you put Angelbear into google you will find it both as a knitting pattern and a crochet pattern.


Thanks Andie

Well after getting caught out with Christmas knitting deadlines (was still knitting at 2am Christmas morning!) I’m now knitting up some neckerchief, scarves (the Baktus pattern from Ravelry) for Spring birthdays.
And just to say I was SO lucky to have a handmade by them, beautiful crocheted cushion sent to me from a well known forum member for Christmas!
No-one is allowed to use, squash my cushion…I love just seeing it on display on my sofa! x

Excellent! A friend has sent me a lovely knitted hat. On second Sarah Lund now. Nearly finished the body ready to attach the sleeves to the yoke.

Sarah you are such a prolific knitter! In awe, I’m so slow. :slight_smile:
Recent purchases…won’t appeal to everyone but the Interweave magazine ‘Jane Austen Knits’…I am a bit of a Janeite.
And ‘Juju’s Loops’…a Loop book from Juju Vail.
Back to the Baktus for me. Happy New Year and Happy Knitting in 2012 all…x