I had an ultrasound done after 2nd chemo treatment for ER+/HER2+ and the tumor shrunk from 2.7 cm to 9mm. I was thrilled. Next ultrasound after 4th treatment only shrunk another 2mm. Did the treatment stop working? I think I convinced myself it would be gone. So disappointed and feeling discouraged. Anyone else have a similar response? How did things end up after surgery?
I’m so sorry to hear about what you’re going through at the moment, and that you’re feeling discouraged.
In case other members of the forum don’t have an experience they can share with you, please know that our nurses are also here to support you - with clinical questions or for a chat. You can get in touch with them here on the forum on the Ask our Nurses your questions board or on our helpline 0808 800 6000 which is open Monday to Friday 9am-4pm and 9am-1pm Saturday.
Welcome to the forum, it’s such a friendly and supportive place. The good news is that the tumour has shrunk and you still have more chemo to go I’m assuming or did you only have 4 cycles?
Some threads might be good to join with your diagnosis/treatment.
HER2 + and need some buddies has been going for over a year with people at different stages of treatment and some finished their active treatment. HER2 treatment can last much longer than chemotherapy. There are a few people on the thread who didn’t get a CPR (complete pathological response) to chemo and have moved on to Kadcyla from Herceptin/Phesgo.
There is also a monthly chemo starters group so you can get support and help from others having similar treatment to you. I have link the November 2024 starters and there are a few ladies on the HER2 thread as well.
Yes, I have 2 more treatments to go. I think I set myself up for this disappointment. I just told myself it would be gone this time because of the great initial response. Truth is, I have no idea how this whole thing will unfold. I will just keep praying because I have no control over any of this !!!
We are all here for you, you have done so well. Be kind to yourself, take one day at a time at the moment.
I think if I were you I would give my breast cancer nurse a call, she will have your notes to hand and be able to offer, and answer any questions that are worrying you, let her know you are feeling anxious at the moment I feel she will point you in the right direction to cope with how your feeling.
Cancer is so stressful, everyone journey is different. I do wish you well going forward, please let us know how your getting on.
I had similar to you. Better shrinkage after first two rounds than after rounds 3 and 4. Oncologist said that’s normal in a lot of people and that the idea isn’t necessarily for the tumour to disappear but for it to get smaller so they can take better margins around it during surgery. I had double mastectomy and they said that they have got everything out with good margins.
Good luck with everything x
Thought I would share my experience and what the surgeon told me. I had a 6cm tumour, same type as yours, which shrank by 25% after 2/6 rounds of docetaxel and carboplatin. I was thrilled but I sensed from reaction of oncologist that this was moderately good sign. After 5 rounds they told me that I had a complete response, the tumour couldn’t be seen on MRI. I was ecstatic! Fast forward to lumpectomy, first time they didn’t get clear margins and analysis showed 9mm of tumour left after all. I had to go for second operation to get the clear margin. Asked surgeon why there was some left after all and he explained that chemo works best the higher the grade of tumour. My tumour was grade 2 but that 9mm at the core was low grade and that’s why it didn’t get completely zapped. Had to go on Kadcyla for 9 months , not ideal but far easier to cope with that full chemo. I was able to go back to work. I’m 4 months past all treatment now. Clear Mammogram recently. MR scan 6 months after chemo was clear too. As someone else said. I wasn’t ever promised a full pathological response, just to shrink down à large tumour to make the surgery less extensive, and to see how my tumour reacted to chemo.
Your tumour has reacted to the treatment, which is excellent news! It may have slowed down like as it’s down to the low grade remnants. With HER 2 pos cancer, it is a long haul, but we are so lucky to have all these treatment strands. Good luck with the next stage. It’s a marathon for sure! Xx
Thank you for sharing your experience. I did talk to the nurse coordinator and she said sometimes what is left at the time of surgery doesn’t even have any cancer left in it. Not that this is how it will be for me, but it got me thinking that a lot can still change with 2 more treatments of chemo to go. My tumor was a grade 3 so that is probably why I had a good initial shrinkage. It’s amazing all the different stories and experiences people have with breast cancer. Thank you again for sharing.
Pleased to be able to share experiences and hopefully provide a little reassurance. Those last couple of treatments may not impact the size of the tumour bed but they may mop up any naughty little loose cancer cells, if there were any. I remember thinking, do I even have to go for treatment 6 if there’s no tumour left? I did go! All the best with it all. Would love an update from you further down the line
I will provide updates for sure. Hoping for all this to be in the back of my mind for the next 20 years and not in the front. One step at a time !!! Thanks again.
Thank you for reaching out. I needed to hear some stories about this shrinkage pattern being somewhat normal. I’ve read so many different experiences that I think surgery fills in a big puzzle piece. Thank you again !!!
Update as promised. My Dr told me he was very happy with the progress of the tumor. He explained to me that they don’t do the intermittent ultrasounds to monitor shrinkage. They do it to make sure it’s not growing and spreading because then they would need to stop and do something different. Foolish me, live and learn. Anyway had last treatment 2/18 and an MRI yesterday. I’m not a doctor but I do believe the results say the tumor is now gone, other breast looks good and so do the lymph nodes. Will get the full scoop and next steps in a few weeks. Very happy at this point and praying to get that CPR I hear about. God is in control of each step here. We see what happens when I think I know what I’m talking about !!!
Thank you for letting me know your update! That’s so encouraging that it seems to have shrunk to nothing and nodes and other breast are clear. Best outcome ever!! All the very best for your pathology results! Xx