Where did I go????

Why am I just finding this thread now? I have so much in common with all of you! I had op on 31st of December last year and finished chemo and rads June/July.My hair is about an inch and a half all over, except my fringe which has forgotten to grow and put on loadsa weight.
Somedays I forget all about the cancer- strange as that may sound -and others I start to worry about my appt in January and mammo. My boob too is still quite painful as are the glands under that arm.
It helps to come on here and realise I’m not alone.I feel guilty saying that because my family and friends have been mostly understanding but they just see me , looking well, and I am well except for this stupid tiredness! Fell asleep today at cinema and missed the end of the film!
Anyway, the end is in sight for most of us, flutterbys! I know of so many people who have been treated successfully without secondaries recently and I’m positively, certain so will we!!!
Margaret x x x

Hi Margaret
WELCOME with open arms to an amazing forum and some amazing flutterbys xx
I was just about to sign off and slope off to bed (already in PJ’s) when I saw your post.
You dont know how welcome (sorry) it is to hear you say your boob is still tender I do sympathize honestly but its taken away a lot of the worry i,m feeling at my own boob… what a selfish flutterby I am but I did mean that in the nicest possible way xxxxx
Sorry to hear about the end of your film… I,ve done the same so many times tho not at the cinema :slight_smile: I start watching a really good film lying on the sofa in PJ’s of course, then get woken up with the titles running… Why do they always play really dramatic music at the end of a film??? I wake up wondering what the H**L happened!!!
Glad to have you onboard hon xxxxxxxxxxxhugsxxxxxxxxxxx

Oh Doz
I didn’t mean to make you cry, so sorry for that. I just wanted to make you better. Having said that, do you feel better for turning on the taps? If you do, then that’s a release and that’s good! Sleep well my friend.

Hi Margaret
I’m so glad you found this thread. We’re all in the same boat here, finished treatment yet still need TLC. These ladies really understand how you are still feeling. About the weight issue, I’m still carrying an extra stone I don’t need, but can’t get my head around losing it. I know all the right things to do but something it’s yet to “click” in there for me to do it. So, I have a wardrobe full of lovely clothes I don’t look good in or can’t get in at all. What goes on in our heads no on else really knows, do they?

About the brain. I often can’t remember names on television and keep saying “Oh, you know who I mean” to my husband and dad, then we spend ages trying to recall between the 3 of us - don’t know who’s the worst. Keep saying to each other “Give us a clue”. Then we blurt out the answer about 3 hours later!!

If we’re all butterflys then my husband says he’s a dragonfly!
Hugs to all, Ami xx

Hi Ami
Yes it did do me good to blubber… sometimes things get bottled up for so long the basic instinct does a back flip and you forget that you can just let go xxxxxxxxxxx and I did let go!!! :)You are so right in saying we still need tlc, its often hard to admit your struggling when everyone see,s how well your doing and are looking normal, The mind is such a complex thing.
I can absolutely relate to the name thing, I sometimes go out with a friend who is my badminton partner we sit in the pub (I dont drink much but like the atmosphere) we.ll start talking about a film and then he,ll say who was the guy that was in such and such a film…?? we will spend most of the night chewing it over going thro the alphabet all to no avail, so when we get back to mine to wait for his taxi we Google it ha ha ha!!!That happens practically every time we go out so its not just us BC ladies who have a blip :slight_smile:
Have a brilliant day flutterby’s you are all so special in the greater scheme of things Big hugs ((hugs)) xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Doz

Hi Doz and everyone just to let you know that when I had my mammo my healthy breast hurt more than my twisted one they were really gentle with me so don’t worry butterflies it may not be as bad as you think it wil.I am feeling so much happier since my mammo results and hope all you girls get the same results will be thinking of you all as you face your 1st mammo. As far as the brain is concerned I know the feeling forget things all the time but that might be an age thing.Started taking Sea Kelp Doz and apparently it also helps regulate metabolism so can help with weight loss whoopeedoo!!! Hugs to all and welcome Margaret this site stopped me from going mad thanks girls jmr xxx

Hi Jmr
Thank you so much for sharing that with us xx I think the first visit back has to be fraught with apprehension on all counts and to hear positive remarks is brill :slight_smile:
I started taking the sea kelp 2 weeks ago as yet I cant see a lot of difference but having said that I had my hair cut on monday… really short!! and my hairdresser was amazed how much it had grown?? may just be a coincidence but hey I like the sound of the metabolism getting going, I have lost 2Ib in the past 3 weeks :slight_smile: I know it is,nt much but to be honest i,ve been a bit of a couch potato with my knee so hav,nt done a lot to loose that amount.
Gee whizz if it works i,ll shout it from the rooftops flutterby;s
Love and hugs to all xxxxxxxxxxxxxhugxxxxxxxxxxxx

Wow! Gonna give the Sea kelp a try!! At least I will feel like I am doing something! Hey Doz got it in one today YAY!! I get so worked up before each Herceptin treatment wouldn’t you think by now I would be used to it??? NOPE! Tummy is starting to give me some probs but hey ho thems the breaks.Jmr so glad with your positive results it is good to hear! I think sometimes in all this mess we tend to forget the good things and they do happen! After all us flutterbys are in great company! Much love and BIG hugs Em xxxx

Aw Em
I,m so glad they didnt have to go round spaghetti junction to get your veins again… well done sweetheart hope you dont get anymore side effects girlie I think we go through enough already xxxx
Certainly give the sea kelp a try it cant do any harm and anything is worth trying to make us feel better :)love and BIG hugs xxxhugsxxx

Oh dear
As I was leaving the post office (round the corner)the church bell went for the 2 min silence and I burst into tears…not just a few tears but runny nose and sobs!! Where the H**L did that come from? a little elderly man who lives near by was stood near me and held my hand then saluted he said its the first time in over 68 yrs he,d forgotten it was nearly 11.00 when he went out Awww bless him, these damned hormones are playing havoc with my waterworks… not the lower ones might I add!!!
Then I saw a butterfly that was Spooky Em…OOOER!!!
Going for a swim now i,ve done my chores, have a brilliant weekend flutterbys love to one and all xxxxxxxxxxxhugsxxxxxxxxxxx

Was in chemo ward talking to a woman I knew from years ago when the 11.00 came got told to shush I completely forgot! They all stood quietly then Robbie Williams Angels was played when it finished and that was me gone! we played that at mum’s funeral 'cos she so believed in angels. Well been for my reflexology and apart from sniffling(feeling sorry for myself!) I am back home and if I wasn’t going to pick up hubby I would defo be putting on the old PJ’s what a miserable day so dank and it feels like evening even if it is still morning!! I reckon we all should hibernate till spring like proper flutterbys!!! Spooky Doz at this time of year too! Have a weekend doing whatever makes you happy! HUGS Em xxxxx

Hi Em
Busy one if I can keep up the pace!!!
Its my sons leaving party tomorrow night so have lots to do as I am decorating the tables and buying last min presents…I dread the thought of the shops EEEEK!!!
Suddenly realized we are having his night out on rememberance Sunday… very appropriate! Tho kind of not appropriate in that sense!!! Wont go there…
I saw another butterfly this morning and I also thought how strange at this time of the year but maybe being next to the river we do get it quite mild… until the frost comes then we seem to get it before the towns… Maybe its just you checking up on me :slight_smile: ha ha!!! your welcome with open arms.
I can just imagine your reaction being told to shush…ha ha ha! the mind boggles!!!As for Angels… that would have been me in bits too.
Hope your ok Em and all you lovely flutterbys xxxxxxxxxxxxhugsxxxxxxxxxxxx Doz

Hiya, I didn’t mind being told to shush just felt like a naughty little girl as it came without warning! If we had been told a couple of mins to go it would not have felt so bad just my guilty conscience! I would have and did remember to wear my poppy just seeing the lady was a complete surprise as I used to work in the same place as her it is the last place I expect to see someone I know! never mind all done with and we have just seen a butterfly here too!! totally unreal at this time of year! flew up over the house so not sure what it was. Bless you Doz I hope it is a good party and sad as it will be you get to enjoy it, as for the flutterbys enjoy this wonderful weather it is lovely here hope it is for you all Hugs Em xxxxxxx

Hi Emmy
Glad to hear you got through another Herceptin OK. Huge relief to you. How many do you have left to go? Batting down hill by now, I hope. Sometimes I was OK with the canula in 1 go, the most I had was 5 tries. You just hope its going to be alright as it doesn’t help when you’re half expecting problems before you get there. Hope you’re resting in your jimjams flutterby!!

Hi Doz
Hope you have a lovely leaving party and all goes well. Keep a tight rein on the flood gates and enjoy it! Will be thinking of you living it up. Let us know Monday how its gone.

Bye the way, I think Sea Kelp is rich in Iodene which speeds metabolism through the thyroid gland.

Warm thoughts to all you butterflys,
Ami xx

I faced the crowds and got everything done tho was out of steam and patience by the time I got home… I,ve never been knocked and pushed around so much in my life I HATE XMAS SHOPPERS and its only November???
I managed to get 10 helium balloons back to my car without loosing any or having any popped, What an achievement! Ha ha!!!
Only to get home with them and Ben was scared stiff of them so said balloons are now in my bedroom… What a coward!

Hi Ami thanks hon I am holding it together and will not give into the emotions… done enough of that this week, and Daniel is feeling a bit disjointed too as he left work yesterday… he,s been there 14 yrs so it must feel strange, tho the good news is they have said his job will be still there if he wants it when he gets back, so thats really good news. I,ll enjoy it for his sake :slight_smile:

Hi Em I,ve just seen another butterfly?? so strange and so late in the year?? Tho they have both been the same look a bit red admirals but smaller?? Also got a ladybird living in my lounge for the last few days… thought it was dead but its moved a few inches today its on the lounge curtain rail :slight_smile: Vikki wont let me put it out as she said it will be too cold, but its not its soooo mild???
What strange weather but welcome, just wish it was.nt so dark so early, it might be mild but its not very bright…
Have a good weekend flutterbys and if you go shopping put some body armour on… its crazy!!! love and ((HUGS)) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Doz

Definitely more of a flutterby than a butterfly today!
Put a glass dish with pot pourri and oils in microwave for few seconds to release perfume but didn’t notice little metal wires in the petals!!! Yep- it went on fire!!!Just as well hubby used to be a fireman! Although I couldn’t help laughing at him.He couldn’t believe how stupid I was – think he would know by now.
Wasn;t laughing when I saw all the black soot all over white furniture I had just cleaned properly for the first time in 10 months(It’s just been getting a dust).
Fireman Bill has done an excellent job of the microwave and the smell has all gone.
Thinking of you all,

Hi Margaret
You have certainly joined the best group of ladies…
Each and everyone of us does the cazies now and then:)
I suggest a sit down with a cuppa and a bun!!
and let Fireman Sam take over,
2 xmas’s ago… (talking about pot puree)I had a table centrepiece
with the most beautiful flowers around a scented candle, I checked it on going to bed and it was out!! but at 5 in the morning I smelt smoke, which was odd as I was full of cold, only to come down to find
my lounge on fire… that was Dec 19th!!!
So xmas that year was spent in a blackened lounge with no decor!
NO more candles!!
Now its just pot puree.
Hope your weekend is a bit more peaceful xxxxxxxxxxxhugxxxxxxxxxxxx

Margaret, bless you it is so easy done! Hubby got so fed up as smoke alarm kept going off when using toaster today ,so on investigation he hasn’t emptied for ages!! I don’t use it (Wheat intolerant) so didn’t realise! Bit luckier than you just smoke and and very blue air as he could not understand why it wouldn’t stop!!! Funny old world isn’t it my son is a fireman and I am sure would happily give us a lecture!
As for the butterfly thing yes we have had a couple more?! Boy are they all gonna be confused when the spring comes!
Oh Doz I know what you mean re the crowds I literally can’t do it, so ordering food etc. online (what a godsend) Told you it was nasty out there! WHERE did they all suddenly come from???
Ladybird may want to stay think they hibernate I am with them on that! ami thank you for the good wishes just done no:10 so 8 more to go ,yes that game of hunt the vein is quite horrible! I do so get worked up before I go though I do try to be good I try not to show it now but OWWW!!! The nurses don’t like my veins said they were shy???
Doz we will all be here waiting for you hunny and I hope the party is good so he has lovely thoughts to go with and he will be back before you know it! Big cuddle and of course Hugs to all our lovely flutterbys take care all Em xxxxxx

Doz hold on in there gal… I was just browsing the Forums because the sleep fairy had eluded me and saw your posting. I so hope all goes well for your son and I know how hard you will find if. So big Hug and Cuddle for a loving mum

Hi Doz hope party goes well and you all have a lovely time.I havn’t seen any butterflies but have got Primroses flowering so all of nature must be getting very confused.Haven’t braved the shops much yet but will have to get sorted this next 2 weeks as probably won’t feel like it after my op. Thank goodness for internet shopping. Hope everyone is doing okay as you all can be and Doz will be thinking of you. Have a good day flutterbys big hugs jmrxxx

Hi Flutterbys :slight_smile:
Just taking some time out after rushing around all morning getting table decor delivered and trying to fit more guests in…
Had my bath and now slobbing on the sofa with cucumber slices ready for my eyes… I,m holding it together and tonight he,ll be proud of his old Ma!!!
Thankyou angels for your good wishes I,ve given myself a stiff talking too after the emotions bounced from wall to wall all week!
Now ready to face the first of my hurdles this month :slight_smile:
Bless you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx((HUGS ALL ROUND))xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx