where are you from


I’m awaiting surgery at Milton Keynes then rads at N’hampton

Jo xx

Not sure the 4th will suit depends on the chemo stuff which I know nothing about yet.
But would defo love a wee trip to the holy land

From Sunny Lake District in Cumbria
Defo quiet up here

Surrey/W.Sussex border near Lingfield (where the geegees run)

Loughborough, Leicestershire.

Rural Nottinghamshire

Scarborough, North Yorkshire.

i am from up north newcastle upon tyne. there doesnt seem to be many northerners on here.

my sister in law lives in guildford and there seems to be lots of ladies who live near there.

Hi Ladies

Im from a little village called Freckleton, near Blackpool

Kirsty xx


I’m from Gloucestershire…where are you being treated?
karen x

Hi Karen,

I was dx at Gloucester Royal and any follow up appointments are there. Had chemo/radio at Cheltenham General.

Sheana x

Northern Girl - I was born in Hexham and lived in Prudhoe before moving up to the north of Scotland (beyond Inverness) when I was a little girl … then nearly 3 years ago I moved to central scotland.

I still have family in and around Newcastle

I’m originally from Blackburn,Lancs but have been in Watford, Herts 26years

Lilac I’m quite near Hexham, from Brampton area

I’m from Haywards Heath - another West Sussex gal.
Hi to all the other Sussex-ers. I thought it was you Paula43 - will see you at the support group in a couple of weeks!!!

Hi Shazza…you will indeed hun, how you getting on?

P x

Hi Paula
i’m doing ok thanks. Went for my first counselling session yesterday as I went a bit fruit loop after the op. Not sure if it really helped or not and I think I’ve just about run out of tears now anyway! Going for my prosthesis fitting tomorrow - will be glad to get rid of the comfie as I really can’t get on with the damn thing!
How’s your chemo going? How are you feeling generally?

Hi Sharon

aww love you have done so well, let those tears come again if needs be. I still have crying days or rather moments inbetween nappies and school runs !! but its gone now…no more ok.!!! have they offered you recon? did you phone up about that feel good day on 29th? Are you more upset about the surgery itself??

Having the fitting will be better. Those comfie things are more like shoulder pads…ekkkk

I am ok. Started tablet form of chemo now and not hardly any side effects. Nothing like Epi and my eyes have stopped watering…yahoooo no more panda look, still shouldn’t say that too loud eh just in case it comes back.


The tears come at silly times - not helped by still having a watery eye! Fingers crossed yours doesn’t start again!

I’ve been offered recon about 6 months after rads. BTW I’m cancer free!! Onc confirmed last week. Had 28 nodes out and all were clear. Tumour had disappeared but left a few cancerous fragments plus there was an 8cm DCIS. Having rads beginning July for 3 weeks. When is your rads?

Is your hair growing back yet?

Yes I’m on the LGFB do on the 29th.