Unsure which cream/mousturiser - radiotherapy

Hi. I am due to have 5 sessions of radiotherapy following a lumpectomy (nipple removed). I asked about which creams or moisturisers can be used and was told to use the one I usually use - except that I don’t use one. They didn’t offer advice.
I have looked in shops and am confused by so many options. I have heard Aveeno mentioned but there are some Aveeno products that say 24 hrs, 48 hrs, etc. i looked ar a couple of other moisturisers and they also have a number of long lasting products. I mentioned it at my CT scan and was just told not to get a product with metal in it.
I would be very grateful if anyone could let me know what they were advised or what worked.


:heart: moo goo, aveno, e45 and i personally used dr organics tea tree with calendula gel, you might have to try a couple till you find one that suits you, i know I did. Your team will keep eye on your skin during rads and if required can give you medi honey. Drinking lots of water during rads helped me 2-3L a day, others will pop on with what they used successfully too :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

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I used flamigel. Available from Amazon. Applied it 3 times daily for 3 weeks and had no skin problems at all. I was told it is given out by the hospital if skin problems occur. I am 6 weeks post radiotherapy and now using aveeno, which I use as I have mild psoriasis.


Hi :slight_smile: it does depend on your budget too and what works for your skin. I used La Roche Posay as they do a cancer specific line that I still use. I’m in my 30s, applied cream twice a day during radiotherapy and for a few months after as well. I didn’t get any burns, but I have a feeling I just got lucky. My radiotherapy nurse said it was a good and safe product to use. I would also have baths with coconut oil, I was too tired to shower at that point in my treatment and coconut oil helped prevent dry skin.

I agree on drinking loads of water!

All the best :slight_smile:

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Dear Northerngirl1,

I think you have had some excellent from advice from Jill and bigpickles.

I would like to wish lots of luck with your radiotherapy as Jill suggested drink plenty of water, rest and be kind to yourself.

Big hugs Tili :rainbow::pray::rainbow::pray:

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I know what you mean - I never really moisturized my breasts before I had radiotherapy either. It’s a good idea to start now and get your skin in condition. I also was confused so used jojoba oil as I know it’s the most similar thing to our own skin out there and virtually impossible to be allergic to it. Also just one ingredient . My team were happy with my skin but I did burn although I never developed any breaks blisters or infections. A friend had radiotherapy elsewhere a couple of months after me and was given Aveeno and I then changed onto Aveeno daily which I still use now and can’t recommend enough though you may want to get the one that moisturiser more intensively for the first few weeks. Some people have also used Aloe Vera gel alongside and kept it on the fridge so that it is cooling. I used a clean bamboo sock in my bra under my boob to help absorb sweat and prevent the skin surfaces from rubbing together - other people have used bamboo cloths or silk scarves . Xx

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I’ve been using Aproderm it’s a gentle moisturiser and is suitable for babies so it is gentle but really soothing
I got mine from Amazon



I had five days and I used a combination of biafine emulsion cream and osmo soft, I kept them in the fridge

Biafine is used by the French for radiotherapy and they are both used for burns.

I think these are both available on Amazon but I was given them by a very kind friend who is french and says this is what is used in France.

I didn’t have any burning at all, just a very slight change of colour like a sun tan.

Hope you find something suitable for you

Good luck with your treatment

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I had 20 sessions and used MooGoo. I had some redness but nothing major, although I only finished on Wednesday - hopefully it’ll not come out more!


I used pure aloe Vera gel immediately after each session as it’s very cooling and soothing and then when I got home from the session I used the cream the hospital gave me and applied it a couple of times a day including just before bed.

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Another vote for Aveeno here! I had a large pump bottle of the blue one which I used at home (it’s often on special offer in Boots so worth stocking up as you’ll get through a lot!) and had a little tube of the green one which I took to the hospital with me and put on afterwards. Didn’t have any issues, just a tiny bit of pinkness. x

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I used Cera ve moisturiser and still use it liberally ever since the cancer 2 yrs back and have ended up with much better skin than before.

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I was issued Flamigel from the hospital and told to use it as soon as I started Radiotherapy, not to wait until I saw any skin reaction. My skin was calm until after the radiotherapy sessions (15) finished- then flared up for about 2 weeks. I carried on using Flamigel during and after Radiotherapy and my experience was totally ok. After a couple of weeks the inflamed reaction calmed back down and returned to normal. Wishing you all the best.

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Another vote for Aveeno. I also put mine in the fridge so it was nice and cool when applied

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Use lashings of it now and at least 3 times a day during and after for 3_6 months after

I got some burns so was prescribed medihoney and given it free by the team but i also used these which i still do

Good luck

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Hi i definitely recommend MooGoo but as others have said it what suits you …
My radiologist said its what he’d recomend to his mum if needed.
Also …they do a free gift packages for all those who are starting treatment.chemo or radiotherapy or both… Just fill out form and details…on website
Was so lovely deodorants. cream.lip balm tea bags etc. I just made a voluntary donation back when i was in a position to.
Good Luck !
Love and hugs xxxxx


I was told to continue using whatever I was already using as trying something new can cause allergy/reaction. They said fragrance free would be preferred if trying something new and doing a patch test 48 hours before.

I was lucky enough to have won Radiaderm R1 and R2 from a Dr Liz O’Riordan instagram giveaway. It was amazing, one was a cooling gel. I didn’t have any redness or burn. I have really sensitive allergy prone skin.

Talk to your team. If you want something new try a moisturiser designed for eczema prone skin as it will be very soothing and kind. Aveeno, Cetraben etc

I wish you well with your treatment.


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I had radiotherapy in Greater Glasgow & Clyde (15 sessions). They recommended Aveeno.
I used the Aveeno moisturising cream (no numbers). Its a cream bottle with green. Says “also suitable for adults and babies from 3 months who may be prone to eczema”.
I got it in Tesco & Boots but im sure you can get it on Amazon too.
Good luck x


@northerngirl I had a similar problem as didn’t regularly use a moisturiser. The advice I was given by my Pharmacy and did work well for me was to use Doublebase Diomed Dry Skin emollient. Hope you find something that works well for you, all the best x


I just used pure aloe vera gel and had no burns, redness or soreness.