Three years ago today

Dear Tors,
Congratulations on your Three Years today and your wonderful post to us all. I will be 3 years on 20th July this year , so not too far behind you. What a journey we have all been on, and all what you say is so true . After a Cancer diagnosis we are never the same again, we know we have been facing life or death. We are so grateful that we are still around to see our children and hopefully grand children grow up and of course we are so sad for the ones we have lost along the way, like my friend and work colleague who died of Liver Cancer at age 48 and my next door neighbour who died of Breast Cancer last year at 56 as it had already spread to her bones. We are so grateful that we must endeavour to get others to Touch Look Check and be Breast aware. We are grateful for so much , that we learn to cope. We endure pain and become strong, that does not mean that we will never cry again, it just means that we try and Smile more Lots of love Tracy xxx

Bumping up so that more ladies can read Tors beautiful post. xxx

What a wonderful post . I was diagnosed in September 2008 and like Tors I have lost several dear friends that were diagnosed at the same time as myself. I thank God every day ( and I was never religious). Heres hoping for many free years to come… xx

Congratulations and hoping that one day I may too get there x

What a lovely thread Tors - it made me feel all emotional, happy and sad.
I am 6 months ahead of you, DX Sept 2009…
Mine/our lives will never be the same again, as Tracy has mentioned.
It has been a long hard road for many of us, a real roller coaster of emotions.
That line between life and death, staring at us in the face…
My own children, who were then 5 and 18 mths old -tiny little dependent (and still are) children none the wiser about the journey ahead.

Tors, i just love your piece of writing…the words so poignant and speak so much truth of the reality of the BC journey.

Here’s to many many years ahead of us all.

Hi Tors,
Thank you for your brilliant post. I am just about 5 months ahead of you and feel and have felt just the same. I can hardly believe I have actually been through it all. In October I elected to have a second Mastectomy and it has given me a sense of freedom. All the very best to you and everyone reading this.

3 years ago I was with you every step of the way . Glad to see you’ve come so far and providing so much inspiration to so many. Keep up the good work xx

sarah xx

Hi Tors
Thankyou … so moving… So true…You have so encouraged me to keep going. Congratulations…and hoping we all get there too. Thankyou again xxxxx

Hi Tors.
what beautiful words, i raise a glass for you, and hope that i too can reach 3years, i now have hope.
big hugs xxxxx

Hi Tors,beautifully written,can’t wait for my three years,am only at the point of waiting for second chemo,but one day at a time.Will get there eventually.Thanks and good health to you Love Chris xxxx

What can I say that hasn’t already been said? A beautiful post, wonderfully written, full of grace & serenity. Wow! Thank you. Caroline x

I was just about to log off for the night and I saw a link to your post In the Valentines thread. I’m glad I stopped and read your amazing post. I was a bit down just before I opened it and you have now cheered me up so much. I am still at the beginning of my own journey (DX Nov 12) and 3 years ahead seemed such a long way off for me. As I gazed at the screen I looked back and remembered something that happened 3 years ago and realised how fast time has flown since then and It put everything in to perspective for me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to tell us your 3 year story. I’m going to bed in a completely different frame of mind and it’s all down to you. I hope if I make 3 years that I can come back on here and make someone else feel the way you have made me feel tonight
All the very best to you and yours.
Live laugh love x x x

Thanks your your poignant post, which struck many chords with me too. Congratulations on reaching 3 years.

Kinden xx


Keep it going girls, it deserves another read. Well done Tors xxx

Fab thread, just keep reading it everyone!
It brings a tear my my eye every time xxx
Naz xxx

Just bumping this up, touching wood I can write my 5 years ago today post in march :slight_smile:

Many congratulations Tors, and thanks for the lovely post - in 3 weeks time I reach 5 years and your post resonates so strongly with me.


Thank you Tors, what a fabulous post. I will br back to view again when I need that extra lift. I understand the medical jargon, but am now also learning other definitions for “bump”:smiley: looking forward to March with you x x

Just thought I’d add a little caveat by way of update, to say that, as of last week, I had my Five Years Ago Today moment. It’s taken me a week to be able to feel properly grateful for it as the five years stirred up a myriad of different feelings which I hadn’t remotely anticipated feeling. Guilt, memories, fear… It’s tough this cancer malarkey isn’t it!!!