Worried about skin mets.

Hi Alison,
So pleased for you!!!Fantastic news!!
The relief must be wonderful.

Good luck on Monday and Tuesday, how long before you get the results?

Take care,

thank you all so much for your support over this last week, it really has helped xxxxxx and Dee, will be thinking about you and looking out for you on this thread
lots of love

Had my MRI yesterday and biopsy today and should have the results by next Tuesday. So it’s that horrid waiting game again. Been a tough week this week but just have to get on with it.
Jan I hope everything goes well for you on Thursday.
Alison I hope you’ve had a fantastic weekend following your good news!
Take care all

Hi Dee, yes it was such a relief, but i think like many of us, well, you have to come down from the week of stress before you can really enjoy life again, its been a busy weekend when i would have liked it to have been quieter, but thats the way it goes sometimes, well, me and the hubby are off for six days on thursday, so we are going to just go away and have some quiet time together and recharge our batteries, i have everything crossed for you for next Tuesday and will catch up with you when i get back in a weeks time, no point saying don’t worry, as i think that we do worry no matter what. will be thinking of you Dee xxxxx
lots of love

Hello Dee,

I have skin mets for the second time.
Am happy to help if I can.

good luck with all test results, I will look out for your post.

take Care,
Jackie x

Hi Jackie

Thanks for the message. Sorry to hear that you have skin mets again also. This is such a tough disease to fight. Can I ask what the next step is for you and what they have said? It’s frightenng is’t it? I’m only 8 weeeks post op so I’m not sure if I’ll have to have more surgery.
Thanks for getting in touch.
P.S Love the dog
Hi Alison

Have a well deserved break. Enjoy!!

I recieved a letter from the hospital today confirming my appointment for Tuesday to discuss the results of the test results. However it states to bring a friend or family member along with me. I am now REALLY SCARED as I this is the first time my letters have ever said this. Is this a standard letter now or have I a right to be concerned? Has anyone else experienced this?
Take care

dee - so sorry to hear that you are going through this…:frowning:

no advice i am afraid… could you give your breast cancer nurse a ring and explain how worried you are that they want someone with you…? {{{HUGS}}}

Hi rhapsodyangel

I’ ll have to call the bc nurse tomorrow as I am very anxious- know I am not going to sleep tonight. Thanks so much for replying!

Hi Dee,
Thinking about you and hoping things go well on Tuesday!

I too am going through hell, went yesterday for an ultrasound on my lump under my arm. My B.C. nurse arranged for me to get the results from my surgeon on the same morning.

She said it was abnormal and has arranged a c.t. scan and mammogram and a further appointment with her and my oncologist together, to discuss the outcome… doesn`t sound good does it?

We recklessly booked a flight to Tenerife for a week, leaving tomorrow and they told me to go, so everything has been put back a week. I am going to try to switch off …how hard will that be???

Will be thinking about you on Tuesday,
Good luck,
Take care,
Jan x

Dee - i hope that you’ve managed to get through to someone this morning…

Toronto - oh no what typical timing…:frowning: i hope the break goes okay and that you do managed to get some relaxing time… easier said than done i know…

Will be thinking of you both…

Dee - so sorry you are going through this torment, I hope you’ve managed to speak to someone today and they’ve been able to give you some reassurance. When I received bad news in past, letter hasn’t stated to bring someone along, maybe its standard now.

Jan - sorry to hear your news. Try and relax and enjoy Tenerife.

Take care and my fingers, everything, are firmly xd for you both.

Hi ladies

Jan my fingers are crossed for you also. It is no good saying go away and forget about it because this is impossible, but hopefully being away means more distractions to pull you away from those awful anxieties. Have a good rest at least.

Lynni and rhapsody- thanks for your support also.

I tried to contact the breast care nurse today but she is on annual leave until Monday. I got through to someone else whom I did not know and I did not want to ask her just i case she would say something that would make me into blubbering wreck! I managed to get some sleep after all plus I’ve been napping a bit today.
Hope you are all ok

Dee, I’ve been wondering how things were for you today and I just wanted to say something about the “bring someone with you” letter. When I was recalled after a routine mammogram (at age 56) my letter said to bring someone, I did get a friend to take me to the screening centre as I don’t drive. I assumed it was a standard comment in the letter.

Whatever happens for you - and as my bcn said just before I was told I had bone mets “it might not be good news” - there will be support, a treatment plan, and lots of us on here thinking of you during the anxious waiting time.

Try and enjoy some treats this weekend, if you can!

Hello Dee,
Just replied to you but lost the post, grrrrrrrrrr!

Sorry for the delay, have been off line for a few days. I understand you’ve registered with bcpals, I use that site too so may catch up with you there.

I’ve never been asked to bring someone along with me, but maybe it’s a new standard procedure. Having said that i never attend appointments alone, I can only retain so much info so need a good ‘listener’ to catch the bits I miss!

I’ve just been takne off the LEAP trial, after nearly a year (Lapatinib/capecetebine)The chemo side effects were becoming too troublesome and the mets were beginning to return.
I’ve just started back on hormonal treatment and am due to restart herceptin in 2 weeks provided my MUGA is ok.
Apparently the latest thinking is that even if you have had a recurrence on herceptin you should persevere and have it alongside a hormonal. Both Marsden and my local onc confirm this.

Please post and let me know how you get on on Tuesday with your results. I shall cross everything for you.

The piccie is of Harvey, my 18 month old blue roan cocker spaniel. I think he’s absolutely gorgeous too, (not in the least bit biased either!)

Take Care hun,
Jackie x

Hi Jackie and MrsBlue

I’ve lost posts before so FRUSTRATING. I have managed to speak with a few people re the letter and it seems that i should be prepared for some news i may not like ‘just as you said Mrs blue’. But I am trying to be strong and am thinking the worst case scenario so I will not be shocked- at least then there’s a chance of a pleasant surprise. Does that make sense??!
Jackie it sounds like you’ve been through it. I hope herceptin is less troublesome for you and does what it is meant to do! Good luck with the MUGA scan.
I had a malignant phyllodes tumour so i dont think herceptin is an option for me. I have an A4 sheet of questions for Tuesday. I will let you all know as soon as i know what is happening. Thanks for your support.

Hi all
Not so good news and really need to tell someone who understands. I’ve been diagnosed as having skin and lung metastasis. Small tumour on the outside of my lung. I do not even have a cough. Nothing! T4 of my spine was also flagged up so I have to have a bone scan. Will continue chemo but they are going to try doxorubicin and ifosfamide, plus one other ? Surgery is also actually an option surprisingly.
How am I supposed to feel? I am totally gobsmacked and desperately desperately scared but in a strange way I think I am more positive because I am soooooo determined to beat this. This has all happened so fast I’m not sure where to turn right now.

Hi Dee,

Sorry to hear your news. Do phone the helpline if you need someone to talk to in confidence. Calls are free, 0808 800 6000. Open 9am - 5pm Mon to Fri and Sat 9am - 2pm. Take care,

Jo, Facilitator

Oh Dee… I am so sorry…:frowning: Especially as the lung diagnosis has really come out of nowhere… Were you able to take along your husband with you this morning?
Really don’t know what to say - but wanted to send you my love…

Ahh Dee, so sorry to hear your news, I’m gutted for you. Just wanted you to know I’m thinking about you,

Please please keep in touch, keep posting and take care hun xxx