Trying to remain positive but struggling with the being in ‘limbo’ pending results

Hi everyone

I’ve just joined the forum today as am struggling to remain upbeat and reign my mind in!! Any advice or positivity would be greatly appreciated.

I’m 46 and was diagnosed in November with a 20mm tumour in left breast ER+, HER- and grade2. Was told surgery (lumpectomy) and radiotherapy was the way forward.

Found the lump myself after noticing dimpling in breast and when I went to breast clinic it did not show at all on Mammograms but thankfully did on Ultrasound and was biopsied.

Because of the no show on Mammogram I have also had a breast MRI and got the results of that last week - unfortunately it has thrown up additional areas (in both breasts) that now need additional biopsies.

I’m scheduled in next week for those but am struggling to deal with the additional wait for these results and how that could affect my diagnosis or treatment. To be honest my mind is running away with itself going through worst case scenarios and I’m fighting to remain upbeat!!

I feel like this isn’t really happening like it’s a bad dream if that makes sense??? Not feeling festive in the slightest and I’m also struggling with what to say to my teenager about this. I want to wait until I have a definitive diagnosis as don’t want them worrying unnecessarily and I do t want to spoil Christmas either.

Some days I can see the positive’s like it’s good the MRI has picked up these additional areas up now and they are all dealt with at once and also that may yet be nothing.

However today I feel like I’ve hit a brick wall and can’t stop crying :cry:.


Hi Kitty, I’ve just returned from MRI and now have the agonising wait for results. I know how you feel, can’t offer anything other than my understanding and hope all’s well for you. Sending you a virtual hug xx


Thanks so much Jecs just having someone else who understands means a lot!

It’s the waiting and not knowing that I really find hard to deal with.

Hope you get your MRI results quickly - I got mine 3 days after the scan so that wasn’t too bad.

Take care and good luck xxx

Hi @kitty77,

Welcome to the forum. We hope you find it a helpful and supportive place. I’m sorry to hear what you’re going through and that you’re feeling upset, but you’ve made a really brave and important first step in posting here today.

Please know that our nurses are here for you any time, here on the forum on the Ask our Nurses your questions or over the phone 0808 800 6000.

You may also find it useful to have a look through the various boards and topics to find those going through similar experiences.

As you’ll see from the responses you’ve already received, everyone is very nice here - so please do ask any questions at all.

Sending much love,

Alice :heart:

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Thanks Alice xxx

Hi kitty
So sorry that you find yourself here, where non of us want to be.
We all understand how you feel right now. Waiting in between processes is so hard. It’s hard to wrap your head around what you’ve been told.
Take one day at a time. You will be given a plan, and have lots of support from your team and on here.

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Hi Kitty,
It is all very overwhelming for you at the moment. You will be ok. The positive is, it is a few months of unsettled time, but then you will be ready for recovery. I didn’t miss the shaving of legs etc, having to do my hair for a short while, quite liberating really. Gentle exercise, walking etc helped me no end. I planned race for life for 26 days after completing chemo, it focuses the mind. I also worked all the threw which helped me. I know it’s not possible for everyone though. Chatting to your friends will help you. Oh, be kind to yourself!! Good luck with everything. We are all here for you. X

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So sorry you’re having to wait for results. I was diagnosed in May with grade 2 2cm tumour and had an MRI to finalise the size the tumour and decide if I needed chemotherapy before ( bigger than 2cm) or after (HER+ chemo with Herceptin). It found another tumour in the left a second primary grade 1.

It then meant I needed another biopsy and another wait. It was hard not knowing but the wait and MRI found another tumour and that was factored into my treatment plan. My breast care nurse and surgeon were both very reassuring that the treatment could wait a while we waited, it wasn’t a medical emergency ( even though we feel it is!).

It’s probably worse this time of year with the festive season upon us and everyone else is enjoying themselves. I’m due to have my last chemotherapy this week and I’m not very festive, just trying not to catch anything from anyone and keep as well as I can to get it finished. Christmas will be back next year! This year I just need to get through my treatment!

I would suggest as far as your teenager you should be honest with them. Keep them involved. My children are in their 20s and have been kept up to date from diagnosis. Obviously this all depends on your child and your relationship. Keeping them involved means they can understand how you feel, how they can help or just give you a cuddle.

Take care. Don’t be too hard on yourself. You’re doing the best you can. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Thanks so much for all taking time to comment and offer support and advice.

I’m trying to keep myself busy so have been out shopping with my Mum today and I’m out for a decent walk everyday with my dog too - sometimes dont feel like it but I find once I give myself that push and get out and about my mind is on other things (for a little while at least).

I am now having my additional biopsies tomorrow then will have to wait for another follow up with consultant so will let you all know how I get on.

Good luck to you all on your own journeys - please keep me updated on how you are all getting on via this chat. Although none of us want to be here it’s comforting to know you’re not alone and there are so many of us going through this together xxx


Sorry you’re having to have additional biopsies and another wait, but it’s for a reason and you’ll get the best treatment first time.

I’ve just finished my 12th Paclitaxel today so that’s great, another 4 days of side effects and hopefully feel a bit more normal for Christmas, then onto radiotherapy in January. Pleased to get some respite for a couple of weeks.

You are all strong, you are all special, you can do this :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hi all

Just wanted to give an update on my original post.

I had surgery on the 27th December - bilateral WLE’s full axillary lymph node removal on left side and sentinel lymph node biopsy on right side last couple of weeks have been a bit of a daze!!!

I’ve also had bloods taken for genetic testing as I’m under 50 and have tumours in both breasts :slightly_frowning_face: not sure when I will get those results though.

I am recovering at home and am feeling ok but still really tired at times but definitely feel a bit more in control of my thoughts etc now that I am getting a definitive treatment plan.

Due back at hospital for results next week
or week after so hopefully will find out what next stage of treatment will be.

Hope you’re all coping well over the holidays xxx.


I got my additional biopsy results on 21st December and was told at that appointment that I was booked in for surgery on 27th December so Christmas was a bit of a blur!!

We told my teenager on the 21st that I was going in to have these lumps removed after Boxing Day and they know that I am due back for full results in Jan where I will hopefully get the final treatment plan. After I stressed so much about having this conversation they seemed to take it all in their stride - a lot better than I took the news if I’m honest!!!


So glad you had your surgery. I know waiting again for the next set of results is hard, but try to concentrate on getting better after surgery. They will be in contact with the next step as soon as they can, lots of bank holidays could be a delay with labs.

I am bilateral and am waiting on genetics to get back to me to see if I’m eligible for genetic testing. I was already in the system as my Dad who had passed away had cardiomyopathy which is genetic. Unfortunately they couldn’t test his tissue they obtained from his hospital. So they had blood already and I have updated family history. An MDT have to assess family history and my bilateral diagnosis (I’m 54) to decide if I get tested. They called on August and haven’t heard from them since!

So pleased your talk with your teenage went well, so much better to keep them in the loop.

Take it easy after your op, do your exercises, they really help with mobility, if you can’t do some just give it a day or so to try again. Any problems phone you breast care nurse.



Evening ladies :hugs: I’m new to posting on here i have found reading the post a lot of help. Just wondered if any of you have any experience of delayed results as im starting to fret. Lumpectomy 17mm & 2 sentenial lymph nodes removed 23rd Nov, two weeks ago results successful removal of tumor & clear margins but results not back reg lumph nodes another appointment made for today phone call fron Breast care nurse a couple of hours before appointment to say it was cancelled, pathology results back but no one there to go through the results with me, appointment now next Tuesday nearly 7 weeks after my op im worried that the cancer may of spread to my nodes. More waiting. Next stage of my treatment plan delayed too Any one else had this happen to them. Really appreciate any advice Thankyou :heart:


Hi @flowrs

I waited 4 weeks for results as it was over the summer, lots on holiday in the labs and then needed to get through backlog. That could be the same for you with Xmas and New year bank holiday and some may have shut completely between as well. Although 7 weeks is a long time. I hope you get your results soon, I’m sure the breast care nurse/ surgeon will be checking daily and be in touch when they receive them.

Take care🥰

Evening naughty boob : )
Thankyou for your reply. I was told two weeks ago that my lymph node results were unclear on the slide so they were asking for a second opinion. Told today the results are back but no one available to go through the results so my appointment cancelled until next week. More waiting &uncertanty :pensive:

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I had the same operation as you then had to wait four weeks for those results to be told it had gone in the two nodes so I needed a full axillary clearance which was two weeks later. I then had to wait another 5 weeks for those results as they weren’t back and they have an mdt meeting before they give you them where I live. It hadnt spread to any more nodes which was so good to hear but now have another 3 week wait now for an oncotypedx test to see if I will benefit from chemo, So I’m currently about 16 weeks from original diagnosis and still no set treatment plan in place.

I guess what I’m trying to say is try not to worry, it may not have been found in the nodes and you are not alone

Sending hugs

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Thankyou chillout365
Really appreciate your reply & hugs puts my mind at rest. Hoped if my results were ok that they would be able to tell me over the phone. I’ll just have to be patient & postive, difficult at times though
Take care :heart:

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@flowrs hi i have been reading this thread as im waiting for results too. Just wondered how youre getting on? Were your nodes ok? X

Evening bluesatsma
How are you doing ? Waiting for results is difficult, i found filling that waiting time with fun things (days out, walks tv box sets anything to keep my mind off my boobs :sweat_smile:) helped it pass quicker. I did get my lymph node pathology results back, one of the two sentinel nodes cobtained isolated tumor cells which measured less than 0.2mm, this result did concern me but i have been told by the surgeon that in terms of treatment this doesn’t change anything. I will start radiotherapy next month, i had the planning scan today & started hormone blockers (letrozole) last week. xox