I love the cillit bang advert, Gorgeous Barry Scott shouting so masculine in his pinny, and Picture loans, where would I be without them, just loaned £100,000 with only 2% interest.and havent fallen over any scooter yet! And the joy of B.O.G.O.F with Cheryl Baker, Heaven…My house just gleems from all the products, and my carpets are still fresh from ‘shake and vac’ don’t need vanish…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Oh sorry Just having a nightmare, have watched that much TV over the last two years, feel like I know them all personally.

and…what about the lenor advert saying that if we all changed to the concentrate they would have less lorries on the road, so why dont they just stop making the big bottles then??? if they are so worried about our carbon footprint…

I hate the advert for sizes 16-32 then the models are all no bigger than a size 16…I am no bigger than a 14 on a bad day but it is so insulting to bigger woman to be excluded from advertising, but they do show a woman with a big bust in her undies??

I hate the Vagisil adverts (but I have to laugh coz it makes me think of Jim Carey in his film I think its ‘me myself and Irene,’ where he calls out over the tannoy for the price of Vagasil, to embarras the woman at the checkout…)
or any femine hygiene adverts, esp the one that resembles the pampers absorbancy crass…

I’ve thought of a classic - hate it!!!

Think it’s Lenor - the one where the lady cant find anything to wear , decides on her husband’s white shirt, adds a belt and then gets into a restaurant with it on - it only just covers her backside. In the real world, the waiter would say " your not coming in dressed like that!!!".


ps. does anyone actually know what crushed silk is supposed to smell like !??


I HATE the Admiral car insurance…you know the one with the parrot?
I could cheerfully pluck its feathers out and throttle it!!! ;o)

any ad with carol vordaman selling loans with high interest rates … she should know better

For me it’s Elephant car insurance with that idiot dressed up as an elephant in a suit in the background. Oh and then there’s “does searching for car insurance drive you crazy???” No you do mate.

It’s just another thing I have to thank chemo for - I get to watch more daytime TV on my off days. And while we’re on the subject, is it just me who despises Eammon Holmes. He’s such a miserable, self righteous, patronizing buffoon. And he talks to his missus like she’s something he just scraped off his shoe. Chauvanisitc pig. She could do loads better than him, she’s lovely. Bring back Phil & Fern though, that’s what I say.

Ta ta


Yes bring back phil and fern …lets start a petition

The only one at the moment that I really like is Nationwide but I think it is almost past its sellby date.

I hate those ads for incontinence products that imply that once you’re of a certain age, you’re going to need them. Also any advert aimed at women (which they all seem to be) for constipation remedies. So if you get constipated, someone fills your handbag with rubbish???


adverts mid afternoon which are all for aids implying we must need then watching t. v. at this time

The MFI advert (Scotland) with scenes of families having rows as if they are at home and they turn out to be sitting in various room layouts in the store.

Must add on the Picture loans woman.Would she not have decided before she phoned how much she was going to borrow? She sounds really happy, having put the family into nearly double the debt.


>>>Ones that make me mad are the chocolate ads that have all those thin beautiful women munching on chocolate bars - yeah right they either do not eat them or I am doing something wrong!!!

Yes, It’s like wine tasting. They take a mouthful for the camera then spit it out when the cameras stop rolling… (has to be)


Hi Ladies

I can’t bear the picture loan as either, and another one that gets on my nerves is the USWITCH where they come dancing out of a cupboard!!!

Then there is another for EGG cards with hamsters or some other vermin!!! Whats that all about???

Take care


What about the one where the estate agent opens the wardrobe and finds two women in there - think its for bingo or something!!

The HISCOX Insurance adverts
Both me and OH cant help sniggering every time it comes on

I am sad


God I hate Picture Loans but what about ’ Challenge Churchill’ that ruddy stupid dog thats know only two words ’ Oh Yes’
‘Oh Yes’ Why can’t he just say ‘Woof Woof’ like any normal dog. For those of you who are old enough to remember he reminds me of Alberts Tatlock and I couldn’t stand him either… I agree that most ads during the day are aimed at the older generation but do we really need it rammed down our throats that we will become incontinent old ladies that will need a stairlift and MUST leave our families provided for when we are gone. My comments are not meant to be disrespectful to those people who already need these things but hey.
By the way another most hated is the black guy with the big wig and bright satin cloak and backing group who screeches and shouts ( but I can’t remember the ad). Is it the Uswitch one?


Me again. How about we try and raise some funds for our cause my being judges on the ads? We could contact the Companies and tell them that for a donation to Breast Cancer Reasearch we will give them the results of our poll. i.e. GET IT OFF!
What do you think Moderator?


Phil & Fern fans,

rumour has it they will be back where they rightly belong tomorrow. Well, thats what my mum reckons so don’t blame me if I’m wrong!


kelly I hope your right!!! If your wrong I’ll blame your mum!!!

Oops! Looks like my mum has let down all us Phil & Fern fans! I can only hope they’ll be back with us soon!
