This is hard

So sorry,
Hope you have some support. Hold on to those happy memories at this very hard time and try to wrap yourself in the love you shared.

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Its been a tough couple of weeks, thankyou for all your messages of support…trying to stay very strong for her and her family, easier said than done but im doing it…never thought for one moment it would be this hard, but i have to get through it for her, i now know how some of you feel as im now in ‘your’ shoes, i cant believe how fast this disease can take away people’s lives and hurt so many people around the person who is suffering…never expected it to end like this i really didnt, i do have support from her family and friends, which is sometimes hard to take up the support purely because they dont know the full story, but i think inside they knew how much we cared for each other even if they didnt know the full extent of the story.
Id like to take the time again to say thankyou so much for all the support, i know i was only on a couple of days but that couple of days released so much that had built up, and none of you know me yet you’ve all showed so much care and support, i hope one day i can be of help to you all in someway, thankyou xxx

Take one day at a time,

im so so sorry,
big hugs


Have just read through your thread and it has reminded me of how precious life is. I have had breast cancer but all is now well for me. I cannot fully imagine what you have had to go through loosing someone so dear to you and so alone. I hope each day that passes helps to ease your pain and your memories of happy times can comfort you too.
I came out to my daughter when she was 13, she accepted it after the initial surprise. Perhaps when you feel able and the time is right you could explain to her children. They would accept and be happy that their mum had shared love with you and so you will feel closer to her family.
Be kind to yourself bubblez and yes take each day as it comes it will get easier x