They minimise BC.

Thank you Daphne You are so right it isn’t about this one thread. Due to being witness to particularily harsh words last year I ordinarily do not contribute to threads where I see the ‘not women, it’s people’ correction being made - I suspect I am not alone.

Self moderation naturally has it’s place but you are correct it’s when it’s perceived as policing we have to address the problem.

Love Twinkle xoxo

Daphne Yes, hopefully things will change,

Jane points out that approx. 300 men and 41,000 women per year are diagnosed with breast cancer. For many years, however, the press, other media and, shamefully, some areas of the Health Service have failed to acknowledge that the disease is not gender specific - some consequences of which have been outlined in other areas of this board. Only recently have there been signs that this is changing - due, in no small part, to men and women on this board and elsewhere stating that ‘men get breast cancer too’. Admittedly, this is done a little loudly at times. Such is the case, as in other aspects of life, when minorities seek to make their cases heard.

With regard as to whether or not a mastectomy is just as devastating for a man as a woman, I have not engaged in debates of the type ’ my dad’s car is better than your dad’s car’ for many a year. I don’t intend to start again. We are all individuals. Our experiences of, and reactions to, this dreadful disease and its treatment - both within and between the sexes - are different. No-one can say that one is worse than the other.

I wish you well.



Jim The point of this debate is that “men get breast cancer too” is not done a little loudly at times but sometimes much too loudly, insensitively and inappropriately. The fact that it is done by a male minority explains why it is sometimes done loudly, but it doesn’t and shouldn’t excuse the tone of communication that has sometimes been used by men towards women on this forum. There are better ways to maintain women’s awareness on this forum that it’s a disease of “people”, and I’ve suggested how that could be achieved above.

This is an example of the tone of communication that has caused annoyance and led to this debate. It was posted by a man elsewhere on this forum in June

“We have only to carry on educating people - one day they will understand - Breast Cancer affects Men too - there are women who use this site, require educating too”

I rest my case.

I agree that nobody can say whether one person’s experience of breast cancer is any worse or better than anyone else’s, regardless of what sex they are. It’s very subjective.

I wish you well too.


Locking thread I am going to lock this thread as the issues have been thoroughly aired and the debate is now in danger of going around in circles.

Also, I have received a number of complaints from forum members who feel the debate is aggressive and have been upset by it.

I would remind people of point one of the code of conduct

Respect. Breast Cancer Care online community is about the sharing of information and support. We recognise that at times user’s views will differ. It is important for users to recognise, acknowledge and respect the values and beliefs of others. If you disagree with what someone has said then make sure you argue the issue and not the person.

Kind regards
Breast Cancer Care