I know im probably just throwing my toys out the pram and may feel differently tomorrow but have had such a crap day at hosp today, looooong delays for both machines, felt soooo tired and achy. Eventually got seen. Then had issues with ticket ive been given wouldnt work in the machine and jobsworth at customer service wouldnt lift the barrier so had to traipse back to hosp reception only to be told carpark nothing to do with them. Not the first time this has happend and im so peed off with it. Dont need this rubbish on top of everything else!
Have done 12 out of 15 days and really cant face going back, would it really make much difference missing last 3?
Hang on in there. I had 3 extra boosts after my 15 zaps and it made a HUGE difference. Only 3 to go, plan something nice for yourself as a reward. Book a manicure, have a nice meal. Something to look forward to. I felt really tired towards the end of my treatment. And drained So I know how you must be feeling
Xxxx Sarah
What an attitude?
If only some of the ladies here just had problems with car park machines. No, some are facing a terminal diagnosis and would love a row over a ticket than having to deal with their illness.
You decide. Sounds like you already have.
Apologies if i have offended anyone, didnt intend to take anything away from the ladies that are of course in a much worse position than me, im just having a down day when everything gets on top of you and yes im having a little rant…im so pathetic i know, but some days you just need to vent when it gets too much.
You are not pathetic Clare, we all have bad/down days. I know I have and a few times I’ve wanted to give up on treatment, so you hang on in there, so near to the end of rads. x
Definitely arrange something NICE for the day after your last treatment, and look forward to that, rather than worrying about the little things that just grow and grow until they’re massive obstacles (like the car park barrier). We all have melt-downs over the most ridiculous things, so don’t feel bad about it, but acknowledge it and move forwards.
We do. I hated rads. Burnt badly. Got an infection which needed treatmant from quite a while. I now have some nast scaring. Clare, I would hate to see you posting on the secondries threads in a few years time, with the knowledge that you had given up on treatment over a carpark barrier.
Big big hug. The small things can break us at times.
You know you’ll be back there tomorrow and the next two days. Now blow your nose, pick up those toys you threw out and go get a good night’s sleep.
Lots of love and all the best for the rest of rads,
Clare, of course you arent being pathetic. You are the only person I know who is having two zaps each day, having to wait in between. At least once my zap is over I get to go home, but even then I have ranted about the parking. All fighting for spaces only to discover the car park is full of staff, with a notice that says ‘patients only’!
You absolute CAN do it, you are nearly there now and we are all willing you on!
I sympathise with you entirely - those irritating delays and car parking problems are the last thing you need - but I must agree with what the others have said. Stick with it, that total dose of 40 Grays is an important factor in making sure your BC doesn’t return, so don’t skip the last few.
I hated the whole rads process, not because it was difficult or painful, but just because I wasn’t in control of the process and felt like a slab of meat on that treatment table. And the fact that so many other women have to go through much worse treatment didn’t make me feel any better, in fact it made me feel like a spoilt brat for complaining!
Radiotherapy absolutely knocked the stuffing out of me and I was so fatigued that my sense of perspective went completely out of whack and all sorts of things upset me - things that would be mild annoyances previously became a really big deal!
I totally know where you are coming from with your feelings about your experiences at hospital today.
That said, like other people who have posted here, I hope you go back and finish the course.
Oooo I remember my other half waiting so long in the que for the car park that I actually got out before he got parked sometimes! Even though they gave out special passes and Oncology patients had a seperate car park!!
Find out who DOES run the car park and let them have it full blast - let the PALs at the hospital know too, you’ll be doing all the other patients a favour… and while you’re at it get back on that slab and finish your treatment!
I would not miss any rads if I were you. You treatment is tailored to your specific needs. I use public transport to get to thhe hospital as I cannot see well enought to drive. You have to leave earlier but no parking problems.
Parking was a real pain for me whilst I was having rads. Most of my appointments were at half three in the afternoon - bang on visiting time! I used to factor in an extra 30 minutes onto my travelling time so that I wouldn’t stress out whilst trying to find a parking spot. I also used to visualise a parking spot as I drove and on many occasions managed to park opposite the main entrance to the hospital.
There were many times when I thought about stopping treatment, during chemo and during rads. Thankfully I am not a quitter.