where are you from

New to the site

I’m from Nottinghamshire

I’m in Glasgow x

I’m in Suffolk


Wales…had urgent mammogram following nipple discharge…waiting to see Consultant on 27th July to find out the results.  Very anxious but strong.


love to all xx




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I am in Norfolk


Wherabouts in Wales Jan? I am from Bridgend xx

Lancaster lLancashire

Hi all , I’m in Cornwall !! **waves**

I’m a Chester girl, but live over the border in North Wales.

Hi all fairly new to this,

I’m from Birmingham, West Midlands

Hi I’m in North East Derbyshire.

Liverpool x

Stoke x


I’m from Oxfordshire- new to the site too x

I’m from Axminster Devon. New here too.

Hi all, I’ m from Romania?

Hi All,
I’m from California

God bless

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