DG, you can go off people, you know!
The most annoying thing someone said to me today was “your blood count’s too low, you have to have another blood test tomorrow and you might not be allowed to finish your chemo”. That has REALLY made me cross.
DG, you can go off people, you know!
The most annoying thing someone said to me today was “your blood count’s too low, you have to have another blood test tomorrow and you might not be allowed to finish your chemo”. That has REALLY made me cross.
Oh… CM I’m so sorry… My annoying thing today was the Reg saying I need to have a core biopsy and mamogram done on a benign lump on the good side!
Funny how we’re all different - I have no objection whatsoever to being thought inspirational/brave/courageous. I agree we are just “getting on with it”, but if the WAY we get on with it inspires others/gives strength, then something good’s come out of a rubbish situation. Keep us posted CM - so near…
Hi DG I cant believe your mother in law said that … my brother in law came round before I had surgery & was ‘kindly’ telling me about one of his old collegues wives saying how she had ‘this’ BC & had it for 15 years now on & off having 12 hour chemo sessions BUT SHE IS STILL HERE … dispite the womans husband telling him 2 years previous that he didn’t think she’d be with them much longer… I started to feel really sick & light headed he then piped up & said " so there ya go just goes to show " … SHOW ME WHAT ? that it will be a great inspiration to others if 15 years down the line im being kept alive with 12 hourly rounds of chemo each week NO THANKYOU. My OH was out even he was furious at his brother when I told him, he couldn’t believe he said all that let alone when I was just diag & surgery in few days. I wonder if he was helping in some way ?
CM I hope you was able to finish your chemo (( HUGS))
Mekala xxx
Hi GIJane annoying I think is an understatement if they know it to be benign why put you through the worry ? I call that cruel
much love
Mekala x
Annoying or just stupid???
Ex husband came round at 7.15 this morning to take daughter to airport. Most human beings would ask how I was no not him. He asked if I had been out for my walk! (I used to go for 5/10km walk most mornings before work and did a 60/70 hour week at work)
A) why would I go for a walk when was going to be poisoned at 9.00am
B) why would I get up at that ungodly hour when I have all day as not working
C) if I had the energy I def would and would certainly be at work
D) does he have any idea what chemo is?
I used to be superwoman and he the couch potato! He can change but unfortunately I have no control and my superwoman powers have been taken away from me! No wonder he is my ex. Rant over! Adi
I am not surprised hes your ex, how thoughtless!!!
Well I remembered another one today. Funny how the annoying things suddenly come back to you when you least expect it lol
Anyway my mother in law said to my husband when he said I had to have another operation as the margins were not clear “its dragging on a bit isnt it” well excuse me for dragging my cancer out and not being better in a week! I wouldnt mind, but she said that in May and I was only diagnosed at the beginning of March!!! How the hell does she think I feel!!!
SGL, as someone on here said, “if you haven’t got it, you don’t get it” - how very true. But if you want to look kindly at your MiL’s remark, that could have been meant sympathetically… (of course the context and tone of voice make all the difference and she might have just been moaning!)
Adi, just smile and remember he’s your ex, and aren’t you glad of that when he comes out with that kind of remark!
haha knowing my mother in law she was just moaning choccie lol
Yep I can see why he is your Ex adi as for what stargazerlily’s MIL said OMG but as CM said perhaps she was concerned about time scale of just getting the cancer out ? I know my middle son was like a cat on hot bricks during the 2 weeks from diag to surgery he was so stressed out saying I should be in there the next day bless him. He settled better once I was through the surgery. Now he just moans about opening the fridge to mountains of fruit & veg & says Mum what am ‘I’ meant to eat ? lol
Mekala x
Well my mother in law came out with another “gem” this morning Mekalar.
“Well lets hope you come out of this as the other end” flipin heck!! I think she just said, I hope you don’t die!!! Nice!!!
Oh wow im not sure what to say to that Star ? to the point hey ! I surpose in a way she is a realist rather than compairing you to Kylie but even so not really what you want to hear. Sometimes its best peeps dont say what they are really thinking !
Not sure this really belongs on here - cos nobody’s said it yet but me, but I think I’m the only one allowed to…
It used to be a running joke in my family that my sis took after my mum, while i looked like my dad with hair - now i just look like my dad…
I know Mekalar, I was speechless, gotta to be up there in the classics of what not to say to someone with cancer eh lol
I don’t know how to answer your post without maybe saying something annoying by mistake! So I will send hugs instead!
SGL xx
I looked like one of my granddads. I got tired of ‘you still have good colour’ when it was either steroid flush or because I stayed home on the days I was anaemic and colourless.
My post was sent with my tounge in my cheek and a smile on my face!
It actually takes quite a bit to upset me - I do my best to focus on the well meaning rather than the annoying. Tho some of the things people have had said to them on here have no ‘well’ meaning in them.
Hugs back!
PS. I love my dad and he’s a very good looking fellow!
Yes Star that was a classic for sure.
DJ007 good job you feel that way & if only we all could when I read your post I smiled & said ahhhhh I could tell you got good sense of humor by thinking that way
Mezz my OH said that to me today on our way for rads today when I said I felt rough he said I was just thinking what a good colour you have & how well you look HA !I was having hot flushes & no amount of cool are was helping in a stuffy car. Funny how the OH voice can suddenly become very annoying
DDJ, my youngest calls me a fat baldy man. But with a big smile on her face and a hug, so I don’t mind. Most of the time. Sometimes we need an exaggerated sense of the ridiculous to get through this.
Oh where to start, I’m sure all these have been covered already, but this is my list
Oh crawford your post has reminded me of one!
When I said I might have cancer, a “friend” said well did the hospital say that or are you just being “dramatic”!!!
Well I went into the chemist sum to get a prescription my gp gave me for chemo se lady behind the counter went do u pay me no Im a cancer patient she went is that medical bloody hell if she don’t know it’s only top of list I can’t believe it