
I was diagnosed with benign Breast disease about 18 yrs ago-I am now 49. This was mainly in left side. Had mamos every 18 months privately. However 20 months ago right side -nipple began feeling really sensitive and itchy-no rash tho-just the feeling. Came on and off. GP said wait see what mamo shows-that was ok -now more than a year on -had mamo this June again and it is now paining-waking me up with stabbing pain. New lump I felt like a flat disc 18 months ago is certainly wider across. Also feel hard flat bit behind nipple. Been reading about other benign conditions on this site. But still very worried. Dont know if to go back to gp as she just ays each time oh you have had a mamo and it was ok wait til next one. I feel now as i have left it for 20 months if it is something worse it is too late. I hoped she would send me for ultra sound -but she wont-isn’t this supposed to show up more. She prob thinks I am paranoid-well now i think I am. Hoping it may be due to menopause on way-missed period for 3 months but then got one every 3 weeks since! help!
Nigela x

Hi Nigela

I think you should go back to GP (is there a different one in the surgery you could see?)

We are always being told that any changes to the breast should be checked and I would think you’d have the right to insist on a referral to a breast clinic.

I’ve had a hard time getting referred back after various symptoms over the last three years and the ladies on here have given me the confidence to go to my GP and insist on a referral if not offered - my appointment is Monday with a different GP.

I have also found ringing the helpline has been very helpful as well.

Best of Luck


Hi Nigela

I agree with Sandra - go back and insist on a referral. If your GP refuses again, maybe you could ask to see someone privately? But also, try not to worry too much about having waited this long and it being too late - I was told my tumour probably took 2 - 3 years to get to 2.5 cms. There was a discussion of this just a week or so ago, and there were quite a few ladies who had had symptoms for years before being dx’d, and they had not had any spread.

finty xx

Hi Nigela,

I agree with the others that you should go back and insist on a referral. As Sandra says we are always being told that changes should be investigated and there are good reasons for that. We also know that 99% of the time changes are benign and it’s most unlikely you have cancer but there are some conditions which don’t show up on a mammogram. You have every right to have your mind put at rest.

Good luck, Jan xx

Thanks Folks after being woken by pain again I will ring up tomorrow.
Nigela x

Hi Finty
Can I ask you was your lump diagnosed or picked up with a mamo-I am trying to tell myself that as I had a mamo this June that hopefully if it had been anything bad it wold have shown up-it was then about 1cm-now its about 2cm.
Thanks again
Nigela x

I booked myself in for a mammo because I started getting pain and itchiness, and it was very clear on the mammo. Neither the surgeon nor I could ever feel a lump - so I am grateful that I got some symptoms.

finty x

Hi Finty
I hope you don’t mind me asking but i have had this dreadful itchy tingling for nearly 2 years and the Doctor just wasn’t worried cos had a mamo. Now I am worried when you said you had it too. What kind did they call it. Did you have a rash-I havent just this itchy feeling and no the stabbing pains.
NIgela x

Me back again
Well after waking up with the worst hot stabbing pain yet in right breast, I rang up and got duty GP apt. he is sending me to breast climic-says it may be dues to being near meno age-49. But still worried as think why is he sending me. tho I need to go to stop worrying. However wish my GP could have sent me last year when all I had was the tingling in it! frightened now in case I should have begged to be checked further last year, if it is something bad it will be too far on.
Nigela x

Hi Nigela

I had you sort of problems a couple of years ago, the pains and I had a rash but although it was a bit scary the hospital clinic was great I had a examination,mammogram,and a needle biopsy. I had an infected milk duct aswell as having benigh breast changes some of it was due to hormonal changes. So now see the clinic each year for a check up and have a nurse I can ring in between if I am worried.
Your GP is doing the right thing now for you hopefully all will be ok

Good luck

Hi nigela

I’m sorry I missed your comment a few days ago. I never really got any comment about the itching - because I went straight for the mammo as I had been called up for the regular scheduled one a few months before and just hadn’t got round to it. I wasn’t referred first, so there was never any discussion of my symptoms. I didn’t have a rash or any outward appearances at all. I do remember at the time doing lots of googling of the symptoms and it all pointed towards benign conditions.

I do think having a clear recent mammo is very good news - hopefully it will not turn out to be serious. I know mammos are not very reliable for younger women, but at our age I think they are a pretty good indicator. The sharp stabbing pains could well be infection.

Good luck XXXX

Thanks Finty
I worry that having lumpy breasts anyway the mamo may have missed something. Just have to keep fingers crossed I guess-hope this apt comes soon tho.
Nigela x

Hi Nigela

I can completely empathise with how you’re feeling as I’ve had a similar story and am now awaiting my appointment at the clinic.

Like you I have mixed emotions about this as I’ve had issues for 3 years but I’ve got what I wanted a referal to the breast clinic and will go armed with information (gained from leaflets on this site) and questions so that hopefully once and for all I can put this to bed or, if the diagnosis isn’t good, then get the treatment needed.

Yes it is worrying and noone can stop you doing so but your GP has referred you on and presumably your hospital/clinic will then do all the tests you need (including an ultrasound) there’s a leaflet about referals on this site and fingers crossed we’ll both be OK.

As I said before have you tried ringing the BCC helpline? I have a couple of times and the ladies are lovely and I have got a lot of reassurance and good information from them.

Be strong take care - wishing tou well


Hi Sandra
thank you for taking the time to message me.
I do hope you are ok too.
Just hope the appointent comes soon.Supposed t be going away next week for a weeks holiday.I awoke yet again this morning very early with the terrible pain. It is not like the ache pain I used to get in the other side. I can tell now where the sore bit is -on the side -actually stings when I bend down. I do worry that I should have kept on at them about the tingling nipple.I try to tell myself it may be hormonal. what are your symptoms? I am 49.
Take care
wish you well too
Nigela xx

Hi Nigela

My symptoms are very similar to yours - the full story (I’ll try to be brief) is that 3 years ago I had a spot of eczema on my areola, went to GP was refered to hospital had mammo which showed 2 white spots and U/S. Consultant said several times she was happy with what she was seeing but I’d probably be recalled.

Anyway I heard nothing so after 4 weeks rang several numbers to get results eventually speaking to Breast Care Nurse who said everything was fine apart from 2 tiny benign tumours - no biopsy done, letter would follow which it did - a few lines stating mammo clear no further appoinments necessary - no mention of tiny lumps and the consultant had said as her parting shot that altho she was happy whatever happens she wanted to see me again in 3 months as eczema (in one breast particularly) can be a sign of Paget’s!

Any way eczema cleared eventually (although it does keep coming back) - there was/is some itching, did get another appointment in which consultant looked said eczema gone sign you off I asked what were the benign lumps and she said quite huffily intra nodular nodules!? That was it.

May 2009 had a hot burning pain in nipple of same breast went to GP who found sensitive area near breast bone and said that was what caused nipple pain - no referal. Have continued to have a dull sort of ache in that breast, eczema comes back in the exact same places and whether the eczema is there or not there is a funny sensation on my nipple.

I have a referal this time because there is a dimple on my breast and while I was keeping a check on this ignored the rest of my breast when I did do a check the areola (on same breast) had an indentation. I’ve also thought sometimes I felt some thickening (in same breast)

GP did a thorough look and check (1st time I’ve been looked at sat up!) claimed she couldn’t see either dimple or indent and as she concentrated on where I could feel thickening I thought she felt it too but just said she thought it felt like breast tissue.

Discussion afterwards was that she couldn’t feel tethering and other things so didn’t think it was cancer would I like to come back for another check up in 4 weeks, I started to say ok if she feels that’s right but before my words were out she was saying I’ll refer you anyway get it in motion - it’ll be an urgent referal!

That is why I can fully understand where you’re coming from you have symptoms of something (as you say could be hormonal - I’m 50) but you don’t get a definite diagnosis of something so your mind conjurs up all sorts.

This time when I get my referal I am determined to get answers as it’s draining going on without peace of mind.

Please let us know how you’re doing and when appointment comes I’ll be thinking of you. Hopefully it’s not cancer but we just need to know.

Think this is the longest post I’ve written - sorry it so long - need a cup of tea now.


Hi Sandra
Thank you so much.
I did ring helpline too earlier of course they can only try to reassure. Hope we get seen quickly and hopefully will have peace of mind.
Thank you for sharing with me your story. Some of it we seem the same tho i did not have any eczema.
Take care
thinking of you
let me know how you get on
Nigela x

Hi Nigela

Just thought I’d let you know my appointment is on Thursday morning, hope you get yours soon.

Hope you’re doing OK, has the GP given you anything to relieve pain/symptoms?

Lots of Love


Hi Sandra
no not given me anything! No sleep all night lsat night-ordinary painkillers wont take it off!
All the best for your appointment
Take care
Not had my apt thru yet.
Nigela x

Good luck Sandra for thurs.
Kim x

Hi Nigela

Haven’t been on site since I got appointment, thanks for your good wishes (and Kim)

Have you heard when your appointment is yet? Should be soon as an urgent referral - I was told to contact GP if I hadn’t heard in a couple of weeks.

Also, have you seen the posting (think from MrsBird) where there’s a suggestion of asking for an MRI scan - might be worth you thinkiing about.

Best wishes
