Third Excision

Hi everyone.

I was diagnosed on 22nd December with DCIS in my right breast. After two wide local excisions, they have still not gained clear margins.

My third excision is booked for next Wednesday 22nd May.

Has anyone else been in this situation please? Feeling very overwhelmed right now xx


Hi @tracy1. I’m in the same situation so I totally get how you feel. I was diagnosed on the 18th of December and I’m having my 3rd op on 21st. It’s the last chance to get clear margins or i will have to have a masectomy. I’m fed up with all the delays as my chemo is not able to start until the surgeon is fully finished. My cancer is invasive but with some dcis too. Looks like yoir dates are similar to mine so far. Hope with all my heart that it’s 3rd time lucky for us both next week. X


@tracy1 and @bluesatsuma Good luck both of you. Thinking of you as I hopefully have results of my first op on Thursday. Can’t imagine what it feels like repeating the whole thing three times!
Let us know how you get on but really hoping for a positive outcome xx


Good luck @anne3 for your results too. I’m sure you will be fine. It’s pretty unusual to need 3 ops. Let us know how you get on. Xxx


Hi @bluesatsuma

Yes, virtually identical timings.

I really feel for you, the waiting is awful isnt it :disappointed:

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I truly hope we both get good news this time and can then continue with our treatment plans. I feel like mynlifevis on hold, do you?

Sending love to you xx


Thank you @anne3

Sending love and positive wishes for your results. Please do let us know how you get on.

Sending love and best wishes to you xx

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Exactly how i feel @tracy1 …like my life is on hold. I wanted to change the school I work at this year but that’s not practical now. We planned loads of house renovations but now we’re scared to waste the money. We wanted to take the children abroad for the first time but now it’s just Cornwall. But glad for your company here in limbo land. Xxx

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@bluesatsuma it is not a nice feeling :confused: I changed my job 2 years ago from a global company that paid 12 months sick pay to a lovely small family company (and a job I love) that struggles when I’m not in, so I’ve only had one week sick after each operation and worked from home, going in the office occasionally. I know my boss needs me back in the office full time as soon as possible, so that is bothering me too.

I’m very, very glad for your company too :sparkling_heart: xx


Rest if you can - and give yourself time and space too - you are in good hands. Ps thinking of you and wishing you all the best for third time lucky :four_leaf_clover: (as it was for me)


Hi Tracy1
:crossed_fingers:all goes well for you and @bluesatsuma
You get clear margins 3rd time lucky I know how stressful it is and it delays treatment you will get there xx


I struggle with work needing me too - I’m a senior teacher with many responsibilities. When I’m off they pay my wages but also have to pay for my cover too. It’s very expensive for the school. I feel guilty leaving my class too. But another person at my school said to me that my family needs me more and essentially we are no good to anyone if we are struggling with the anxiety of all of this. I will obviously take proper time off for radio and chemo if I need it. Put yourself first xxx


Thank you @Teresa4 that’s such good news to hear it was third time lucky for you. Did you need radiotherapy too? xx

Thank you so much @charlottebee xx

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Hi @bluesatsuma you sound so much like me, putting others before ourselves. I think this time, we need to listen to our bodies and, like you said, put ourselves and our families first.

Sending love and hugs to you :kissing_heart: xx


Thoughts and fingers crossed for you x


Hi @tracy1 and everyone,
Like yourselves I have a busy responsible job that I love, and previously have taken little to no time off work when undergoing treatments.

This time I have learnt my lesson and decided to put myself first as me being fully recovered is better for everyone involved. I have ended up having a mastectomy with DIEP reconstruction so have been signed off from work for a defined period as recommended by my plastics team. Having this defined period has made it easier for my work to cover my position in my absence, it isn’t easy as I now want to rush back but I know in my heart that this isn’t the sensible decision.

I would say to everyone, look after yourself first and don’t rush back to work too early as it doesn’t do anyone any favours, the mental and physical toll of constant uncertainty and recovery, is very difficult to deal with and to process.

Thinking of you all xx


Thank you @Curlywurly1 xx

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Thank you for your message @Summer-sunshine I really hope your recovery is going well. It is so true what you say about the mental and physical toll of the constant uncertainty xx


Hi Tracy1,
My next door neighbor was also diagnosed with DCIS in her right breast. She had two wide local excisions without clear margins. For her, third time was a charm! She had chemo afterwards and also radiation. Fast forward 17 years later. She is in her mid-60’s and just retired. She is enjoying life with her husband and has had no recurrence. I wish the same for you! <3