Three years ago today

Hooray for 5 years tors… still an awesome post.Thanks for coming back with your update. Mine was a march diagnosis, and this is my 1st year anni… am wobbling but hanging in there. Hope you are cracking on with life again. X x x

Hi SML, i had my mamo a little early as am due to have symmetrisation surgery next week. Was like a bear with a sore head dancing on hot coals each time the post didnt come. 3 weeks down the line rang for the results, phew… so blinking relieved :smiley:
So hopefully final op next week then backk to bras that fit :smiley:
Best wishes for your mammo results and grats on your first year too x x

I was so touched when I first read this post,it made me cry because I could identify with so much of what you said.I was coming up for my first anniversary at that time which I found really difficult and emotional.
However,your words were so inspiring that I have sought it out again today,never having posted anything before,because today is my 'Three years ago today" and it feels very significant.At the beginning you can’t imagine reaching this point and now it is lovely to share with other people who understand.Thank you

Hi, I always promised myself that I’d keep in touch with the BCC Forum if I was lucky enough to be ok. So, this week saw my six year anniversary since I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2010 at age 36, and here I am updating people! I touch lots of wood as I say this, but I seem to be doing well, I’m much the same as I was at my “three years ago today” post, but because it’s six years now, I suppose I’m double ok!!! Take care everybody, I’ll keep checking in xxx

Good luck with your results Wendy,hopefully you can breath a sigh of relief when your letter comes.

Keep checking in Tors,gives those of us a few years behind you hope and encouragement .

Nice one,here’s to another year without the bugger raising its ugly head!!

It really really helps when people come back after years to give an update. As someone newly diagnosed that’s what I want to hear right now, how others have managed the mountain and that they have found the summit. Thank you

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