Travel Insurance

Hi all

Just have to let off some steam! The usual problem. Travel insurance. Got my renewal form in for annual worldwide multi trip insurance covering myself and my husband, had the policy for two years no problem. Guess what? They cannot cover me this year.

They did the usual medical screening, no changes for me, except that I did mention I had a CT scan which showed what may be scar or fibrous tissue which the doctors do not think is anything to be concerned about, but to go back for a follow up scan in six months.

My husband was covered for high blood pressure and gout. He could be covered again this year without any bother.

When I asked why my cover was being withdrawn, the lady could only say, it could be your age (64 this August) or maybe there have been too many claims coming in from customers. Forgive me; I thought that was why people take out insurance! Let’s face it the premiums are not exactly cheap for pre existing conditions.

So, here I go again, trying different companies. I have to be totally up front and honest when applying for insurance (that’s just me). I would be terrified if anything went wrong and I had not declared it. I would also be concerned about travelling to Canada or USA without cover. I have relatives there.

Now, I don’t know if I am a social outcast because of my age – or because I was honest and mentioned the scan. I even phoned earlier during the year to say I had changed from Tamoxifen to Exemestane.

Forgive the rant. I don’t do it too often. (maybe I should) at companies.
I just feel so angry and was quite upset!

Thanks for listening.

Love and take care

Hi thistle

Macmillan have done some research on travel ins , i did some secret shopping for them, during the summer . I haven’t got any of the details to hand as i am in the middles of packing the house for a move, but there were a few i called that were happy to insure with but excluded pre existing conditions.
They might have something on the web, i’ll try and have a root and see if i can find any info i may still not have packed away.


Hi Thistle
I’m not sure if you have had a primary or have secondaries. For secondaries try Miaonline, plus they will cover pre-existing if your primary treatment has finished ie chemo/rads. Others for primary are Insure Pink and (I think) It’s so easy. Others have been mentioned on here before.
Hope you get sorted.
Nicky x

Thistle, I am having problems getting insurance and want to get away after rads has finished at the end of Feb. I have had some hideous quotes (over £1000), but insurepink
have given me a premium of £130.00 for a 2 week trip which is fab compared to what I have been quoted. You have to be a month past any treatment. There is another thread on here about travel insurance, might be worth having a look. I have spoken to McMillan about declaring the BC, but excluding and not advisable as if anything did happen, insurance company would more than likely link it back to BC! Best of luck J

Hi there

I sympathise. I have found Medici good both for my cancer and multi conditions for my husband.

Good luck!


Thanks to everyone for the replies and information.

Rhian – thanks, really kind of you to reply when you are in the middle of packing up. That is stressful enough! I will check the Macmillan website as well. Thanks again for your help.

Nicki – it was a primary with mastectomy, reconstruction. chemo and radiotherapy. It was It’s so Easy I was insured with for the past two years and had actually found them very good, that is why I was so surprised when I could not get cover this year.

I do not, if possible want to take insurance excluding BC for the reason you stated, the company linking any problems back to it. I just feel a lot better being covered.

I will have a look at Medici as I would like to have my husband and myself on the same policy.

Fortunately it is not urgent at the moment, so I have time to look around. It was just that the policy was due for renewal and I thought it would be just a case of renewing it. I will start looking and let you all know as soon as I find anything.

Once again, you have all been a great help. It is great to come on here as you always get answers and helpful information.

Love and take care


Thanks for the suggestions ladies. I am trying to visit my friend in the US later this year. So far no company has been willing to accept me including the specialist ones I tried. They all say either I haven’t had 2 years since diagnosis(March 09) or that I’m still having treatment(herceptin). Some did offer to cover me excluding the BC but with treatment in the US so expensive I’m not prepared to risk it.

I haven’t tried Thinkpink or Medici so I’ll give them a go.

Jan xx

Hi all

Here’s the link to our travel insurance publication which may have some insurers you haven’t tried:

Best wishes

I too was refused cover by It’s So Easy, after not having problems before. I tried to renew in December, and thought that as I was another year past diagnosis (now two and half years) there wouldn’t be a problem. When I was refused I asked to speak to a manager, who didn’t really give me an acceptable answer, but did give me the number of Preferential Direct tel: 0870 607 7277.
I rang them and got cover without a problem - an annual policy, worldwide for just over £200 (can’t remember the exact ammount off the top of my head).

The worst part was that It’s So Easy made me feel like a 2nd class citizen,and I spent a day crying after thinking I was at last getting to grips with things. These companies need to train people to have a little more compassion.



Latest update for my trip to the US. Insurepink were prepared to offer cover for medical expenses at a reasonable cost (under £300) but not for cancellation. In fairness, I’m not travelling until September so it might be different if I try again in a few months. Downside of that is the airfares get more expensive the later you book. Medici refused to cover me at all for the BC.

Will try Preferential Direct now.

Thanks for all the tips.

Jan xx

Thanks Karen

I am soo soo glad that I am not the only one who spent a day in tears. I thought I was through with all that. Things like that upsetting me, but obviously I am not. The lady on the phone was quite pleasant and said if she could change it she would. Probably just to placate me. If she had called me madame one more time!!!

I was just about to burst into tears when I ended the call and did not think to ask for a manager though, by the non answer that you got it would have been a waste of time anyway. I will give the number you have posted a try. Thanks again.

Thanks for the link Lucy.

Been one of those weeks in work as well!!

Oh well, onwards and upwards.

Love and take care

I have just got insurance for the Caribbean from GetMy at a reasonable price. There is a company called MRL insurance who will insure most conditions if you can say “no” to a range of questions. I couldn’t do that this time but intend to go back to them in the future.

Hi I’ve also just got insurance with GetMy for Cuba in March. It is costing £116.00 for me and OH. I think this is very reasonable as I was quoted over £600.00 by another company.

Jackie xx


I tried GetMy this morning and they were only willing to cover me without the BC. I must be doing something wrong. I think my trip to the US is going to have to wait. :frowning:

Jan xx

I got my travel imsurance from Lloyd tsb. as i’m already with the bank, and get free ins, they gave me cover for on off trip for £40 witch covered BC…

So keep trying there are alot of ins co out there


For my two pennies worth try

very understanding and knowledgable staff, quick medical over the phone. I have just come back from the Carribean and got fully covered for BC including cancellation.

Give them a try - you deserve that holiday x


Thanks Jax,

I’ll give it a go.

I tried MRL earlier but they don’t cover the pre-existing condition if you are less than 12 months from diagnosis or 6 months from surgery. A bit more promising since I don’t intend to travel until September and will be able to buy nearer the time.

Jan xx

Hi ladies,

I have free (European) travel insurance through my bank account (A and L). I phoned today to ask how my BC would affect my insurance. He quoted me £180 fee but explained that that was simply to have the BC added to the policy. Anything else that might happen, not connected to BC, is still covered on my policy. So no extra charge needed…

Sheila xxx

Hi Ladies,

So far I have used Medici but have only been to Europe so can’t say about the USA.
I saw an advert in the Daily Mail about their insurance which covers medical conditions. I went on line and found it was Columbus. I filled in for 2 weeks for 2 people in Europe and entered my BC and Asthma. My friend does not have any pre-existing conditions. The quote was £104 and included cancellation and full cover for me. That is cheaper than Medici by £10. I will use the Mail next time.
I will now get inundated with emails from Columbus as I don’t need insurance at the moment but never mind, it was worth it for the info.


Another vote here for INSUREPINK, am off to the states for 2 weeks at end of May, a year after diagnosis.
I wanted to be covered re bc as am taking tamoxifen and that increases the risk of dvt and I also have lymphodema and don’t fancy being hospitalised with cellulitis and not having that covered.

Anyway, got a quote for full usual coverage plus the bc related stuff for £53 ! That was four times cheaper than some companies and half the price of many others. Phoned round about ten companies in total. Happy hols to all.

Sandra x