Where did I go????

Hi Doz - someting obviouly going wrong with site - have you rang BCC line - I know they have an IT person who might be able to help. Computers can be so frustrating!!! Don’t stop posting - we’d all be sobbing then Go sit in the shade and have a glass of wine than try again later.
BIG HUG Stella xxxx

My proof reeding is rubbish hehe x

Doz, I find it quite disturbing about scammers accessing this site!! It will make everyone afraid to say anything. Also, trying to post seems to be very frustrating sometimes and as Fluffy Chick says, she just lurks, which is awful for her. Please don’t stop posting, Fluffy Chick, or anyone else. We need to talk to everyone, not have some hover on the edge, feeling left out! Did you mention a while back that you had damaged your thumb playing badminton? It must be very uncomfortable for you. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that you don’t have to have an op! Sending you a big hug!

Stella, nothing is straightforward is it? Problems with your veins, like a lot on here! I’ve been quite lucky, the most times tried was 5, but like Emmy, we’ve both had a cannula every three weeks for a year and you always wonder if the next time will be OK! Don’t know how long it takes to heal veins or if they are ever back to normal? Perhaps Doz or Janice having nurse training might know? You’d have thought they would have posted your turban back to you, considering your circumstances! Have they lost a customer??

Elsa, it’s a relief you don’t need treatment. I haven’t heard of your disorder…I’ll have to look it up! Really hope you enjoy your holiday, you deserve it!

Janice, I feel the same as yourself, have more energy and don’t feel as down, so more inclination to do things. Mirror image of myself!!

Yvonne, you must feel things are getting quite complicated with all that is going on with the doctor and hospital! Hope you get things sorted quite soon, flutterby. And yes, should we gatecrash the weddings? With lots of people living together these days, I haven’t been to a wedding for….I’m thinking….well, years actually.

Love Ami xx

Hi Flutterbys I do hope this comes through… I was so upset yesterday I had wanted to wish people a good weekend/holiday/wedding/app’s and twice it dissapeared :frowning: i’d spent an age replying and its so dissheartening to loose it all… I know its happening to lots of people so I wont give up!!
I reported the scam and was told it happened on the old site and they are trying to regulate it??? not doing a very good job as lots are complaining that most of us feel very vulnerable knowing someone is infiltrating the site and our details :(… it happens on Hotmail too so I’m not sure they will be able to stop it… its not an actual person its like a virus where it shoots out a block message to sites so not actually sure they have got into our accounts… I’m not an expert by any means so dont quote me :slight_smile: i’m posting this now to see if it sends??? then i’ll continue… watch this space :slight_smile:

YAY i’m back :slight_smile:
Ami i dont know how my thumb started as I hav’nt played badders since my knee went last year so its a mystery?? It just started clunking when I bent it a few weeks back… now it wont bend :frowning: and if it is forced it kills so trying to keep it as straight as possible… till I get to see plastic sugeon… GULP!!!
For those i’ve missed going on holiday to weddings and who have had appointments i’m soooo sorry I could’nt get on to write to you and wish you well :frowning: soooo frustrating!!!
Jane you may be blank :slight_smile: but good to see you back, hope you had a wonderful break you certainly picked a good week :slight_smile:
My love to you all I hav’nt the heart at the moment to writelong posts as they keep shooting off into cyberspace… I changed my privacy details on my account to just friends and also my picture… due to scam, tho very limited as I’m using my sons laptop he borrowed mine to take to Afghanistan as the picture is better to watch films etc so I put a picture of my dream car on… dream being… dream on!!! ha ha!!!
Have a brilliant weekend flutterbys and for those who are worried or waiting test results my hand is always open (minus the thumb) to hold… flutter gently xxxxxxxxxxxhugsxxxxxxxxx

Hi all
ami I cant remember the last time i went to a wedding, is that our age
your right couples live together my brother has been with his partner must be 18 years…
Another hot day, weather man said heat wave is going to last untill after the comeing bank hoilday, i like it sunny and warm, not hot like this. never satisfied.
My scan is booked for tuesday , hopeing its the cellulitus the symptoms which are horried will pass,
Doz How’s the thumb, plastic surgury ! what does that entail.
Hope vikki was sitting in garden with you, also with a large drink.xxxx
with lov Hot and bothered yvonne xx

Hi everyone just back from Lincolnshire and had a fabulous day at my sons wedding everything went perfectly and the church service was beautiful.In response to the thing about couples living my sons oldest son was his best man Josh is 12 Alisons son Lewie who is 13 gave the bride away and their 2 youngest were page boys but never mind they make a lovely couple and what if they do things the wrong way round at least they got there in the end.
Hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine its cooler a bit here as we have got sea fret but I don’t like it too hot so its just right for me.
had a few wines last night and walked back to the hotel in my bare feet as shoes were killing me as I don’t wear heels very often it made a few people laugh so who cares.
Will log off now as quite tired so going to sit and chill for an hour or so love and hugs to all Janice xxx
p.s Doz have sent you a p.m xx

Hello everyone, Doz, Ami, janice, Jane, Emmy et al,
I have really missed being able to post. Things seems to be taking a long time to find and I cannot seem to bookmark the thread as we used to. I am struggling to keep up with all the news!
We are enjoying the sun. Hubby was home for the weekend and only away for two days next week so looking forward to getting some quality time together as a family. I’m sitting here coughing and spluttering but no point going to my GP because they never seem to find it in my chest! But I did finally join slimming world on Thursday so here goes. Time to get some weight off. I am finding my feeble attempts at exercise aren’t helped by carrying the extra! But at the minute I’m motivated and looking forward to losing weight…we’ll see how long it lasts!
All is well at home, work is less relentless ( I am determined not to get stressed lol) so I am beginning to feel a bit more human and in control…Still get anxious and grumpy vs depressed, or at least that’s how it manifests with me but have managed not to alienate my hubby completely yet.
Looking forward to some family things over the Summer, only 5 weeks until schools break up. I know I am lucky! Take care lovely ladies. Will try to seek and find this thread and post regularly again. Have missed it such a lot. Carolyn xxxx

Hi Flutterbys
I hope the weather is suiting you all still cant get the smileys to work but :slight_smile: he has sun glasses on ha ha!!!
Still quite frustrated with this new site and wait with baited breath to see if it posts…
Janice thankyou for the message it was well received, the hug… worth a thousand words xxxx Glad your wedding went well and the family had a good reunion… I did laugh at the bare footed antics and just to let you know I have done the same on numerous occasions :slight_smile: I practically live in bare feet as shoes dont ever get comfy for me till they are falling to bits, my feet are quite broad and since starting Letrozole they ache so much, think someone else mentioned this with their heels??? so its bare footed for me now!!!
Carolyn really good to see your posts again we seem to be getting the gang back slowly… i’m so sad the site is still having problems as its been such a comfort for me in the trials and tribulations since BC, I’m not sure about this but if you log in and look to the left list of info you should see “your posts”??? can you find us on that?? not sure if it means you have to have started the post to be able to do this but thats how I find this thread… failing that tick the box underneath to notify when new posts arrive and pick it up from your email account by logging onto the link on there and it should take you straight to this post??? ha ha listen to me the most illiterate computer user ever!!!
I started a new thread about the scam last week and since doing so there are lots of complaints from BC girls re privacy on this site How sad is that…It seems you can come on and read posts without logging in??? That is sooo bad and how vulnerable does that make people feel when this is such a sensitive site… It really is time BCC got their act together and sorted this out… I’m sure its teething trouble but it should’nt be happening!!!
Gardenparty I hope all goes well tomorrow and hand at the ready if you need support xx Cellulitis is soooo painful but lots can be done to ease it so I hope they get you sorted asap… Plastic surgery if needed will be a cut from the joint of the thumb to the base then down into the hand to sort the tendon out??? if thats what they find eeeeeek I worked an early shift yesterday to help one of the young Nurses out (she had a date sat nite!!!) and since working the thumb has packed up completely I can move it from the bottom but the middle joint wont budge now :frowning: so as much as i’m dreading the appointment I do need to get it seen asap… I picked up a cup last night and nearly scalded myself so no more hot drinks… well thats my excuse :slight_smile:
Em Ami Jane Stella KatieB Elsa FLUFFYCHICK (Come back) and any fabulous flutterby I failed to mention enjoy the weather and stay well so much love to you all xxxxxxxhugsxxxxxxxx

Hi all
Janice Your son’s wedding sounds beautiful, with all his children around him, i can just picture it, also what beautiful weather just perfect, i was naughty yesterday and had a glass of white wine with lunch, on anti bio so was really naughty.
Carolyn Where has this year gone, 5 weeks to childrens summer hols, hope the weather is kind to them, used to love mine being at home, the years go by so quick, enjoy xxx Good luck with the diet xx
At the hosp 2morrow for head scan, tried to cancell it as unbknown to me i have cellulitus, but dr wants to go as planned, so iam not as worried.
Hope we all have a peaceful week
take care yvonne xxx

I have just read on one of the latest posts re Privacy on here that our posts can be picked up on Google???
OOOOER!!! Perhaps we should be very careful flutterbys as to what info we do put on here?? Am I being too paranoid??? I think at the least, we should limit what our profiles say and do make them private by changing the viewing staus ie LOCKED!! until this has all been sorted out, I would hate to see frazzled fingered flutterbys!!!

Hi again
Doz I seem to be to slow tapping away on here, you got in before me lol.
Your finger needs sorting asap as it sounds dangerous, what with hot drinks ect…
this is the 3rd dose of cellulitice i have had and oddley not painful and the colour is normal its just hot to the touch and makes me feel sickley, so this time round i got off light xx
well off to do a bit of housework
yvonne xx

Doz -I have googled before for advice on BC and it often comes up with the forums and I’ve found an answer, so it works in that respect.
Ami - back to the veins, I had a junior doctor at 1am in the morning have 15 goes to cannulate me! Thats when we decided on a PICC line!
Speaking of couples living together, I have been with my partner 35 years, have three sons and he still says he doesn’t want to rush things! (Thinks he’s a comedian) I don’t worry about it anymore. 3 days to holiday - on countdown!
Stella xxxx

ooh Doz if they read our posts on google they might think they have logged in to a load of mad women ha ha.I agree about keeping everything private until they get the blessed thing sorted
Will post later girls just off to have a walk to post office as my grandson left his phone so need to send it a.s.a.p love Janice xxx

I’m concerned that anyone can access this site without signing in. Every time I come on here I never have to sign in…and I can see everyone’s photo’s, so I don’t want to post personal information but I think this limits our relationships.

Doz, I asked about badminton because I wondered if it was that old injury which has caused the problem now, over time? Really hope you don’t have to have an op. Ouch! About your posts shooting off. Forgive me if you’re already doing this, but have you tried typing them into a Word Doc. There’s a button on the reply box to copy and paste…much better than the little letterbox.

I will be thinking of you Yvonne, at your scan tomorrow. Lets hope they can get to the cause of everything, you must be really fed up!

Lovely to hear everything went perfectly for you all, Janice. It made me smile about who did what at the wedding. I think it’s lovely and the thing is, they must have all really enjoyed their parts. I bet it caused few emotions to surface! How are the feet? I seem to go barefoot a lot in the house after chemo affecting my toes….and I still do it! Hope you got my p.m.OK after the problems with this site!

Aaw, Carolyn, sorry to hear you aren’t too well. A cough at this time of year? Where did that come from? Need I ask…duh! School? Hope you pick up to enjoy your family week, flutterby! Glad to hear you’re feeling a bit more like your old self and in control at work…you must certainly be on that recovery road! Do you find us by looking down the menu on here to the ‘After Treatment Has Finished‘ and click on that? Sorry if you’re already doing that, Carolyn, but thought it might help!

Stella, you poor thing! 15 goes to cannulate!!! How lovely, together for 35yrs and don’t need a bit of paper to keep you together. That says a lot about how much you both care for one another. Ask your O.H. if he’s going rush to tie the knot within the next 35yrs? He, he!

I was woken at 1 in the morning with a stinging hurting sensation on my forehead. It was so painful I had to get out of bed and look in the mirror…not a pretty sight at that time in the morning…but I couldn’t see a thing. I had to get a cup of tea as I couldn’t have slept. When I got up the next morning I found a dead wasp at the side of the bed! We’ve been getting a lot in the house. This afternoon I was kneeling in the window, wafting with both hands together, shooing a wasp out of the window. When I got down I realised what an idiot I must have looked to my neighbours across the road!

Has Emmy melted in the heat??? Is Jane still blank??? Has Elsa disappeared into the jungle?? Have all the others disappeared into cyberspace??? WATCH THIS SPACE for the next exciting chapter………da… da… DAAA!!

Love Ami xx

Hello Ami, thank you for your well wishes. It is so lovely to be back. I was just having a whinge about my cough, honestly compared with what half of you are going through I shouldn’t. Especially when things seem on the turn today, cough loosening off etc and I have managed not to splutter all over the pupils!

Good luck with the PICC line Stella. You must be flipping fed up!

Yvonne, I hope you didn’t overdo the housework! I am so lazy now post BC, still not entirely back to my routine and just using fatigue as a bit of an excuse I’m afraid. Do they know what keeps triggering the cellulitis? I know we have lots of biting insects on the loose just now…and not a great deal we can do to stop them! Missed the post about you waiting for a scan so I hope it all goes well! Here’s me wittering on about a dicky chest too!

Doz, poor you and your dodgy thumb. What a shame it is hindering you so much and I hope that you are not working too hard. Hope things have settled down at home with your daughter too. What a rotten time you have had.

Take care all of you. Xxxx

Hiya flutterbys! here’s hoping this one doesn’t go off into the ether! I so lost my rag when I had typed a couple of lovely long posts only to find they didn’t post!!! So disheartening and in this heat I just lost the plot and left it!
Well had my blood test today at local hospital and dopey Dora the vampire who ‘always gets a vein!’ couldn’t! So I had to wait for ages at the other end of the hospital and thankfully hubby came with me as it’s his day off!!! They took it from my foot!!! Sorry but I did feel sorry for myself! doc said it is not a good place as it is so painful tempted to say no s–t Sherlock! She also suggested using my groin in the future, guess who won’t be having bloods done any time soon? I do hope you are all holding up with the heat, bugs and housework???
ami I think I hit the wall for about a week and today was the first day in a long time I actually could think straight! Not too sure if that is a great thing 'cos I am now looking at a ‘to do’ list for what has to be done around the house and hubby is looking a bit startled as he hadn’t noticed a lot!!! Doors and windows being wood need repainting and garage door too!!! So lucky me has a son with cheery wife who have offered to come help hubby so no excuses and I get to supervise (again!)
I hope this posts! as for the worry thing on the site I did not have to log on and could see all the pics as well as posts??!!! Worrying 'cos even FB which is a pain makes you do that and gives you the option to protect your privacy! I will not let it get to me as I know I could not have got here without you all so stuff it I will keep posting but yes keep it general for now!
Take care and BIG group hug, spoons and love Em xxxxxxx

Hi flutterbys… please let this post as i am really confused…for some strange reason every post you are doing i am being notified by email and it is showing me what has been posted??? Very bizarre!!!
I am thinking of deleting my profile completely as i am really not sure about this at all…i will then become a ‘lurker’!!! sounds a bit sinister!!
Well i hope you are all enjoying this wonderful weather on your wings… it is so nice to have some heat on my old bones!! Have started working my two day week, i am slowly getting into it especially with this weather…flutter gently in this heat… big hugs xxxxx fingers crossed this posts!!!xxxx

Quick one Fluffy! You can stop them by unticking the box under the box when you post? it says notify me when new comments are posted. I know I have had to make sure I do that or my mail box ends up full!!! Hugs Em xxx

DONT GO FLUFFYCHICK… we will not let this hiccup stop us, its the change in everything thats a pain but i’m sure we will get used to it and find ways to get round the rediculous!!!
I was’nt much of a computer user till I got BC and lots of things confused me… still do!!! But i am getting used to it now… I was at the end of my tether too Em last week, no matter what I posted or should I say try to post it refused to come up and in the end like you just blasphemed at the computer and sulked!!! Big time ha ha!! 62 and still sulks!!How Petty is that!!! :slight_smile:
Ami you poor thing B****Y wasps I hope you killed them?? We are getting tons at the moment and they are massive!!! I was sat merrily emailing the other day and one decided to crawl up my “bare” foot at first I thought it was a fly so tried to shake it off… Nope it was a gigantic dopey wasp… so everything went haywire I shot up shaking my foot… Ben thought I was playing and joined in and in the end tripped me up… the wasp was under my foot dead when I stood up AAAAARGH!!! tho it DIDNT get chance to sting me thankgod!!! I flattened the B****R Poor Vikki is terrifeid of them having never been stung before does’nt know what it feels like so the dread is quite real for her :frowning: and at the moment she’s in no position to jump up and squish one if it gets close so… paranoid she is bless her!! She’s still trying hard to get herself moving :frowning: its heartbreaking watching her struggle to do normal tasks and still is’nt sitting for long at all… her back brace has been washed today so she is chilling in bed now… I hope with all my heart she starts to improve soon as she is due a meds review on thursday due to being on morhine based meds they have to have regular reviews… and they way it stands at the moment she is nowhere near being ready to drop the doses… feeling so sad for the girl, she’s missing out on so much being housebound… we’ve had to get rid of her car so its brought it home that without me she wont get anywhere fast :frowning: I wont let her down tho and always here to ferry her when she needs it…
Janice your right no’one wants to listen to us waffling on and as for being bonkers ha ha BEST WAY TO BE :slight_smile: Batty Butterflies make fabulous flutterbys… :slight_smile:
Hope all appointments go really well for you all and any hols coming up… enjoy :slight_smile:
Must get to bed I’ve got a 7 hr study day tomorrow and our training rooms are like sweat huts so really not looking forward to sweltering all day in one chair SIGH!!! Its a Critical care day so quite imortant but I hope the Lecturer decides to sit us all out in the shade… oh yes please… what with hot flushes and sweating I should be 8 stone BUT… I’m not :frowning: oh well lovely girlies enjoy the weather while it lasts it looks like it may turn tomorrow/wednesday but back for the weekend so enjoy the cool too… are we ever satisfied??? possibly not :slight_smile: were English ha ha!!!
nite nite god bless and dont let the freakin wasps in… eeeek!!!

onwards and upwards flutterbys xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxhugsxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx