2nd Fec tomorrow

Hi Susie and liz,
Everything went well yesterday, my bloods were good. so Im ok to start Rads on Monday and I will also get my first prescription for Tamoxifen Eek!! but very necessary so I will have to go with it.
Susie I hope you are feeling ok my friend, stay postive you are nearly there now. Im thinking about you.
Liz that course sounds fab. we dont have anything like that out here. I got some tips about make up etc from the teenage cancer website, which was helpful,I just toned it down about, makeup wise for me. But it was very postive and helpful.
Hope you guys have a good weekend,
loads of love
Shirley XXX

Hi Shirley and Susie,
Glad the bloods were OK Shirley - how long will you be having rads for?
I’m biting the bullet and having my hair shaved on Monday - it’s coming out in clumps and my scalp hurts so I just want rid of it!
I’ve been practising with the scarves and feel OK about the whole thing.
Weekend weather looks good.
I’ve just been looking at airfares to the region of Greece I worked in for the past two years - with the view to taking a quick week away in late May, after I speak to the oncologist on Thursday and have my 2nd dose on Friday.(Suppose it depends on SE’s etc).
Shirley do you find the sun a problem, has chemo made you more sensitive to it?
Any advice of Travel Insurance - I’ve heard that it’s difficult and also expensive for BC or any cancer sufferers?
Have a good weekend.

Hi Susie and Liz,I hope you are both ok. Im doing well I had my 3rd zap today. It takes me around 40mins drive each way. So the whole trip and having Rads is just under 2 hrs. So not too awlful. I choose 12.30, as the motorway is quite quiet then on the way to Malaga.
The staff are lovely and its great practise for me with my Spanish.
Liz I havnt had any probs with sun yet, but I do tan very easily, it is getting quite warm out here now. Although I dont sit out in it for too long at one time. I have heard travel insurance can be expensive but I havnt travelled anywhere yet since diagnosed, so sorry I cant help you with that one. I wear scarfs too, I got some lovely ones from a site called The Indian Shop in the UK. they are 100% cotton and I quite like my Bohemian look now. Well done Liz you sound very postive and upbeat thats Brillant.
Susie I hope you are ok my friend, and not struggling too much. I think about you lots, sending you hugs and good wishes,
best wishes Shirley XX

Hi Shirley and Susie,
Glad to hear you’re managing the rads well Shirley.
Hope all is well with you Susie - I’ve got the heartbun pills so hopefully won’t be too bothered by it this time around.
I had my second FEC yesterday and was much better last night, no nausea or vomiting. A bit spaced out this morning but OKish now.
My oncologist is happy if I travel after my bone marrow boosting injections, Monday - Thursday next week, so I will try and get a ticket next weekend and go off to Greece for a week - could do with the sunshine.
Take care both of you,

Hi Susie and Liz,
Susie I really hope you are ok my friend, as you havent been in touch for a while. I hope its because you are busy doing your house and not because you are poorly. I know its a bank holiday in the UK this week end, so I hope you have a good one. Im half way through Rads now and Im doing ok just a little tired at times. Still its the weekend so now I get a break for two days.
Liz hope your ok and have booked your trip, have a good time and chill.
best wishes Shirley XX

Hi Shirley and Susie
Just back from my week in Greece, had a good time and returned relaxed and slightly browner. Third dose this week - then I’m halfway through.
Shirley when does the ‘zapping’ finish for you?
Susie - hope all continues well for you.
Thinking of you both,

Hello i would like to joint this friendly group. I am a little behind all of you and have read your posts with interest. I started my chemo (Fec) I am now on day 12. It’s not a bad as I expected Think I had the worst case in my thoughts and that for me helps as when it not it’s a bonus. Crazy I know. I am now stuck at home as I had to go back to hospital on Friday with a sore throat and mouth. They were on about keeping me in as my white blood cells have almost disappeared; luckily the doc was ok with me coming home as there was nothing else wrong with me. I have to be careful that I don’t pick up anything else. At least this stuff is working if its killing the good cells think what it’s doing the bad boys!!! so I’m staying here until they say my cells are ok. Hopefully not too long, I am missed my Granddaughter’s 2nd birthday yesterday which is really rubbish, but when I am ok we will have a tea party for her.

My onc has not allowed me to go of anywhere on holiday even for a few days , how strange tht they all have different ideas.

Enjoy the sun (well the shade) Take care Marion xx

Hi Maid Marion

I am also due to have my second FEC this week - It seems to have come round so quickly since the last one - I have to have six lots three weeks apart. I had primary bc Oct 2002, and secs diagnosed to lungs and liver beginning of April this year.

I found that the first week all I really wanted to do was sleep and sit around. I took all the anti-sickness tablets they gave me, and only experienced slight nausea. Felt like I had run into a brick wall. My son moved back in with me and made me little snacks and drinks which helped a lot.

Wanted to do the garden but only got as far as opening the back door and looking at it - didn’t have the energy to do anything else, but this week I have been out there tidying up quite a bit.

I have now lost my hair, which my onc said would happen, but found it very traumatic. I have got a lovely wig though which looks so natural, so that has given me confidence. Did not use cold cap as onc said because my hair was fine I would stand no chance with keeping it, and people usually lost their hair with FEC - its the red one that causes hair loss.

Sorry you had to return to the hospital. I got a dry mouth for a couple of days and then it wore off. The worst thing was excrutiating back pain which carried on all night and I took some Anadins in the end which the chemo department said were OK to take.

What a shame you missed your granddaughter’s birthday, but I have found that you just can’t fight the way you feel and need to rest until you feel better. I have three young grandchildren, and much as I love seeing them, during the first week I did not have the energy - the little girl is two and a half and wants to play all the time, usually no problem, but not when you are completely zonked with chemo. Have made it up to her since though.

You will find lots of support on this site, and the ladies are such a help - I am really glad I joined, even though none of us want to be in this ‘club’.

Hope your second FEC goes OK, and I wish you well with your treatment. Best wishes,


hi trixie - glad you’re managing ok with it all - I had 3 fec and now just had second of 3 tax - what did you have first time round then chemo wise? I think once you get into the full on effect of the first one it eases the worry abit - ie fear of the unknown is a big thing with it all isn’t it?? mary x

Hi kittenkat

Thanks for message. When I had primary bc I had a lumpectomy and 17 lymph nodes removed - all clear, followed by radiotherapy - did not have chemo as it was considered not necessary and I was told I would be very unlucky for it to come back!

Not looking forward to having next lot of FEC as the first week I felt so weak and not able to do anything, but think I am lucky re the side effects as have not been too bad. Have to see the onc for update after second FEC, I suppose he wants to see how it is affecting me.

Did you have a lumpectomy as well, or was your experience different.

By the way, do you have cats as well? (I wondered because of the name you have called yourself)I have two, the ginger one in the photo and a very laid back black and white - they are such good company and I wouldn’t be without them.

Hope your treatment is going well. Best wishes,


hi trixie - yes I usually had a pic of one of my cats as my avatar, wouldn’t be without them as you say! Yes I had wle and node clearance with 1 node involved in jan this year and then started chemo early march - had 3 fec first, it def does knock you about but then you get a few good days and feel better before the next, I was well on the whole with it then the first tax floored me a bit but second one has been better so far…mind you only day 6 after it…the hair going isn’t pleasent for sure but we seem to get used to it quick enough don’t we - hope you’ll soon have fun with the grandkids again, they def take it out of you, my kids are 10 and 16 and I feel bad putting things off when I’m tired etc so end up plodding on like we do! mary x

Hi girlys
I hope you are all well. I have finished my Rads now, so all my treatment has finished. Im not suffering too bad so far on Tamoxifen, just hot flushes but at 51 yrs. I would be getting them anyway.
My immune system took a battering and last week I went down with Bronchitis, agh!! but Im feeling slightly better today. Its a great feeling not having to go near a hospital for a month. Then I go for check with ONC on 2nd July. Liz Im glad you had a lovely holiday and I hope your treatment is still going well. Susie I hope you are ok my friend I think of you often.
good luck to all of you with your treatment hang in there, it is doable. best wishes Shirley XXX

Congratulations Shirley - out the other side.
Thanks for all your positive postings, and the advice and support.
Have a fantastic summer and very very best wishes for the future.

Susie - I hope things are well with you. Thinking of you.

Trixie and Mary - nice to hear from you. I’m on my third FEC and start Tax in three weeks - half way there! Then it’s an unknown (as yet) number of rads but there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Have a good weekend.

Hi Liz, Sue
Thank you for your good wishes. I hope your treatment is going well. We went out with friends last night and diidnt get back until 1.30pm. It was brilllant I had two glasses of wine and my flushes werent too bad. It was just like the old times before BC treatment. Its a long time but you will all get there. I slept well. I seem to be lucky and the Tamoxifen isnt too bad so far. So stay postive because there is an end too the road, and life can get back to some normality.
Sue I do hope you see this message, I have thought about you alot I do hope you are ok my friend. miss chatting with you. sending you hugs and good vibes. Shirely XX

You little stop out Shirley!!!
Sounds like you’re having a good time. It’s important, isn’t it?
I go out with friends and at times completely forget the BC - which is good and then it suddenly hits me that all isn’t quite as it was but nevertheless I don’t want things to change too much just because of this and I certainly don’t want people treating me differently!
I have my first dose of tax next Thursday, having managed the FEC reasonably well I’m hopeful that this next lot will be as doable without too many of the potential side efffects - who knows - reading these blogs it seems everyone has a different experience.
Continue to party long and hard Shirley and Sue I hope all is going well for you.
Take care,

A big hello to everyone - hello Shirley and soooo sorry for not posting for a good while and thanku for thinking about me.
Liz - you too and thanku for your PM.
I’ve been quite poorly on the Tax unfortunately - it didn’t agree with me and it’s left me with some not very nice side effects (even thought the last one was over 6 weeks ago!) After a lengthy discussion with my Onc, it was decided that I should stop the chemo as he thought that if I had any more, my body would not be able to take it and I would just end up in hospital. He went on to say that he was more than happy with the 6 zaps that I’ve had (4 FEC and 2 TAX)and reassured me that I was making the right decision and to now concentrate on the next stages (Radio and Herceptin).
I feel sooo much better now although I am still suffering with trying to get over the lasting effects and I’ve been told to have patience (not my middle name) !!! as it will take time.
Don’t want to go into too much detail as I’m aware there are those of you due to start Tax or are already on it. Suffice is to say I was one of the unlucky ones and not everyone reacts like I did!
I have already had 14 zaps of radio and have my last one on Monday, then due to start Herceptin towards the end of July. Those nice people at Christies are giving me a break as I’m told my body has taken a bit of a hammering (don’t I know it :slight_smile:
Anyway enough about me - Shirley big big well done to you chuck for finishing your treatments at last - what a relief it must be for you and no more flipping hospital visits - HOORAY and big hug to you !!!
It sounds like you’re getting back a bit of normality and enjoying life again - marvellous !
Liz - I’m sending you loads ‘o’ positivity for your tax and I’m sure you’ll be absolutely fine - keep yer pecker up and not long now !
Shirley - I too am back on the old Tamoxifen and these blimmin hot flushes are a nuisance aren’t they ? (I call them my power surges) but guess if I can get them over and done with now, I may not suffer in my fifties. Mind you it is very hot and humid here at the mo and has been for a while now - in fact it’s very stormy and hot today.
Well must away and I WILL post again soon and again so sorry for not getting in touch sooner.
Take care my friends and have a glass of vino for me Shirley :slight_smile:
Lots o love
Susie xxx

Hi Susie, what a lovely surprise, its great to hear from you. Im sorry you have had such a bad time. I checked everyday to see if you were ok, and my hubby asked for you regularly too.
So glad you have a understanding ONC, take it easy you will improve I promise. I found rads very tiring, and it reallys takes its toll. Remember your poor body is trying to renew its self everyday and night and then we Zap it again.
I have a BIG Day tomorrow a little nervous but staying postive. I see my doctor in the morning for blood test results and scan results, liver and ovaries. Then in the evening at 7.oopm we have to see the ONC. Thats Spain for you they like evening appointments. If all is good i wont need to see him for 3 months yeh!!
How cool is that, so fingers and toes and everything crossed.
Hi liz hope you are keeping well and coping with treatment too. keep in touch guys best wishes Shirley XXX

Hi Shirley
Just wanted to wish you a massive ‘Good Luck’ for today chuck - Ive got EVERYTHING crossed for your positive results.
It’s going to be a long day for you but it’ll all be worth it for the positive end result. Just think no more hospitals for 3 months - what luxury :slight_smile:
Please let me know how you get on - hubby sends his positive vibes too !
How’re you doing Liz ? Hope all is well with your treatments and you’re keeping your pecker up.
Take care and lets keep in touch
Susie xxx

Hi Shirley
Just want to echo the good wishes from Susie. Hope it all goes well.

I had my first Tax on Thursday and felt fine until yesterday when the side effects kicked in - the worst is the painful joints and the cystitis but I’m on painkillers and drinking loads of cranberry juice. They started my bone marrow boosters the day after chemo so they should kick in soon.

I know we are all different but how long after the dose do these effects last for? I’ve done well on the FEC but this is dragging me down.

Thanks guys,

Good morning to you both !
Shirley - I do hope it was good news for you yesterday chuck - I’m thinking about you x
Liz - I found Tax totally different from FEC - mainly the side effects are different and unfortunately in my case they lasted longer. BUT having said that, I didn’t react to Tax very well at all and from what I’ve read, some people even find it easier. I was just one of the lucky (ha-ha) few that it didn’t agree with.
You may find your achey bones get slightly worse when you’ve had your bone marrow booster - but in the majority of cases it IS doable.
I was advised to take painkillers (1 x Ibobrufen plus 1 x paracetamol) this combination seems to work best.
Please don’t let it drag you down - whilst it’s making you feel awful, more importantly it’s doing it’s job.
Hope this is helpful and if you need to know anything else, please ask chuck.
Take care and will speak later
Susie xxx