I have to say the most annoying is the Picture loans one with the Geordie woman - why does she not shout to her husband and kid (who keep interrupting her), “For Christs sake I’m on the bl**dy phone !” I know I would !

Kelly, I’m with you too on that chinese boy. Irritating little sod. And how big is their bathroom ???

Julie x

I think the Geordie woman is so rude, tells the hubby she is on the phone, then shouts, that the hubbys found the skateboard, why not make the call in private in the first place? why do they think such rubbish would entice us to get a loan???

For me it has to be the chinese boy sat on the loo with the air freshener “ITS ALL GONE, ITS ALL GONE” - in a wingy little voice - arrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhhh


Glad both Fiona and Princess hate that air freshener one with the little chinese boy. It is so unrealistic how does he draw that picture and push it under the door? Why does mum not go in first time but does to replace it? And YES that awful voice!!!

E-sure and Michael Winner, that stupid dog and Challenge Churchill and that moron drinking cider!

The ‘Picture’ ad is the worst at the moment, but also I hate the cringeworthy Rice Crispies ads with the mum or dad listening to the pops with their daughter. I just have to switch channels!

The cider one is not a good ad - after taking one sip of it, you have to buy a packet of crisps?

What about those yogurt advert for ACTIVIA and the woman complaining of feeling bloated and tummy hurts …eat one of the after every meal and You’ll feel better!!! YEAH RIGHT!!!

The DAZ adverts - whether it be the long lost brother with his Oh soooo sparkly whites or the resurrection of the band because the t-shirts are now gleaming again - they really make me cringe!!

Yeah those DAZ adverts have always been annoying …what about those vanish and the stain is gone …has any one actually tried that stuff …vanish my ar@e!

Peugot 206 The drive of your life!!!

as if!!!

why does ‘Barry Scott’ from the cilit bang ads have to shout!!!

Ha ha, good point sheep!!!

The conservatory add, where the couple are sat on a sofa drinking tea and reading the paper and he goes ‘shall we go next door?’.

AS IF!!! You’re in a bl**dy showroom for goodness sake!

its the same string of ads where they leave the lo seat down and the couple argue and ones in the shower …STUPID!

That ad where the guy says “Have you had an accident or been injured?” Always makes me think he’s going to follow up with “Would you like to be?” It’s another injury lawyers type thing.


The children in the Petit Fileul yoghurt ad with their French accent and prissy attitude.


‘I’m retired, where do I go for a loan’???


I agree with Olivia - I’m no “little Englander” but those small French people could do with being dragged away to fish for tadpoles and get dirty and wet like we did as kids during the summer hols!!!

Actually I wince at any promotion of feminine hygiene products - I think most of us can probably find such things to suit us without being “guided” by TV ads.

Me grumpy?

Hastings 1066 - would someone push the guy who wrote that into the sink and pull the plug? please?

The power of advertising - I actually bought some Cilit Bang some months ago - it is expensive and dangerous. It took all the glaze off my loo seat and the test patch I did on the floor tiles was a disaster. Sorry - just seen the ad again!

The Safe Style double glazing ads. Why do they have to shout at us? I find it really insulting that they think we can’t make our minds up without them shouting their product name. As an intelligent person I can find no reason to buy their product.!!!