This is hard

We never got to go on the holiday we planned, i was going to spend a night with her this weekend, i already miss everything so much, this is killing me

Hi bubblez, nobody ever said it was going to be easy, most likely the most difficult experience you will ever endure, and endure it you will, with time, and help, you will.

Be strong, thinking of you both Liz

Bublez, I’ve sent you a PM, Nicola

Hi Bubblez

i’ve followed your thread but have felt that i have nothing adequate to say to you in this terrible time.

Thinking the best for you. x

Hi Bubblz…

I really feel for you, and hope that this might help in a factual sense… an I apologise if it seems in anyway patronising, it isn’t meant to.

My mum had fluid on her lungs, this is caused by secondaries in the lung. When the fluid accumulates it pushes the lung up, so decreasing the lung’s capacity. Usually the fluid is drained away and a procedure called pleurodesis can be performed to “seal” the lung to stop fluid re accumulating.

This works if the accumulation is slow. If the fluid accumulates rapidly. then it may not be so effective. My mum had this done in July 09 and that time it worked really well, and gave her an extra 18 months of independant life. Unfortunately the second time she had it done in her other lung, the disease progression was too rapid.

My mum also had oxygen to assist with her breathing - it helps to ensure more O2 is taken in by the reduced lung capacity. She started on 2litres O2 , which we ended up increasing to 4litres.

Unfortunately, in my mum’s case the fluid and secondary cancers in her lungs were the reason she passed away.

It is of some comfort to me that although this lead to my mum’s passing, she was NEVER in any pain, and gradually just grew more tired. She was lucid until the end, not needing morphine at all, and was able to be at home with her family.

I truely hope things can improve for you and your loved one. You are in my thoughts xx

Bubblz, Ive just seen the end comments. I didn’t say before but I lost my mum just last week, so I really feel your pain and sorrow.

I’m so sorry xxxxx

post deleted

Hi all, just to let you know she has passed away now, she fought too the end, thanks for your support xx

I am so sorry bubblez, my thoughts are with you

(((( big hugs))))

Much love to you, my thoughts are with

So sorry Bubblez, sending you <<<<hugs>>> x

so sorry bubblez, my thoughts are with you at this very sad time.

Liz xxxxx

I’m so so sorry to hear this Bubblez. My thoughts are with you and I sincerely hope you have some support to help you through this difficult time.

Lisa xxxx


So sorry to hear your news. I followed the thread but didn’t feel I had any more helpful things to say than had already been said by others.

Thinking of you and you should know that you are in many peoples’ thoughts at this time.


As Wandy said, your story has touched the hearts of so many on this site. It is probably of no consolation to you, I don’t know what could be of consolation to you, but lots of people have you in their thoughts.

I hope you have some support to help you through the next few hours, days, months and years.


So sorry to hear your news - as others have said, I was following your thread, but didn’t feel I could add anything useful. Just wanted to let you know how much this touched me, and hope you are getting the support that you need at home xx

bubblez, I am so sorry to hear your news. I am thinking of you and hope you have found someone to support you. Please take care and be kind to your self.

So sorry to hear your news, I hope you are not alone, our thoughts are with you xxx

I’m really sorry to hear your news.Can you get support from someone who understands the complexities of a hidden lesbian relationship?

HI bubblez,
I feared your partner had died when we didn’t hear from you on the threads for a few days - I am so sorry. Those of us who’ve been in grief are sending you big hugs and lots of cyber support in your grief. Its a tough place to be, and tougher when so few people know how much you loved each other. But you know what, YOU both knew, and thats what really counts. I hope very much that you can find a way through these days, feel free to PM me again if you want,
many many best wishes Nicola