2nd Fec tomorrow

Hi Liz and Shirley
My tumour was also 3cm and stage 3, but I had full left mastectomy on 16th Dec 08, and all 17 nodes they removed were infected, so I definately had to have the chemo.
I’ve already had 4 x FECs and I’m now moving on to 4 x Taxotere - first one next Wed (eeek). I’d got used to the side effects of the FEC so now going into unknown territory so to speak! This will then be follwed by Rads and Herceptin (I’m HER2+) then Tamoxifen for the next 5 years. Onc has told me that I will be keeping my Hickman line in throughout the Herceptin, which is another year (big sigh) but hey it will all be worth it to get rid of the blighters :slight_smile:
You keep in touch and anything you’re not sure about, I’ll do my best to help.
Shirley, I shall post again before your last one chuck.
Take care
Susie xxx

Hi Susie and Liz,
Hi Susie good luck for tomorrow and I hope your new chemo isnt to horrid and it all goes well. I will be thinking of you my friend. I expect you are a little nervous because its knew ground again. Im sure you will be ok and you will cope fine what ever new SE,s it throws at you. I love your sense of humour, you always make me laugh, my ankles dont swell but they really ache at times, well most of my joints seem to at the mo!
Liz, I was like you had an WLE, diagnosed with DCIS tumor 2.6cms, Grade 1. No lymph nodes involved. So I wasnt expecting chemo either. But its an added insurance for the future I am 100% ER+. So they need to stop my ovaries, and bring on my menapause, as the cancer was feeding on oestegen.
So go with it my friend, its tough but doable, and you really mustnt let yourself suffer to many side effects always ask for help, they can always give you something! Its not so bad once you start, the waiting is the hardest, and worrying about the unknown. But we will support you here!!
well take care guys,
I will be in touch soon, my lovely daughter has flown out for a week to visit us. So thats nice
best wishes Shirley XXX

Thank you both for the positive encouragement.
You’re right when you say the waiting is the worst thing, having made the decision to have the treatment I just want to get started on it.
I’ve just made an appointment with the NHS wig fittng service and also going to take up the chance of some complimentary treatments that are on offer at the local FORCE support group.
I’ve been told that it’s a good idea to keep a diary - if only to remind yourself that you will feel better - did either of you do or did you find that posting here helped put things into context?

Hi Shirley and Liz

Shirley sorry didn’t manage to get on computer yesterday to wish you luck chum - guess by the time you get this hopefully you’ll have had your last one !!! (Oh I hope so and I’m not jumping the gun).
Do let me know won’t you? I’m sure your daughter will be showering you with TLC - just what you need chuck!
Liz - Absolutely right when you say using these forums really sets your mind at rest and just knowing you can either get advice, or help someone who is going through the same journey, or even just corresponding with someone who totally understands what all this feels like physically and emotionally without feeling like you’re whinging all the time, is a lifeline honestly.
Good luck with your wig fitting etc - I didn’t go down the wig route as I’m the type who would feel more self conscious with a wig rather than a scarf (also I had nightmares about it blowing off in the wind:)
Well I had my Taxotere yesterday and oh what a long day - there was a massive delay in making up everyones’ chemo so although my appt was 8am, we didn’t get away until 3pm - mind you it takes over an hour to administer. I feel fine really apart from the red steroid face - oh and the elephant ankles ! Alas I have to have a jab today from the district nurse to stimulate my bone marrow to produce white blood cells, apparently this is where the achey bones kick in and I may have to take pain killers for that. This is to avoid infections which I’m even more prone to now - marvellous:)
3 more to go - Yay !!!
Well sorry for the long post but take care both of you and do keep in touch with updates etc.
Lots of Love
Susie xxx

Hi Susie and Liz,
hope you are both ago? My last chemo went ahead ahead as planned!! My bloods came back good. Thanks for the good wishes.
So now I have an appointment on Tuesday 21st April to plan my Rads. Then I will know how many I need. Im very impressed they are very effcient here in Spain.
I hope all goes well with you Susie and the SE,s of your new chemo are kind to you. Keep in touch and keep me posted my friend.
Liz try and enjoy your weekend before you start treatment. You will be ok!! How did you get on with your wig fitting? A lot of Spanish ladies out here have them, and they look very good. I didnt go down that route either, because I had to come off HRT immediately, so Im having some mega flushes, so the wig would be too hot out here. I have some lovely cotton scarfs and hats, and I quite like my bohemiam look now.
Its lovely having my daughter out here for awhile, and it also reassures her that I am doing ok. Because this illness effects all the famlily doesnt it and its tough on them too.
Have a good weekend ladies keep in touch,
loads of love Shirley XXX

Hi Shirley and Liz
Yipee, hooray and congratulations on your last one Shirley, I bet it’s such a relief for you not having to worry about the next one cos hey! there IS no next one. Well done chuck and I do hope the SE’s are kind to you.
Good luck with your Rads planning today, hope all goes smoothly for you - apparently Tads is a breeze compared to chemo!
Liz - Good luck to you too for the 23rd - try not to dread it, you’ll probably find it’s a bit of an anti-climax on the day. Just deal with one day at a time and just remember it IS doable.
Well I have been in the wars as although I felt ok Thurs and Fri following first Tax on Wed, things went a bit downhill on Sat.
Woke up feeling ropey and did nothing but sleep the whole day on Sat. Once I finally woke up I felt weird and on taking my temp it had shot up to 38.3. Phoned Christies and was advised to go in straight away.
They took loads o bloods and bunged me on a drip (the first of 3) and luckily my bloods were fine, so they said it must be an infection tho they couldn’t say where!
Cut a long story short, my temp eventually came down and I was set home with antibiotics on Sunday. Side effects are at the mo: madly achey all over, terrible mouth and no taste (like I’ve got a sock on my tongue), baldy head itchy and covered in spots, and a dose of thrush - oh and I started a period whilst in hospital - oh and my the tip of my right thumb is sore.
Think that’s about it and apart from that I’m ok !!! ha -ha.
Glad I make you smile Shirley - you gotta have a laugh thru this else you’d get sooo fed up with not feeling well - roll on June that’s what I say!.
Well take care the both of you and I shall check in again soon.
Gotta have me Weetabix now which tastes like cat litter (although have never tasted that little delicacy!)
Lots of Love
Susie xxx

Hi Susie and liz,
Susie bless you, you poor thing, what a weekend for you and your poor hubby I bet he was so worried. Im glad your home now, you take care and rest!! Things went well today. The Doctor was lovely very kind and informative. My Spanish is coming on really well. Im so glad I have stuck with my Spanish classes, its been well worth it. I have had 3 Tattoos on boob today, such fun!! I will have 18 Zaps and it will take 3 half weeks, so not too bad. They are going to give me a slightly higer dose, then standard so it doent take so long, and it will shorten my travelling time. They have assured me it will make no difference to the overall doseage and outcome. I start on the 11 May. They recommend at least 4 weeks to recover from chemo.Before you start the next treatment.
Liz good luck on the 23rd I hope it goes ok.
Take care you guys
keep in touch loads of love Shirley XXX

Hi Shirley and Susie,
Had my ‘chemo-chat’ and pre clerking for the Hickman line on Monday,
lots of waiting around but everyone was very kind and kept forcing tea,coffee and chocloate muffins on me. Just want to get on with it now.
The wig fitting was today - went for a natty little number slightly shorter than my ‘normal’ length hair. Took a friend with me for a second opinion. Also bought a couple of scarves and a turbin - ready for any event now!
My sister is coming down from Suffolk tomorrow and will come in with me on Thursday - if only to make sure I don’t do a runner.
Hope you start feeling better soon Shirley.
Downhill run for you Susie.
Did either of you find any supplements useful when going through chemo - aloe vera juice or milk thistle?
Take care both of you and thanks for the good wishes

Oops, sorry I think I got your names muddled - anyway you know what I mean - take care both of you.
I though ‘chemo-brain’ kicked in during treatment not before!
Off to bed - night night.

Hi you two!
Yes Shirley it was a bit of a bummer week-end. A cancer ward is no place to spend it, especially when the weather was so glorious. I meant to mention the nurses wanted me to use a bed pan so they could carry out tests etc. Bearing in mind this was a mixed ward and I had the added bonus of my period, and I was also on a drip - I said your’re having a giraffe what do think I am a contortionist??? So we came to a compromise, but honestly there’s a blimmin limit and I’m a bit fussy where I carry out my ablutions :slight_smile: Hubby was highly amused!
Just think 4 weeks and no chemo, it will be bliss for you chuck! I can’t wait to be at that stage. So pleased you’re getting such marvellous treatment over there and the docs sound really nice and supportive, personally I think that’s half the battle if you have a supportive team.
Well as you can see I’m up again with the larks and feel a bit more human again today. I felt proper ropey again yesterday so was fit for nowt.
We’re having new wall tiles in the kitchen fitted today then hubby is painting the dining room - we’re getting there!
Liz - re the supplements. I hav’nt taken anything really and just make sure I eat loads of fresh stuff. Having said that there’s a thread on here that suggests Manuka honey taken on a daily basis helps to boost your immune system. After checking with my Onc, I ordered some on line with all marvellous intentions. When it arrived yes you guessed, it got stuck in the cupboard never to see the light of day! But I will start taking it - I will, I will :slight_smile:
Try googling it and see what you think, it’s supposed to be brilliant.
Anyway take care you two and will speak again soon chucks
Love Susie xxx

Hi Susie and Liz,
Susie im glad your feeling a little better today, and feeling more chirpy, Stick with it my friend you have got what it takes, you have a postive outlook on life. I hope you have a better day and you get to enjoy your good weather in the uk.
Liz I was told by my doctor that a cup of tea with a little sugar, is very good for helping to detox the liver, and to drink loads of water before and after treatment. So although I dont take sugar yuk!! I tried to drink some regularly during the week after chemo, I havnt suffered to many horrid SE,s and I had no sickness and never needed to take the anti sickness tablets provided. I never took any supplements, but like Susie I did read something about the Manuka Honey.
Good luck tomorrow!!
best wishes to you both ShirleyXXX

Hi Susie and Shirley,
I had my first chemo on Thursday, the procedure went OK , a little discomfort having the Hickman line inserted - but I was well out of it with the pre-med - my sister said I was gibbering and talking rubbish although I do remmber telling the guy doing it that he ought to have it done to him so he could appreciate the patients view!
I came home and had a light supper and then threw up - don’t you just hate that!
Went to bed feeling rough and woke up with something that felt like a massive hangover without the benefit of the pleasure of the alcohol!
Fortunately that passed and I had a much better night last
night. Feeling OK today but taking it easy.
Have to see the District Nurse this afternoon for a series of injections to boost my bone marrow she is uncertain about giving them as there will be no doctor present and I may have to go back to the hospital 35 miles away to have it done! I’ve asked her to contact the ward as I’m sure she’s more that capable of giving it.
Heartburn appears to be a problem - Gaciscon is helping - did either of you suffer from it?
I’m concious of every gurgle and ache - but am sure that will pass when I’m further down the line.
Hope you’re both having a good weekend.

Hi liz and Susie,
Well Liz at least you have got the first one over, from now on you will know what to expect. Yes I too suffered from terrible heartburn with my first chemo. I told my Onc and he give me some pills, I take one a day and I have had no problem since, so dont suffer!!
I hope the side effects are kind to you, just take each day as it comes.
Hi Susie I hope you are ok and your not suffering too much with your new chemo. Take care guys stay postive, catch up soon, best wishes Shirley XXX

hi Susie and liz,
Hope you are both ok and enjoying your bank holiday in the UK.
Susie I hope you are ok my friend, I have been thinking about you, I know Tax is a tough Chemo, I really hope you arent suffering too much.
I am off back for blood tests on Thursday and if all comes back good. I will start Rads on Monday 11th, fingers crossed. My daughter is sending me some cream called Radiance from the Bristol Cancer Centre, its all natural ingredients and is recommended to help skin during Rads. I have checked the website its very good. My Onc is going to discuss my Hormone Therapy next yuk more pills !! But hey very necessary im my case 100% Oestrogen postive.
you both take good care be in touch again soon
Love Shirley XX

Hello you two!
Sorry havn’t posted in a while, but this blimmin Tax knocked me for six!
Thanku Shirley for your encouraging post and yes you’re right, the Tax is a toughy - I think what makes it worse is the Neulasta jab the day after the chemo - I’ve felt like a 90 year old for the last 3 weeks - swelled ankles, terrible achey bones and awful tiredness. And to cap it all me flippin eyelashes have now fell out!
Have not felt right for the whole 3 weeks, apart from about 2 days - oh woe is me :frowning: Had a bit of a wobble last weekend and couldn’t stop crying and feeling sorry for myself, which is just not like me.
Got to say felt better after if and hubby was quite relieved when it was over bless him!
Well got me next one tomorrow - then ONLY 2 TO GO !!!
What are the blood tests for Shirley ? I shall google the Radiance cream - sounds just the job. Will you be going on Tamoxifen next ?
Liz - hope you’re ok after your first one - like Shirley says, you’ll know what to expect next time and please ask your onc about the heartburn pills - they’re brilliant.
I shall post again Shirley before the 11th and you take it easy chuck and build up your strength ready for your Rads.
Take care and much love
Susie xxx

Susie - sounds like a rough time, but you’re two thirds through it so well done you. I’m trailing along behind you but your posts certainly help me both to prepare for what might happen but also to see that it is doable with the right attitude and support so thanksx
Shirley - how long will you need rads for? I’ve been looking at a book by Dr Rosy Daniels and Jane Sen - both of whom worked at the Bristol Cancer Center and they make some vitamin and mineral recommendations to be taken during rads, especially Vitamin C (500mg 3 times a day) , Vit E (400iu daily) , Selenium (200mg daily) and B12 & folic acid ( 50mg of vit B complex daily) as the radiation decreases the level of these in the body but Vit C can augment the effectiveness of radiotherapy and decrease the anaemia, appetite loss and weight loss that can occur - it may be worth a go. The book is Eat to Beat Cancer - sure to find it on Amazon.
These also help with chemo treatment and I’ve been on the regime for three months since I was diagnosed, having first checked with the pharmacist and oncologist and they were fine about it.
Don’t know if they are helping but I certainly feel pretty good at the moment with very minor side effects.
I’m off today for a ‘Look good, Feel better’ session held at the cancer support centre - is this something you’ve done Susie and is there something similar offered in Spain Shirley?
Take care

Hi girls - susie I’m starting tax this week too hopefully if the infection with hickman line is ok, and dreading it but then like you will only have 2 to do!! Yay!! My little lad goes into hospt for day op too on thurs same day as my chemo so it’ll be fun in our house!
Shirley - will be sending positive vibes to Spain for you and the rads next week and liz - hope you’re feeling ok after the chemo, mary x

oops, blushes…soory - thought I had said hello on your thread girls but now realised I haven’t…but hello anyway - I now I’ve “spoken” to susie before…brain like a sieve and all that…mary x

Hello Ladies and hello again Mary - yes we have spoken before - I think it was about the Hickman line fitting - nice to speaky again.
So you’ve had an infection chuck - gosh that was unlucky, hope it clears up for you soon. Just curious but what were the symptoms?
Hope everything went well with your Tax today, please let us know how you went on. Don’t take any notice of me rattling on about my side effects - you may be totally different and find them kinder to you - fingers crossed for you
Well had my 2nd Tax today and all went according to plan. Had a long list of side effects to discuss with onc and he said it’s all down to the Tax and it seems the first one threw everythng at me! But on a positive note he said I’m doing realy well with my bloods and if I can possibly manage the last 2 he will be very pleased :slight_smile:
Just not looking forward to the follow up Neulasta jab tomorrow - Yuk!!!
Glad you’re having minor side effects Liz - lucky you and guess it could very well be due to your vitamin intake - keep it up chuck and long may it continue for you!
I keep meaning to have a look at the Look good feel better thing but we’re havin stuff done to the house at the mo so not really had a chance to sort it out. I have read that they’re excellent though - how did you find yours?
Hope your’re ok Shirley my friend and life is a little easier for you now the chemo is over.
Take care all and nitey nite for now
Love Susie xxx

The ‘Look good, Feel better’ session was great fun! Most of the products are top quality names - the stuff I never can afford and pass by as I reach for the Rimmell or No 7 racks!
The volunteers from the local department stores cosmetic counters were also very good, quickly putting us all at ease and going through the make over step by step with us. I’m still not that good at drawing an eye brow - more practise needed! My hair is now coming out in handfuls and I’m chucking it out into the garden in the hope that the local birds who are nest building will find it useful. I quite like the idea of it appearing in a nest somewhere - the ultimate in recycling.
If you get the chance I would certainly recommend a LGFB session.
Take care all,