I used Aveeno too after 15 sessions of radiotherapy. I had no skin issues at all, only very slightly red at the end but it was fine and the Aveeno was great x
Hi. I had the same treatment plan as you and I used Moo Goo Udder cream every morning and bio oil at bed time and other than a tiny bit of redness I didn’t have any other issues. Good luck x
Hi @northerngirl , hope your radiotherapy goes well. My hospital gave me doublebase moisturiser which I often see in pharmacies. I really liked it, very moiturising but also soaked in quickly so good to apply after the sessions. I also tried the 90% aloe vera from holland and barrett which was good for soothing the heat. I often heard aveeno mentioned too x
Another vote for Aveeno. I developed really sensitive skin as was allergic to the adhesive on the drapes ised in surgery. Skin flared up and blistered at everything after that (even just putting a plaster on). But had 20 doses of radiotherapy and no problems. Used Aveeno 4 times a day. Took it with me to the radiotherapy appointment and put it on straight after treatment. Don’t put it on before though. They recommended to me no moisturising in the 2 hours before treatment.
I was also told to moisturise a much larger area that you think - the middle of the chest, the side, up to the shoulder and slightly round to the back.
Also I think someone mentioned plenty of water. A good tip.
Its so hard to tell if you just get lucky but I think that at least if you moisturise well, it’s going to be as good as it can be for you.
Really hope all goes well for you.
I used Aveeno in the build up to Radiotherapy but didn’t realise how far the treatment actually goes until they showed me where it ended under my breast and into my armpit. As a result I got blistering in the two areas I hadn’t been moisturising! So if you get a chance ask them to show you where the outline is and make sure you take any cream/lotion there. I do have very very sensitive skin so I’m not surprised I had a reaction. Good luck
Hi @northerngirl
At Belfast Cancer Centre they supply you with the moisturiser - Cetraben. You can buy it in Boots or on Amazon.
Hope that helps.
Hi Northern Girl, I had my 2 surgeries last year one in January then my radiation from March through April then a pause until second surgery in August. I also asked the same questions and did my own research for something organic and also healthy while strong enough to protect your skin before during and even after while you recover. I found the BEST botanical cream it is Oncologist formulated, and a natural herbal relief and safe to use by ALL CANCER PATIENTS. It is called CamWell and I purchased it online. It is a little pricey however my skin is back to its normal self with a very slight tan but hard to tell. I started using this before radiation & I started as soon as I could after my 1st surgery and during my radiation and after and my skin never blistered, burned or was damaged. I showed my breast specialist oncologist and my plastic surgeron and my radiologist and all approved of it. At all of my follow ups (currently) the Dr’s and nurses can not believe how well my skin healed and tolerated such aggressive radiaiton treatments. The only thing about the cream is the color is slight yellowish and can stain your clothing so I used some inexpensive breast cancer post op bras when using it. A little goes a long way also. Their website is ourcamwell.com my plastic surgeon was so amazed with this cream I told him he should stock it in his office or at least let his patients know about it because NO ONE told me I did all my own homework on herbal and all natural creams/lotions. Hope this helps !
(I also used as a backup Calendula cream you can find that one in your local pharmacy stores or Walmart/Target/Amazon etc.)
My oncologist said any were ok but she did say Cerave has been tested specifically for radiotherapy and has extremely good results. I’ve used it 3 times a day and no reddening or changes to skin. Finished radiotherapy last week
I also used Flamigel RT Gel, given to me by my hospital to use throughout radiotherapy and after as well
Hi, I did 5 days.
Organic calendula ointment, it’s the active ingredient in most of the commercial stuff without all the nasties.
Any of these natural balms are also great for the whole body again without nasties. You can alternate between calendula amd the below. If youre having hormone therapy then reduced oestrogen or chemo can be very drying so the below would be good for that.
https://strataxrt.com/ is what they use at Harley Street. It’s not cheap but worth it specifically for radiotherapy.
Good luck
Hi, I used Vaseline Intense Repair, smothered it on in the morning before radio and again at night before bed and it worked great for me, I never had any issues with my skin just a very minor red pin prick type rash about 8 days after treatment had finished but that went away after a week. I had 15 sessions of radio.
Good luck with your treatment hope all goes well xx
I start radiotherapy on 11th march for 19 sessions. I’ve had 6 treatment cycles of chemo as well. My oncologist advised me to use aloe Vera gel after radio.
Best of luck
I can vouch for the Flamigel. I was given it by the hospital and told to apply 3 times a day from the start. I had only very mild symptoms, which I assume is at least partly due to the Flamigel. I had 10 sessions of radiotherapy in total, 5 whole breast, 5 to the tumor bed only.
You just have to make sure you don’t apply it just before the session, as it needs to be absorbed into the skin.
Once I ran out of that I started using normal Aveeno moisturising lotion (green one) just after shower.
I hope it all goes well for you. I found the first session the most disconcerting, as I didn’t expect anything to happen but my breast got quite swollen and my nipple very sensitive. It all calmed down the next day though and all in all it was very bearable.
All the best to you!
Hi, I had radiation treatment after lumpectomy. Was advised to use Eucerin or Aquaphor…Both worked well for me. Other suggestions are Cetaphil, CeraVe and Aveeno.
Good Luck.
Mary Geller
aveeno was recommended by bcn and radiotherapist, they also said start before treatment to get the skin ready. i was using bio oil beforehand which helped until radiotherapy. about to finish my 10th out of 10 session today and the nurse advised any side effects normally start after the first 5 sessions. bit of redness and swelling but 2/3 times a day cream, ibuprofen alternate with paracetamol and i take some half hour before treatment.
also antihistamines as well as showering before treatment (maybe half an hour before) but make sure you are dry, i use bamboo flannels to pat dry. Good luck and keep hydrated!
Hi, I finished 10 days of RT a week ago. I’ve been using Dove, Epimax emollient and Boots own version of Aveeno simply because I already had them at home. I’ve been moisturising twice daily since I had surgery in late November and apart from a little itching and redness, my skin is in good condition. I also had some swelling so I avoid wearing a bra or anything too tight.
Post surgery, my BCN advised very gently stroking on (not rubbing) moisturiser on the affected arm from fingertips to collar bone to improve lymphatic drainage and avoid swelling and the RT nurse agreed that I should continue that.
Take time to look after yourself. Sending you a gentle hug xx
Hi, northerngirl,
I had 16 treatments. I was really surprised by what my radiologist told me to do: Banana Boat After Sun Lotion! Try finding that in November. I finally found it after going to 3 different places.
I was given a prescription for Mometasone solution and I mixed a pea size of that with a quarter size of Banana Boat in the palm of my hand. I used it 3 times a day, including weekends.
I was expecting the worst since I’m very fair-skinned. I had a skin check right before my last treatment and my radiologist was thrilled that I wasn’t burned at all.
My breast was reddish, my nipple was darker and the skin was just a little sensitive.
I bought a few Fruit of the Loom cotton bras from Walmart that hooked in the front and wore them day/night and slept in them. They were perfect for preventing irritation from rubbing against my clothes.
I’m sure you’ll find the right lotion for you. Take good care of yourself!
I had radiotherapy breast and under arm, very sore so they said use aloe Vera wrong really did sting if skin is broken, and ended with infection so started using Aveeno worked better good luck.
I was given Epiderm by the breast care nurse I saw during my 5 sessions of radiotherapy following a lumpectomy and lymph node removal. Its perfume free, very moisturising, and suited my skin perfectly. I have used it around a scar following another ( unrelated) surgery, and my skin is soft and supple. I have bought another large tube I use as a daily body lotion. Hope this helps x
I was given flamigel by the team when having radiotherapy / didn’t need to buy my own. Worked brilliantly and I haven’t used anything after it ran out (a couple of weeks after radiotherapy)