Anyone due to start their chemo July 2014

Hi July Ladies
Hope everyone is doing ok and not suffering from SE too much.
Slyolddog and hbunny I was due to have my last chemo on 18th Oct so would have been just behind you but for some reason my next chemo is on 18th Aug instead of 15th as I had planned for. I think the unit is just so busy that sometimes they can’t fit everyone in.
Still hanging on to most of my hair at the moment although it looks a mess, on day 13 after 2nd FEC so expecting to lose a lot more next week. Just hoping I hang onto enough to be allowed to continue with cold cap. Like you hbunny I heard you lose all hair with Fec and eyebrows/lashes with T.
Felt a lot better this time around, I’m sure that drinking lots of water helped.
I’m getting ahead a bit as still got another Fec to go but I’ve read on another thread about ladies having docetaxol painting their nails a dark colour, does anyone know what this is for?
Good luck to anyone having treatment over the next few days

Horseslave - great to hear you so positive. Making me feel about bad about going round with my scruffy chemo think I’ll have to slap on my wig and some make up tomorrow

Hi Lovely ladies sorry not been on latley but no internet in hospital. Update is i called clinic about being  short of breath and very tired so they said to have a blood test the next day. As i was having a pic-lin put in the next morning i asked if they could do it in theater and the surgeon did. 4 hours later i left the day surgery center with stricht instructions to go to the chemo clinic for blood result. like some of you i thought i might be a bit anemic what a shock i got when i was told i was neutropenic and need to be admited to hospital. But i did not have a temp only really tired and sob. So just spent 5 days on antibiotic drip. Then when ready to come home opps potasium low and magnesum low lets get that fixed first. Also as i had so much pain in my shoulder a qiuick ultra sound. that was clear. but the upshot of this means i was so well looked after in Bedwell ward Southend i will never feel worried about haveing to spend time in hospital again. Well next Fec on Wednesday which onc says will be lower lol maybe 20% i said you said 25% last time he told me i drive a hard bargain.  

Hi slyolddog
I love your attitude, you ooze positivity. There is absolutley no other way of tackling this illness but head on. Speaking of which, finding Annabandana a godsend for jazzy scarves etc. I decided not to go down wig route. Cold cap whatever. Too tight fisted and it is what it is. Temporary.
The picc line was fitted in my upper arm at Addenbrookes. I am glad, despite it being a bit uncomfortable sometimes in the heat and being a challenge to fit covers. I am currently chopping top and toes off old walking socks to cover it. Anything but tubigrip! Its a bit uncomfortable when they put it in under a local but speeds up the multitude of blood tests we have and is supposed to make the whole chemo thing quicker with less cannula problems.

Hi Karen
My oncologist said not to paint nails dark as they like to see changes in bed of ball and might miss something. Best to ask first. I have a feeling the hair loss thing depends on person and perhaps not chemo. I let my hair go a couple of weeks after the docetaxl, best thing I did was to shave the mess off. It really does feel better and you absolutely do get used to it after the initial horror of the situation. Stay strong. My eyebrows are still here but eyelashes have thinned.

In general, has everyone found that this situation sorts the men from the boys amongst our friends and family? Empty offers of help from some yet full on help from others. Family that cannot deal with it and those that bend over backwards to?

I have had a few surprises along the way. The biggest upset for me has been my own mother, she has caused terrible trouble and upset my children and husband brutally. She is utterly self obsessed and selfish and does not realise the person she has become. I have decided to cut her out of our lives this week, as she seems to wait until I am laid low with chemo or an operation, then pounces with her emotional upset and harking on about how rude my husband/son was to her on such and such a date. At such and such a time. (Serves you right you bad-mannered old B***h!) why do people think that when they get to 60 they can speak to people how the heck they like and be a vile as they like and still be respected?
I have asked my dad to take her to the doctors as she must surely have the start of dementia. Or just be nasty and poisonous?
Just when my children and husband could do with extended support in the family, they get abuse. Unacceptable.

Anyway, jovial me, theres an example of a family member not being the person I had originally thought. Anyone else got some howlers?

You guys are always so damn positive - I love it ???. I feel like I’m on a roller coaster, one day I feel I’m handling it all really well and the next I’m this pathetic little sickly person!!! Thank you all for making me chuckle. This forum feels a bit like a conspiratorial, guilty pleasure that gives me a secret boost when I’m down!!

Horseslave - I love the sound of your daughter already and I also am having Mum problems. Mine is trying so hard to ‘take care’ of me, she forgets I have a very loving husband and children who are doing a very good job of it and she gets really moody if she comes in and finds they’ve done a job she wanted to do!! ie cooked me some dinner!!! I do love her but wish she would just come in and have a cuppa instead of trying to completely run my household!!!

Anyway I mustn’t waste this ‘feeling good’ day - I’m off to walk the dog before if gets too hot. I can’t believe my 2nd treatment is a week today!!! Aaaaggggghhhh!

I wish everyone a trouble-free day,

Love Ruby x

Morning Ladies

Feeling positive today which is always a good start despite not being able to find my glasses when I woke up. I’m as blind as a bat without and can’t remember where my spares are so was starting to panic as they were no where in sight, then they turned up under the sheet! How on earth did they get there?
Ruby - this forum has helped me so much too, after diagnosis and mx I spent all my time on Google and frightened the life out of myself. So much positivity and support on here.
Horseslave - sorry to hear about your mum that’s the last thing you need right now. You’re right about finding out who your real friends are at times like this and I have certainly had lots of support from people I didn’t expect. Luckily not everyone knows so with some people I can have ‘normal’ conversations without having to mention how I’m doing and how treatment is going.
Slyolddog - yes I was very upset about my dates being put back. I know it’s only a minor thing but have been counting down the days and weeks and now I don’t know if they will put it back again I don’t think it can be put back to schedule as need 21 days between treatments. I will be having rads after too but no one can tell me how many yet. So much uncertainty, reconstruction hasn’t even been discussed yet, I know it’s a long way off but…
Shoes - I’m having chemo at Southend too but in the nicest poss way hope I never have to find out how nice the ward is!
Hope everyone has a good day

Hi ladies,

I agree Ruby it’s great to see such positive comments. It helps get me through those down days!

Finally had my chemo date agreed, it’s next Friday. Not great as we are going away that evening but I’m keeping everything crossed for a minimal SE weekend! My hair is still coming out in handfuls everyday but I can’t believe how I have any left. I think it will only be a matter of days. I have an appt with our local Macmillan centre today who run the LGFG course and lots more, so looking forward to that. I also signed up to join a panel forum in London. You do things like food tasting, hospital inspections, shared experiences and quality reviews. It’s all done to improve services going forward for cancer patients. It will be good to have something positive to focus on and that know I could be helping people in the same situation as us.

Clare - thanks for the tips on injections. I hadn’t realised they were the same till I googled different names. Sounds like you had a very rough time with them but glad you’ve had less SE’s this time around. Hows the UTI, has your temperature stayed down?

Cath - if your nipple is still sore next week, it maybe worth just checking with the nurses. Glad you’re still feeling well and yes taking things day by day is all we can do.

Morag - glad you’ve also had the go-ahead. I think I’m due to finish end of Oct now and then radio too. Would be great to finish both before Xmas! My husband has agreed to do the injections, so we don’t have to wait around. Not sure I liked the devilish grin he gave me though when he said he didn’t mind doing it. Think I’ll have to be nice to him that week lol.

Horseslave - sounds like you’ve made a tough but wise decision with your Mother. I too have the most amazing daughter and husband, there my rock. My parents have been good too but somewhat overbearing and forget I’m not a child anymore. I think because they are divorced they both want to out do the other!

Sorry for any ladies I’ve missed.

Hugs to all of you

Dee xx

Hi Feeling alot better today managed a few chores round the house. Head has one patch where it feels sore to touch but i have my wig and hats already and think soon i will need to shave my head. i was wondering does anyone think a good dark foundation [normaly for the face] might help lol.


Thanks for all the replies to my last post.I would love to leave comments to others but i have forgotten names by the time i have read the posts.

To the lady that is going for her 2nd next week so am i. the other lady whose hubby cooks so does  mine and he now knows how to put on the washing machine and dish washer at last it does take time:smileyvery-happy:rt

Cathy how do you stay so positive? Your comments always uplift me as i said before this is just like having coffee time with friends.

The question about the pic-lin i was not asleep i am glad because he was [can i say it her horny!!!] wow no wonder i never felt a thing. The only thing i felt was my heart racing and we know why that was lol. the injection to numb the site i felt. A week later and i dont even know it is there. The nurse came to flush line yesterday that was good too.

Hope i can say hello to the lady that goes to southend one day. Well hope all have a good day tomorrow rhinking of you. xxx

Hi shoes220

I have my second TC & H next Friday - we’ll be fine.

Love Ruby

Hbunny - amazing to think you will be at the half way point by this time next week! Hopefully I will be just behind although my bloods were borderline last time despite all the Manuka honey so I’m not bothering with that anymore as I really dislike honey.
Looking forward to a glass of wine tonight (with full approval of my onc), as it’s only in my good week that I can taste it still can’t be doing me any harm.
Sorry if I have left anyone out but I still having got the hang of replying to different people without losing what I have written whilst scrolling through!
Love to all, Karen

Hi All,


Not been on for a while so just popping in with quick update.  There are so many posts on here I wouldn’t know where to begin replying individually, but it’s great to hear the positivity from all of you.


I’ve been for bloods today ready for 3rd FEC on Monday, but because of the vein problems they couldn’t get any from my arm so ended up taking it from my finger (felt like a cow being milked, lol).  My arm was very painful afterwards which is a worry for treatment Monday but I see many of you have had similar so will be asking for a saline flush - thanks for that tip.


Will be so pleased when next week is over and I can feel like I’m halfway through (although 3 x Docetaxel to follow, which many seem to find worse but some find easier so I will choose to believe the latter will happen :-)).


Hope any SE’s are minimal and short-lived and hugs to all,




Hi ladies, hope your all feeling ok today…
Well i must say I’ve had my second fec and they change my anti sickness meds and I feel sooooo much better. No sickness , my sense of smell is not so acute and although I’m tired I feel a million times better than last time. So whoever mentioned changing meds I thank you with all my heart.
On the upside I’m now nearly bald as a coot, have constipation , am piling on the pounds and can’t stand alcohol. I new something good would come out of this ! Lol
Have a great day and hope your all having min SEs or coping well! Xx

Oh and took my steroids at 7 so didn’t get much sleep ! X won’t do that again

Hi Mogs

Glad your treatment went better this time. You’ve just reminded me that after my first FEC, when I was sick as a dog for 2 days, the rest of the week it felt like I could smell every flower in the garden! It was driving me nuts, particularly as I was say inside at the time. The second time they gave me an additional anti sickness, making sure to tell me it was expensive, and that helped loads. I couldn’t smell things so strong and was actually able to get out and about 2 days later.

The things you learn as you go along!

Hi Ladies

Hope everyone is feeling well and enjoying the weekend.
Cath - my glass of wine was lovely, I’m having another one tonight. My onc was very insistent that I carry on with life as normally as possible and that if I wanted a glass of wine I should have one although it is only in this good week that I actually fancy one.

My sense of smell increases after chemo too, my mother in law did some washing for me after my first which was lovely but I found the smell of fabric conditioner, which I usually love overpowering. I was on lansoprozle for the acidic stomach but this has been changed to omeprazole which seems to be working better.

Horseslave and hbunny - thanks for info re dark nail varnish, I suppose I should get the last Fec over with before worrying about the T.

Hope everyone avoids the wet and windy weather tomorrow


Missed a couple of days and wow! what a lot of posts too many to reply too.


Wendylois - Hope you get used to the bald look soon. I was reading on another site and they suggested using suncream on your scalp also. Good idea as it’s so sunny these days. My friars bald patch is still  about 7 inches in diameter. :smileyvery-happy: cool… My wigs are lovely. I will change my hair style depending on my mood. They are all curly as I’ve got curly hair. Love them :smileyvery-happy: Very comfy and cool to wear.


Dellan- My UTI hasn’t affected me at all. I think I caught it quite early. Still drinking plenty of water and have 3 more days of antibiotics. Thanks for asking. 



CathC- Glad to hear that you are feeling stronger now. It’s amazing how one day one can be extremely tired and then suddenly feel energised as much as it’s possible in between cycles. :smileyvery-happy:

Fingers crossed that it will be different with no hospital involvement


JuSt- so many problems with your veins. Have you asked them re picc? I’m only having 4 cycles or I would have asked them for one. My vein doesn’t hurt but on Day 8 of TC it starts to itch, gets slightly pink then darken. This cycle I used extra suncream over the IV site area as I think it happens because it reacts to the sunshine. So far I think it’s working.


Mogs- So pleased you feel sooooo much better. I too know that feeling of euphoria. That’s a positive result re alcohol. I have gone off tea and coffee. Now can only drink PUKKa organic herbal  teas:smileyvery-happy: 


Well toanyone I havaen’t mentioned. Hope you go thro’ your cycles with  minimalhiccups. Stay positive and do what you need to do to stay happy


Sending hugs


Hi All,


CathC - thanks for your kind words and glad you are feeling better and back to yourself again.  It is highly unlikely you will end up back in hospital again and I’m sending you lots of good vibes that that doesn’t happen, but can understand your concern about it.  I’ve half been expecting it this time as my hubby has had a nasty cough and now both he and my eldest daughter have streaming colds!  We have a huge supply of anti-bacterial handwashes and they are trying to keep their distance from me so hope that will keep me germ-free.  Best wishes for staying healthy and at home xx


Clare (Sugar8) - yes, I did speak to my onc about having a line in on Friday - she said it is an option but there are risks involved ie infection and advised it would be better to try to have my last FEC with canula if poss before going onto Docetaxel, which she said is kinder on the veins. Really not looking forward to it tomorrow but will give it a go and hope it improves after this one.  Sooooo glad it is my last FEC - yaaayyyy!


Mogs33 - glad the change of anti-sickness meds helped and you are feeling better this time. Unfortunately, my second change didn’t really help much and I was as sick as a dog again but I’ve been given Emend this time so hope it will be third time lucky.  Hope your constipation quickly resolves - I take Movicol, which tasted particularly revolting last time but just about managed to get it down and it resolved the problem after a couple of days. 


WP23 - so sorry to hear about your nanna - hope you are doing ok.  Am I right thinking that tomorrow is no 3 out of 4 treatment for you?  Great to think that there’s only one left and it wil soon be over - good luck with it and hope SE’s minimal xx


Hugs and best wishes to everyone else,




Wendylois thanks for the tip hijab tie hats i will look up later .

Just good luck with Fec tomorrow.

Cathc i brought about 6 big scarves yesterday and some small one to decorate acouple of hats. Also i have 2 differnt wigs wore 1 yesterday even though i still have some hair left and no one new it was a wig.

Karen i was on lanzaprozal as i have a hietas hernia as i got heart burn at night my onc changed it to omerprazol and now i can have 1 morning and night. n o heart burn now wooooop

Moggs like your comment bald as a coot will have to do mine next week thought i might get hubby to do crew cut, my freind said dont you will end up with little spikey hairs in bed and they are hard to get rid of.

Ruby Thanks i am sure we will be fine.  

Anyone that i have missed becaues there was a lot of post to read through hope you all have a good week.


As for me i feel a lot better sleeping better too. I really enjoy our chats so will try to log in everyday to see how my buddies are doing. When i read the posts i do feel as if i am in a room with you all.

So keep positive xxxx

Hi July Ladies

Have to agree, lovely to curl up with good book in my kindle listening to the rain pouring down outside. All about little pleasures at the moment which is why I really look forward to a glass of wine on my good weekend even though it doesn’t taste as good as usual. Hope you are still feeling well I’m sure you will be ok this time round!
Hope you are still managing to avoid the cough/cold bug. My onc also wants me to have last Fec via canula, my veins aren’t doing too bad except feeling a bit tender.
Thanks for the links, and hope you are keeping well too
Glad you are sleeping better. I got a chillow from Amazon and so far it seems to be helping with hot flushes at night, dreading the tamoxifen as I’m having enough hot flushes already - still small price to pay if it works. Actually come to think about it , I’m not dreading Tamoxifen as it least the chemo will be over by then .
Got soaked taking dog for a walk this morning so dried off with large slice of cake and a cup of tea. I’m putting on so much weight already, can’t seem to stop eating even when food tastes horrible.
Good luck and hugs to anyone having treatment this week, may all your SE’s be minimal x

Hi all. Quick update - I am home again after 3rd FEC. Cannula went in but not successfully first time but thankfully was ok on 2nd attempt. Veins complained again but in slightly different place so hoping that will behave better than a double whammy in the same place. Anyhow, all 3 FEC’s done now - whoop!whoop!

Thanks for all your kind words of support and hoping you all have minimal SE’s. Good luck to anyone having treatment this week.

Hugs to all, JuSt xx