What do bone mets feel like?

Can anybody describe what BC metastasised to the bones feels like?

I have a pain in my sternum that’s not shifting and Im terrified. I will call my GP tomorrow but I would really like to know how others would describe the pain.

I was diagnosed with stage 1, grade 1 ER+ in Oct 2022. Lumpectomy, Chemo and radio finished in June 2023 and I’m now on zoladex injections and tamoxifen.


Hi Michelle - I have bone mets in my sternum and have no pain at all in the sternum. The mets are also in a rib and chest wall (diagnosed in February but visible to me for a year and a half beforehand) and the only pain there has been when I turn over in bed - not so much now and may have been because of the biopsies). If I were you, I would try to get to see someone at the hospital where you are being treated. Best of luck to you and fingers crossed all is ok. xx


Hi DeeBee, Are you taking any medication for your bone mets. What was the time period between your first diagnosis and bone mets. I had a mastectomy on Sept 1, 2022. I am ER positive, HER2 negative. My understanding is that for this type of tumour markers, if the cancer spreads, the bones would be the first to be affected … I have spent sleepless nights worrying about bone mets… wishing you well.


Hi Siggi. I am taking Denosumab (monthly injections specifically for the bone mets) and Calcium and Vitamin D, also Palbociclib and Letrazole. It was 24 years between initial diagnosis and this diagnosis but my oncologist said it could have been there all the time, kept dormant by the initial chemo, tamoxifen and letrazole and probably woke up about 4 years after stopping all treatment. It was dismissed by a radiologist a year before it was diagnosed in the rib, who told me it was just a prominent rib. It is also in the chest wall and sternum. Ah well, it is what it is. I wish you well and try not to worry too much. I had 24 good years even after an aggressive first diagnosis and hope yours never comes back. Good luck and hugs xxx


Hi michellec1
My symptoms of bone Mets which were to the ribs was a dull ache that came and went, I felt it more through the night, waking me up when turning. I was referred back to the breast clinic through the Gp where I was asked if I’d had a bone scan. It was through the bone scan they discovered the Mets. I’m now on the same treatment plan as DeeBee1982. Doing ok, stable and living life as normal as can be. Please do see your GP. Hopefully all is ok, I wish you well, big hugs

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Hi Deebee! I’m on almost exactly the same treatment for the last 16 months. I will be stopping the Denosumab and vitamin D this month because bone structure is better now. Was wondering if you have had any skin trouble under this treatment??

Hi Shamrock
Funny you should ask that. I suffer from Psoriasis. In the first few months the psoriasis all cleared up. Then, following an infection, the Palcociclib does was reduced and since then my skin is really bad. Every knock brings a huge red patch which turns to Psoriasis I think, but does not look much like it did in the past. Large areas of red, covered in scaly, flaky skin on my legs. Otherwise my skin is ok. Have you had problems? xx

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Hiya Deebee,

Yes same scaly dry skin and fragility with scratchy (sometimes) patches. Each little cut or scratch can quickly become an issue. Otherwise, my skin is OK too. I’m taking the 75mg dose because of my white blood cell count. Lets stay strong!!


Hi, my mets are in my spine and it started with a dull pain and then got worse, as the tumour caused a fracture.
Do you have a breast care nurse to contact? Please get an appointment with your GP as urgent and you should get a scan quickly.
Take care and big hugs. Xx


Hi Shamrock
I’m also on the 75mg due to the higher dose causing me to be hostpitalised with diverticulitis in May. I’m trying to keep strong - some days easier than others. And yes, my skin seems very fragile. Let’s hope the treatment does its job. I have a PET scan next week to see how it’s going. Good luck with the treatment. xxx

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I too have had 6 weeks of right rib pain only at night, when I lie on my side and then catches me as I turn over.
I feared the worst every day for the last 6 weeks.
Yesterday I got my bone scan result and the oncologist says it’s normal!!
I was so relieved then but she did say sometimes, rarely, scans can miss things.
Now I’m flummoxed

How long did you have your rib pain for please before it was detected?


Hi Cammy
I had no pain at all until after the lump was biopsied. I noticed the rib protruding to start with and then the ‘lump’ getting bigger and bigger. I had a CT scan in August 2021 for something else but it wasn’t mentioned and I couldn’t see it at that point. (A lot of other possible carcinoids were mentioned, none of which turned out to be anything.) In January 2022 I had an ultrasound on the rib and was told in no uncertain terms it was just a protruding rib. Although it got bigger, I had no pain and just assumed it was a rib. A follow up CT scan in December 2022 showed a large mass in the chest wall and subsequent biopsies and an MRI showed the tumours in the rib and sternum. My surgeon (cancer was by then inoperable and incurable but I saw a surgeon to start with) said in hindsight the lump was visible in the original CT scan but no one picked up on it. I beat myself up for a while for not going back last summer, but what’s the point? At least your oncologist has looked at the scan, so I would take comfort from that. Always go back to discuss with him/her if you are worried. Lots of hugs.
Dianne xxx


Thanks DeeBee for your most uplifting message. Hugs to you too!

Thank you everyone for your responses. My oncologist has booked me a CT Scan, hopefully in the next 2 weeks. So should be able to find out what’s causing the pain in the next month or so.

Can I ask whether the bone mets makes you fatigued? I’m so very tired all the time. Hard to wake in the mornings and need naps in the afternoon. Wondering whether that’s due to the zoladex, tamoxifen and just general recovery. But maybe something worse :frowning:

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Hi all. I dont know really how to start this post but i want to acknowledge you all for your strength and willingness to share your experiences.
I am 42 and was treated with lumpectomy, chemo and rads for TNBC in 2016. 7yrs on and no reoccurrence.
Although my periods stopped during chemo i went on to have a healthy baby boy who just turned 2 and even breastfed from the opposite side. I personally think now i am perimenopausal due to mood swings, hot flushes and hair loss but my periods have not really changed. I am also underarm really stinky sweating which was a symptom of my BC previously.
For the last 7 months i have developed pain and stiffness in my groin, hip and same side lower back. Hurts to lie on, sharp at times when i catch it. Physio said probably mild OA so been on naproxen 500mg x2 and advised build core strength with pilates but still pain so had a pelvic xray - nothing to report from that. So ive started to really think now could this be bone mets? I went back and he has agreed for a pelvic/lumber mri. I am under patient initiated follow up so also rang the BC nurses and saw the surgeon who has requested a bone scan. Ive got that on 16th oct. Feeling so anxious again now going back for these tests after all this time. I did lose a good friend friend to secondary BC and the thought of having to put my kids and family through this again is horrible. On reading your stories it seems like there are some amazing treatments out there that help?

Can I ask what the results were? I’m currently experiencing a pain in my neck as well as ribs and chest but it’s under my reconstruction so difficult to see anything. I have a mammogram in April but don’t know whether to try and get a GP appointment or not bother? It seems that bone mets is very much controlled by drugs so I guess there’s no rush?

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Welcome to the forum Englishrose, we have all been there and now we are here to support you.

Firstly, please don’t suffer in silence. I think an appointment with your GP would be an excellent idea to put your mind at rest. Please don’t feel that you’re being a nuisance or wasting anybody’s time because you’re not. Anxiety takes a big toll on us so a problem shared, can help enormously.

Wishing you luck going forward, please let us know how you’re getting on.

Health and happiness going forward,

Hugs Tili :rainbow::pray::rainbow::pray:


That’s really kind of you to reply to my comment. Thank you. I guess you’re right but sometimes trying to get an appointment is so stressful it’s easier not to bother! Thats why I was curious about the symptoms other ladies had before a bone mets diagnosis. I’m nearly 5 years since my initial diagnosis and no longer under the care of an oncologist. I’ll let you know and wishing you a Happy New Year !


I saw the GP last week and have an immediate referral for scans at the Breast Clinic on Tuesday. I’m a pretty sanguine and measured person but I am feeling anxious about it. However if it’s not bone mets it’s something else which will need to be sorted anyway!

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Wishing you well, for a good outcome. One day at a time, please post when you a feeling upto it letting us know how your getting on

Hugs Tili :rainbow::pray::rainbow::pray: