Travel insurance providers

I am looking for recommended travel insurance providers please. I am mid treatment, mastectomy in March and Lymph Node clearance in May. I am awaiting results which will then determine next treatment.
I have been given the thumbs up from my consultant that I can go to Spain at end May.
Many thanks x

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Hi Winnie1
Good news you can get away on holiday I managed to go away like you mid treatment had thumbs up from consultant as well , I went online was fairly easy managed to get a few quotes and got insured with stay sure they were helpful when I rang as well there is a few company’s out there good luck x

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Thank you!

Hi @winnie1

Welcome to the forum

I saved this website after watching a YouTube video about BC and travel insurance. I can’t remember for the life of me who it was but I book marked it. I haven’t used them so can’t endorse.

This was from a breast cancer now YouTube

Hope it helps :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank you @naughty_boob for remembering our recent Facebook Live.

@winnie1 I found this page on our website that may be useful: Travel insurance and breast cancer | Breast Cancer Now

If you’re unsure about anything, please remember our nursing team is here on freephone 0808 800 6000 (Mon-Fri 9am-4pm; Sat 9am-1pm), and always happy to chat things through.

Sending our warmest wishes

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That’s really helpful, thank you x

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Thanks so much x

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