A classic yesterday - people do not die from BC these days, it is really just minor hiccup…
Well, yes treatment IS wonderful these days thanks to the NHS, but no way is it MINOR.
I am very sharp with these comments nowadays, and I hope folk learn from my response - which varies from gentle explanation through to F### off.
I have had a friend obsessed about me loosing my hair in the future…laughing that my hair might come back straight(i am naturally curly and want to stay that way)…laughing that i may turn grey and then adding i should cut off my hair and keep some as my 2yr old likes to play with it!!! (which he dont) …then she joked that i would hit menapause now before her…may i add she is not a close friend lol. And dont you just love the face book friends who start posting breast cancer survival rate posters and expressing how much better it all is now in hopes you will see it and it will build you up !!! The list goes on
Oh sorry but i just have to add the friend that thinks im coping with it all to well and went on to describe that it will hit me soon cause she was like me when told she was borderline diabetic
When I was having my 2nd lot of chemo on NYE one of the nurses said to all us patients in the room that she’d had a test which said she had a 90% chance of getting pancreatic disease but she just lived her life and didn’t let it get her down, that we shouldn’t let it stress us too much …errr,we’ve all GOT cancer??
My sister also drive me mad with unfavourable comparisons to her friend who’d had BC (so have I) ,I wanted to tell her that each person’s different as is each cancer but kept quiet instead as I realised her trivialising my situation was her way of coping.
When looking on the net for hats my hubby tried to “lighten” the mood by saying my mum could make me a hat from an old pair of curtains, he then went on to say during my oncology appointment when hair loss was discussed that he had a spare crash helmet! If this is what I get from my nearest and dearest God help me from others…after explaining how hurtful and inappropriate his comment were he said he felt stupid, to which I agreed. After reading some of the comments on here I am going to laugh when I can and when I can’t I will not be biting my tongue .…lol…I will try x
When being admitted to hospital for my lymph node biopsy the poor student nurse asked me would I rather die in hospital, a hospice or at home to which I replied “I don’t give a toss as long as it’s not today”
I’m loving this thread and just wanted to add my own little classic. When I told a colleague I would be having a mastectomy she replied “oh poor Tony (my husband), you’ll have to tell him to cop a good feel while he can” !!! WOW!
Hi Everyone
I was diagnosed in March this year and have had 3 lots of FEC and my 1st lot of Tax 10 days ago. I have to have a mastectomy as my lymph nodes are involved and then radiotherapy.
My sister lives 100 miles away and I didn’t want to tell her my news over the phone or before she went on her holiday. I therefore decided to go and see her after she got back from her holiday. Of course she was really upset when I broke the news and rushed over to give me a big hug. As she knelt down she looked at me and said " you know you don’t need them anymore have them both off " I only have bc in my right breast so was a bit taken back. I know she was only trying to help bless her but it still shook me up.
People do say things without really thinking…
MY BC was ER+ and I was told by a well-meaning (but rather nosey) person “you should have the other breast taken off then you could take HRT”. Really??!!!
I am nearly 2 years past having cancer now but still remember the worst thing that happenedto me when I was walking down into town to the doctors for a flu jab. A workman off of a building site shouted over to me and said “Have you got a light mate!!! ?” OMG I was so upset. I walked right up to him and said “I happen to be a girl who is very ill with cancer!” “Oh replied the man, anyone can make a mistake” I didn’t know how to answer so walked off trying to hold back my tears.
Travel Insurance - haha
Hi everyone; I just booked some single trip travel insurance; as I was going through the ‘declaring preexisiting conditions’ part of the process I wrote Breast Cancer into the slot given. The page then gave the words Breast Cancer again in a drop down menu and asked me to “CHOOSE CONDITION” !!! OMG I haven’t laughed so much for ages - no I don’t choose the condition ta very much. Have written to the travel insurance company to point this out.
All the best, Moorcow
My own registrar said to me at my First oncolgy consultation that he was choosing my TCh regime because my cancer was not that bad as it hadn’t spread into the lymph nodes. I felt trivialised but on reflection I realised that it was a language difficulty. Each person Cancer is unique was what he might have said or ws trying to say.
It has left me with niggly doubts though.
Hi ladies,
I am just joining. This thread made me smile. Thanks. Is anyone on a chemo called Caylex ( this May be spelt wrong)?
My lovely daughter (aged 14) is very squeamish so I was dreading telling her that I was going to have a mastectomy. I was very surprised when she took the news in her stride, saying ‘it’s not like you need it anymore cos you’re not going to have any more babies’ ! I took it in the supportive manner it was intended.
Hi OnceWild
Kids are funny aren’t they. My 6 year old keeps asking if the nipple will regrow. I’ve said no a thousand times so the other day she presented me with some blu tac she had rolled up and attempted to paint pink and announced if I get some strong glue and stick it on it’ll be exactly he same as the other side ? X
So funny . From the mouths of kids eh?
Thought I’d share a comment I received recently from my MIL.
I had a lumpectomy in Dec 15, followed by 4 sessions of TC chemo and 20 rads. I am now on a waiting list for surgery to reduce the size of my other breast to “level” me out. I am a 34D on my left side and a 34G on my right, I’ve been wearing a prosthesis since the lumpectomy. A couple of months ago while having lunch with my MIL I said I was so looking forward to getting the surgery done so I could stop wearing the prosthesis. She said “oh but surely you’re used to it by now”!!! Words failed me, if I hadn’t been so stunned by her comment I would have asked if she fancied swapping places with me!!!
Vik x
Had a good one today,
I told a client I was working with that I have cancer and will be having treatment, as I had to make future appointments with him.
He said ‘cancer eh, my mum collapesed out shopping, found out it were cancer, dead two week later’
I was so shocked, it was funny, but I kept my head down working - there was a long silence then I think he thought that was probably not the best thing to have said so he added ‘course that were ten year ago, things are better now, they live longer dont they’
so I nodded and said things have improved a lot yes, he then stuck his foot right back in his mouth adding
’ yup when your numbers up its up eh’
he really was not being nasty he was just pretty thick !
It’s so great that we can get to the stage when we can see the funny side of our illness. It took me a while but I can talk and laugh bout it now.