Hi Em…
Was just going to log off and saw your post… brilliant news sweetie glad it was’nt too traumatic xxxxxx
Love to all xxhugxx
xxxxx fanx! 4 left to go yay!
You’ll be laughing by the time spring comes Em… no more H woohoo!!
Bless ya you must be absolutely sick of it all xxxxxxhugsxxxx
Yep! And sick of being scared of needles! I thought I would conquer it but NO still scared rigid! At least I can see the end of it soon so onwards and upwards as a good flutterby! Hugs xxx
Aw Flutterby xx
I think the needle thing never goes away… I cringed yesterday just having my bloods taken… and it hurt!!! Got a 3" bruise
Hope the snow does’nt affect you all to badly, we’ve still got it form yesterday, and a massive amount is on its way for the East ooooer!!
I’m on nights tonight so I think I will be having a long journey… its due an hour before I set off so may just beat it and get there before it gets too bad!!
Tuck in girlies its not just the east thats getting it!
Stay warm flutterbys and think SUN!!!
Just made a decision… Son and Daughter-in-law here this weekend (haven’t seen them for nearly 5 months)… and it’s a year this month since I found The Lump, and all this began. I haven’t felt ready to celebrate before, but today, tonight, I WILL… Flutter flutter…
Hope our wings don’t get frosted… and keep getting stronger for us…
love Jane
Have a brilliant Night Jane and FLY flutterby xxxx
Have a brilliant night, Jane. A year ago for me this week too! xxx
You go flutterby! Hugs xxx
Hi everyone just back from sunny Scotland.Seriously. It rained a bit yesterday but we still managed to go to the park and feed nuts to the squirrels.Weather was cold today but sunny so had nice drive back and roads were quiet.I think everyone must have stayed home.Afew bits of snow here in Newbiggin but frosty.Hope you all had a good weekend and hope you didn’t push the boat out too much Jane.Glad it wasn’t as horrible for you Emmy and it will soon be over.
Doz I had a sore shoulder before my op and it was okay for a while but every now and then it aches but doc says its a bit of arthritis according so hopefully yours won’t be anything serious.Look after yourself and hope irritation or thrush will go soon.
Hugs to the rest of you flutterbys I am off for a leisurely bath and P.Js and a bit of telly or my book night night Janicexxxxxxxxxx
Hello Flutterbys,
Great going Emma, glad you got through this one a little better. GI Jane have a wonderful time when it comes.
I have had a wonderfully busy weekend at Rugby in Edinburgh then fundraiser for Hearts and Minds. Spent some grown up time with hubby but not feeling particularly ‘refreshed’ for Monday. Can’t have it all!
Keep pondering whether I should visit GP to see if they can help with energy levels. Has anyone tried anything they would recommend? Managed one night of keep fit and a walk but then couldn’t manage the next session of keep fit lol!
Take care all you lovely ladies.
Hi Flutterbys
Janice glad you had a snow free trip, it seems you went at the right time… considering the snow we’ve had over the last couple of days, we’ve had 4" overnight and according to the forecast today it was going to thaw!!!..Wrong, it froze!!
I’m working nights so it has’nt affected me too much, tho I did bring my PJ’s to work just in case I could’nt get home… I made it back home as once I was here I could’nt think of anywhere worse to sleep … ha ha!!! The buzzers would have stopped me sleeping!!!
Hav’nt got any results back yet… trying not to think about them… tho You may be right about the athiritis bit as its also the side i’ve played badders with for 30 odd yrs it could be wear and tear??
Crabbit… I dont know that there is an answer to the energy… (or lack of it) levels?? I’m the same as you hon I seem to have a spurt then pay for it for a few days after???
I think we just have to make the most of it while the goings good then just be kind to ourselves when it is’nt! I know the meds (Hormone blockers) can make you lethargic, if your on them?
At least its not forever tho i’ll be 4 yrs older when I’ve finished mine so by then the mind might be willing but the body sure wont be… SIGH!!! Ah well such is life!
Hope your all taking good care and keeping warm, thats my break over so better go get some work done I reckon!!
Love and big hugs to you all xxxxxhugxxxx
Hi flutterbys! Sorry it’s been a real down week but hopefully things will look up! Work related stuff that sent me into a positive spin and yep like a lemon spent weekend crying!!! Did get some good advice on here and got in touch with union so hopefully things will settle if not then I am going to get a life and jack it in!!! or get something I like (I thought I had!) Well how is everyone after that snow? Doz you were very brave girl, the thought of driving in the snow scares me these days! Heard anything yet? Been keeping these fingers crossed and they are getting a bit sore!
Crabbit if you can find how to regain some energy send some my way! I get so tired these days and no matter how much sleep,rest I get like Doz says a spurt will come and go but the pay off can be feeling so flat, can’t even say tired just ugh!!!
Janice glad you are still in one piece after your trip!
ami how is your wrist? I thought of you when I was walking in the ice with your advice! it made me smile.
harp1970 hows it going?
Jane have you got a hangover? or did you do what I did and have a tiny flutter?
We had a lovely meal out but we were only out a couple of hours and I was shattered! Where on earth did the good time me go? We used to party all night and come in with the milkman! Now more like drinking the milk! He!He! I hope like an old neighbour of ours I get going again when I am older she was 80 and asked us to a party,we went along expecting a quiet evening and blow me she had grandsons who played guitars and made a wicked punch! We didn’t get home till early morning and it went on till lunchtime! Amazing woman! Well flutterbys stay warm and cosy 'cos they have threatened horrible temps for the rest of the week! Take care all, Big group hug (haven’t had one for a bit!) Em xxxxxxxxxx
p.s forgive me if I left you out brain frazzled sending hugs all round!
Hi Flutterbies,
Aw Emma shame about work issues. Not blooming easy! If it makes you feel any better I ended up with tears rolling down my face at a meeting today! It was after school hours and a rep was in giving us a presentation. I was already tired but felt my eyelids droop. To my horror I was a tad slow in opening them. Cue the rep saying in front of everyone ‘Are you alseep there?’. I was so embarrassed i sniffed back the tears but one or two escaped (don’t think anyone saw??) and since then I have been wanting to have a bubble all day. Talk about straws breaking backs lol!
Well poor hubby then got my snippiness! He’s working away for the third week in a row and I told him I was struggling. Two more weeks away for him, so not very kind of me!
No real snow here, just icy and cold!
Yes Emma and Doz let’s bank our spurts of energy! Maybe we can have a central reserve which we can all plug into!
I’m on good old Tamoxifen Doz, 4 years and 7 months to go? Why do some pre menopausal women get Zoladex and some of us not I wonder. I get arthritic type flare ups with Tamoxifen but not been bad for a month now! I hope your results are good Doz.
Take care lovlies. xx
He everyone
Doz, wonder if your pain IS nerve damage as suggested, or wear and tear? Hope you don’t have too long to wait now to find out. Is it easing off any or is it a constant, wearing you down pain? Sounds like some of us are feeling a bit down this last week, myself included. I daren’t walk out because of the ice for fear of falling again. That would look right good at the hospital - 'Huh! It’s her back again!! My wrist has also made me feel yuk as I think its nerve pains shooting up the back of my hand and arm. And I still can’t do too much with it, so I’m a real ‘pain’! As a result I’m not sleeping. Can’t win!!
Emmy, so glad you had a good H, if it can be called that! Thank goodness I’ve finished. It’s 2 yrs this month since I was dx.
The 80th reminded me of when I visited the supermarket and the assistant asked if I was doing anything special. I said I was going to an 80th birthday. She misheard me and thought I said 18th. ‘I’m 19’ she said ‘and I’m getting really worried cos’ all my friends are still 18 and I feel soooo old!! I sympathised and hadn’t the heart to explain!!
Jane, hope you had a fab night and it’s helped pick you up.
Crabbit, Hybrid butterfies? That’s a thought! Fuel/electric. Plug in to recharge batteries. Great. Have a mental picture of fluttering butterflies all cramming in together to get their fix!!
Janice. Great you managed Scotland in the nick of time to see your lovely family! If it’s anything like here, it’ll be absolutely freezing.
Big group hug an Emmy’s instructions. Going to recharge my batteries now!
Ami xx
Oh my little flutterbys what a week were all having
Em sweetie I hope you are ok and work issues are’nt getting you down too much what a bummer… hope you are getting good advice xx
The weather here is pretty rotten too as much as I like the snow its not cleared since it came on saturday and now its turned very icy and really cold!!!
Got 2 results today… urine clear and bloods normal just chest xray to go… the one that I most wanted back asap but have another few days to wait!!
Back on nights tomorrow… I must be getting old flutterbys its taken me 2 days to get over the weekends nights and now i’m back on them till friday… was sooo tired monday I forgot my dentist app, and received a b****y bill today AAAAARGH!!
I dont suppose they would take into account all the times they kept me waiting…Mrs Angry but more at myself for forgetting!
Ami you take good care and no acrobatics if you do go out… bless ya I think your arm will have a few aches pains and niggles for a while hon it does take a long time to settle so wrap it in cotton wool when you go out!
Crabbit, I dont know why some ladies get different tablets? possibly to do with diagnosis but I sympathize with the aches and pains Letrozole is a bugger for causing them too and i’ve been put on Statins due to cholestorol rise from said Letrozole and they cause terrible aches and pains so I dont stand a chance both giving rotten side effects But we plod on and whinge now and then eh
Went for a swim today and could’nt be bothered when I got there so had a sauna/steam and jaccuzi instead… not very energetic i’m afraid!!
Well as the weather seems set in to stay cold just tuck in flutterbys and stay warm PJ’s and DG’s rule
Hope the spirits lift girls what fragile flutterbys we are lately big hugs all round xxxxxhugsxxxx
Hi all well that is done and done! Got sorted talk about communication issues right hand does not know what left is doing? Seems though I asked from day 1 one and during supervisions since Oct the boss was not made aware of my request for hols to Aus till last week and thought I was demanding special treatment after much tears explaining that during recovery I hung my hopes on that once in a lifetime hol to see my best friend of over 35 years as she came to see me during my worst and text me every single day! So the great plan formed and I am now aware it was my carrot!!! I got a sympathetic hearing and she was lovely so the plan is on Yay! would have given up the job it was so crucial to my getting out of bed in the mornings! I am now happy but so exhausted as I think I got a bit mangled in the process. Still all done and I have a long weekend to put me together again! They are threatening us with 10cm of snow tonight! EEEEK! So I guess the snow watch will be activated! It is very cold and very overcast today but it has that still quality which makes you think mmmmmm! they could be right!
Great news for you Doz! lets hope the last result wings it way soon,it’s the pits waiting! special hug!
ami I promise to wear my snowgrips on my boots if I go out! I hope you are feeling a little better, I suppose it does ache sending a hug! bless you keep safe and warm.
Crabbit I haven’t had any energy this week tried so hard not to look like I was ready for bed all week and having to get up early was a nightmare too! I do wonder if all the emotional trauma comes back to bite us on the bum further down and makes our tablets feel worse? I love the idea of us all being plugged in to share energy! I guess we do just by talking to each other on here, I know it brightens my day to hear how the flutterbys are doing.
Janice wonder if you will get any snow? you were lucky to have missed it all.
Jane I do hope you had a wonderful evening you have gone quiet not still hungover? He!He!
harp just popping to say hellooo!! hope you are doing well!
anyhoo got the day indoors till a bit later then it is food shopping just in case as we haven’t got much in the house !Going to get lots of comfort food so if the snow comes we can just chill and enjoy it as hubby has weekend off so another Yay!
Take care all flutterbys and as ever another BIG group hug to all Em xxxxxxxxx
Yes, I have been a bit quiet! Not hung over (sadly), just very busy… I’ve had people to see in the evenings after work (more work, but unpaid!) and I’ve done a school assembly this week, which is not my comfort zone, but it was fun. It just meant leaving work to meet with teacher and choir… back to work… then leaving work for mid-morning assembly, and back to work… which involves that wonderful game at most hospitals called “find-somewhere-to-park-if-you-can”… and yesterday afternoon I had an appointment with surgeon (yes, different hospital building, so play the game twice!) Anyway, all is clear one year on… but he did say that because of my “significant” node disease I would probabl be on Letrazole for the rest of my life… or they may change it to Tamoxifen after five years cause that’s better for the bones… or they may switch me round every three years (after the five is up), but I’m on hormone therapy for life basically. it felt unsettling to hear him keep referring to the “significant” disease spread. I kind of knew the numbers weren’t wonderful, but he hadn’t used that phrase before (or I hadn’t heard it), so I’m fluttering my wings carefully this morning… Day off today, but I’m on call right through from tomorrow morning (Friday) to 5pm Monday…
So glad you got things sorted Em… Doz, I’ve done things like that before and it’s so ANNOYING (that we did it, as well as their speed at whacking us)
Good thought to have an energy bank… I guess we have to be careful not to get overdrawn (to change the metaphor)…
I fell over at work last week - didn’t see a small step - and went flying… I knew I was all shook up, but thought I was otherwise OK. However, the wrench to the shoulder has set off the lymphodoema… back to the sleeves…
flutter f-l-u-t-t-e-r
we WILL get there…!!!
Holding out arms for a group hug…
Woke up after a sound sleep (unusual for me came downstairs an hour ago (3.30 pm) and its snowing like mad eeeeek and the roads are really white!! And yes you’ve guessed i’m still on nights…
Why does it always snow when I’m working???
Had it all last weekend and now again. SOB!!!
Normally I love it but fed up with it snowing when I cant enjoy it and more to the point when I have no option but to drive in it, and its coming down fast and furious now… me thinks i’ll be setting off quite early AGAIN!!!
Em I’m soooooo pleased they sorted your holiday out cos I was ready to come down there and pull you bosses finger nails out!!! And i’m not a cruel person… normally!! The amount of stress they’ve put you through is unforgivable! As if you needed it hon, at least now you can put your holiday head on and see you goal clearly now xxxxx
Jane bless you what a week, and to set your arm off is a nightmare you flutterbys seem very good at acrobatics!!! Now listen here… keep those feet well and truly on the ground, we’ve had them taken out from under us (not out of choice) too many times so please go steady no more broken flutterbys so sorry to hear your news tho good on one hand it must be quite a shock to hear the extended news re meds bless you big hug xxhugxx
I’m still wearing my sleeve and glove each night (or day depending on when I get to bed?) as even if its plying up I cant wear it for work, due to infection control risk!! My appointment for Lymph clinic is due soon so i’m praying for good news as its not been too bad recently… fingers crossed!!!
Still no xray results
It seems this journey we are on is spent more in the waiting room than anywhere else… Sigh!!!
Oh well I guess we will get there eventually… at least one good thing came from it all WERE STILL HERE and we all got the chance to meet some amazing Butterfly’s… mmmm!! thats 2 things ha ha ha!!!
Keep safe and warm girlies and NO more ACROBATICS!!!
Love and hugs always xxxxxhugsxxxx
still no snow here have had lots of frost but today rain.There has been freezing rain which has caused some accidents not far away but we have been very lucky and fingers crossed it stays this way.I am glad I don’t have to do night shift ever again I was finding it very stressful as only nurse in a busy nursing home with 56 nursing and residential residents and often only 4 of us and never any back up so glad no more stress.EM I hope you are feeling a bit happier now you know you can have that holiday.I am hoping my son is coming from Oz this year as miss him loads and don’t think I’ll ever get the chance to go there.
How is Daniel Doz time is going by and you will soon have him back even if just for a holiday.
Ami roll on the better weather for you it must be very nerve wracking with all the ice around I know my neighbour is very nervous so we are all helping her out with shopping etc.
Jane sorry to hear about your arm thankfully I don’t have any Lymphodoema but a friend has it quite badly.
I think everyone is desperately in need of some sunshine and warmth after all thats what butterflies love Huge hug to everyone and keep warm Janice xxxxxx