Worried about skin mets.

Hi Lynni Rhapsodyangel and Jo
Thanks for your words of support. I just don’t know what to do with myself- I keep thinking that I am going to wake up in a minute.
Dee x


This is the news we didn’t want Dee.

I really hope the new combo of drugs do the trick. Any news like this takes a few days to sink in I find but once I start treatment I usually feel better in that I am at least ‘doing’ something.
I hope you feel less punch drunk very soon honey.

Thinking of you,
Jackie x

oh Dee, i was really hoping to come back and read some good news about you xxxxxxxx fingers crossed for those new drugs xxx
thinking about you

Hi everyone
Alison I hope you had a good break and well earned rest. Sorry you had to come back to my crap news. Anyhow i’ve had much support on here and really appreciate it. I feel better today. I’ve decided that I have two choices. Hide myself away and wallow in self pity and let my family see me give up and have my children grow up thinking when the going gets tough GIVE UP. Or ‘When faced with danger don’t get out your sewing kit, get out your sword and fight’ I saw this written somewhere and cant remember where. I am going to do the latter I’d much rather that. So sewing kit is away and I’m ready to fight!!
Thank you all and I’ll keep you posted.
Dee xxx

You go girl!!!

Im goin lynni!!! Big time!!

Hi Dee,
Just got back,thought about you lots whilst we were away, just wish I had come home to better news, but you have such a positive attitude, you will get through!! I had a great holiday,we just knew we had to squeeze this in as we dont know what the future holds, we only booked the flight the week before and accommodation the day before, it felt like real escapism!
However my brain went into complete overdrive, so far i imagined I have spread in stomach, liver , lungs, brain, breast and thumb, thumb???
Sadly this is the anniversary of my original dx one year ago so its so deja vu. just cant wait to get next week over with I have my c.t. scan and mammogram on Tuesday and will have to wait until the following Monday for a meeting with the team for results.

Must get that blasted sword out again!!

Take care,

Just wanted to say good luck for Tuesday.

Take care xxx

Thanks Lynni, it`s going to be a long week!!!
Take care,
Jan xx

Hi Jan

I’m glad you had a great holiday. I’m jealous-in a good way- .It’s not surprising that your brain went into overdrive, you imagine all sorts of things during that horrid waiting period and you cant seem to do anything about it. Well I’m praying that you have the news you need.
I will so be thinking of you.
Good luck Jan
Dee xx

Hi Dee,
Thank you, I will be so glad when this weeks over, your right the waiting is a nightmare, whatever the outcome we can somehow deal with it we have to.

Hope you are feeling better,
Stay positive,
Take care,
Love Janx

Hi Dee, just catching up, how are you doing? hope your getting out and about and enjoying all you can in this here life that we have. and Jan hope that everything is fine for you xxx
lots of love

Hi Alison

Thanks for asking. Hope you are doing well and enjoying life also!

I’m ok. It’s difficult, as I keep swaying from I’m going to fight this and feeling really positive to thinking ‘why me?’ 'why my family?'and how long have I got left with my children. So I’m sorry it seems like I’m wingeing on but today I’m feeling very low and tomorrow I may be ok again. I still cant get over the fact that I now have secondaries.

Take care and please keep posting


i think you have every right to be feeling angry, this disease robs us of so much already, i can only imagine what your going through right now, and what better place to let it all out then here? and your not wingeing at allxxxxxxxx
lots of love

Hi everyone,
Bad news I`m afraid, I had my C.T.scan results today and have lung mets!!

I start treatment next monday I am having chemo, Capecitamine.

How are you doing Dee, have you told your family yet? I have decided not to let any of my friends know, for the moment, I belong to a golf club and last year we had just one topic of conversation, it drove me crazy, so I am trying to get a bit of normality into my life!!
Take care,
My head is all over the place at the moment!!

oh Jan, i am so sorry to hear your news xxxxx not a lot i can say to make things better, other than i hope the treatment goes really well, and will be thinking about you xx
lots of love

Oh Jan

I’m so sorry. This sucks! Your head will be all over the place at the moment and will be for some time. It’s an awful lot to get your head around and I can only say I so know how you feel. xx

As for, normality that’s a very different normal for me now. Does that make sense? No I haven’t told my family yet because i think it’s actually how I want to keep it for the moment. Anytime you want to chat Pm me or I always look out for you anyway.

Alison, thanks for your support on here. You made me cry earlier(not that difficult these days)on the guardian thread and that must have been so so difficult for you. xx That’s a tough topic.

Take care ladies and lots of hugs

Dee xx

Hi Jan
Met you last year in the Liverpool meet.
I am so so sorry to hear your latest news. Take care and wishing you the very best of luck with the chemo.
Anne xxx

Hi everyone,
Feeling a little calmer, I played golf today it was a beautiful day so made the most of it.

Alison, thanks for your support, it means a lot, hope you are keeping well.

Thinking about you lots at the moment, you`re so right about “normal”
things will never be the same, but we have to be strong and fight this blasted disease!

Great to hear from you, I found you a great inspiration when I met you,just hope I can muster up as much energy and drive as you!

Take care,
Lots of love,

Hello Jan,

Sorry to read of your recent dx with lung mets.
Just wanted to say that I had a good initial response with capecetibine, was on it for nearly a year. Also it is so much easier to take tablets than have IV chemo.

Wishing you all the best,
Jackie x