Zoladex, Arimidex, Zometa keeping mets stable !!


Some good news for me I thought I’d share to give others hope, even though I’m only mildly affected by mets.

Been for a routine 3 month check-up in oncology today and my recent bone scan and other tests show my bone mets appear to be stable which must mean the drugs are working - yippeeeeee!! The bone scan showed no change since last June so no improvement but at least no spread.

Back in 3 months and keep taking the drugs !!!

Hope my good news can rub off on others on here who are struggling and send some positive ‘vibes’.

Liz x

Fantastic news Liz, your good news and m1yu’s yesterday…let’s keep this good luck flowing! :slight_smile:

Stability sounds great! It’s good to hear that hormones can keep it from spreading! Let’s hope that they continue to do so for many more years!

Have a lovely evening,


Thanks Nicky - hope this helps you with the zometa.


That is good news Liz. Those little pills (well they seemed small after Tamoxifen) are very powerful. xx

Hi Liz

Great news. Yes, it gives us all a boost when we hear good news. I am on Tamoxifen and Bondronate now my chemo has finished and hoping that they will keep my bone, liver and lung mets stable - will find out in September!

Sue x

Hi Liz,
Thats great news, thanks for letting us know.I’ve got my second zometa tomorrow so if I think about your positive news perhaps I won’t mind quite so much when they can’t find the vein!
Love Julie x


Good news Liz. Is so good to hear amidst all this sadness. Kepp it coming…

Julie xxxxxx

Great news Liz - thanks so much for sharing it with us. We all benefit so much from positive news, keep it up.

Love Anne x x

Wonderful news Liz, As Anne and Julie say, it is so lovely to hear some positive news on here. Stay well (and that’s to everyone)

Lots of love, Dianne x x x

Thanks for your good wishes, ladies !! I was in 2 minds about posting as there is so much sadness here at the moment but decided to in the end to show that there can be good news and hope.

Susie V - I’m the one who goes to jewellery class with Galen so hope to meet up with you sometime (perhaps before your Sept stuff???)

Julie D - hope the hunt-the-vein wasn’t too bad today. My worst day was 7 attempts and had to return another day !!! Hope I’m not tempting fate but it’s been loads better since then with only 1 or 2 stabs! Think it hurts the nurses more than me…

Liz x

Fantastic to read this good news having just read about Kay I needed a boost. Keep celebrating!

Oh might I be a record holder? My vein attempt record was eleven…I’m usually ok with needles but by the end was feeling more than a tad wobbly… :-/ I then switched to Bondronat tablets. xx

Hi Liz,

Wow - what brillant news, I so pleased for you.

Thanks for postings keeps everyone’s spirits up.

Had a lovely time in Paris will catch up with you on the live chat.

Take care and have a lovely weekend.


We need good news, Liz, it keeps us going.

Alison x

Belinda - you are quite welcome to be the record holder for hunt-the-vein!! I think they stopped with me when the registrar came in, took one look and said no way and went to discuss with an onc (not mine) who said come back another day. My onc has offered her husband’s services as he’s a vet and used to finding small veins in cats!!!

Chris - sooo glad you had a fab time in Paris and very much looking forward to hearing about it on live chat.

Thanks again everyone,

Liz xx

Great news Liz, long may it continue, very pleased for you - am hoping for a similar result when I see my onc on Tuesday. I can’t beat your hunt the vein record either Belinda, seven tries is my top score so far - although they’ve been better behaved of late, hence still on Pamidronate rather than Bondronat :frowning:

So good to hear encouraging news! I hated arimixex I had such achey joints but it works for you and that is wonderful. Well done you

Blondie - yeah, side effects of zoladex and arimidex are awful but at least I feel as though it’s worth it . I had to go on prozac to help with SEs and use arnica for the aches. Hey-ho !!


Thanks ladies…I’m making space in my trophy cabinet. :wink:
I will be hammering down doors for a port or a picc line if I get to IV chemo…(or phoning a vet Liz.) :slight_smile:

Hi Liz, Lovely to hear good news. Glad you decided to post it.

My veins are having a rest as I am on Bondronate tablets now. My Oncologist doesn’t want to see me until September so OH and I have booked a holiday touring Cornwall. We have been going to Cornwalll and Devon for years and years but I so love the sea and the skies there especially when lying flat on my back looking up at the Milky Way and watching shooting stars!

I had a phonecall last night from a lady called Margaret who is doing a marathon here in Edinburgh today. We first met in 1989 when we had breast surgery at the same time. Think she was phoning me because doing the walk took her back to when we were going through a difficut time together. 21 years ago…cannot believe it is so long ago and what we have been through.

With all the sad news on here recently it is good to see everyones comments on here and know there is so much support about. Feel I know a lot of you well even although we have never met. Keep well ladies. Keep the good news coming. LOve Val