Anyone due to start their chemo July 2014

Good morning ladies,


CathC i have not had a cold cap as the onc said it’s pointless, but I am really not that bothered, my head shape is really nice and I feel quite cool :-B :womanhappy: My wig is amazing and comfortable too.


I hope your blood counts are ok, mine have settled back into normal figures which is why the onc doesn’t want me to be on profilactic filgrastim injections, as they did give me high counts (80!) and also bone pain in my ribs.


Sugar8 and everyone else I will relay the comments you made about my hubby, he is so nice and so are my two teenagers, very helpful and caring.


Although the second FEC chemo day I felt hit hard, I managed to rest really well and took all the meds   (sickness, steroids and even the Senna) and it seems like they worked a treat, as no constipation this time round and even sleep was better then the first time round. I have been at work yesterday and I am today, I do expect to grow tired towards the end of the week, but I am prepared for it, I might work fro home for a day or two. My workplace had hired an interim to work for me whilst going through treatment, just in case I have more hospital incidends, touch wood, they are great really, I bet not many empoyers are as supportive.


I too have a friends wedding in August and have my third chemo at the beginning of that week (18th AuG) but nevertheless I took great delight in picking different dresses off the Internet to try on at home and can’t wait for my glamorous second wig. Got to keep things ticking as normal as possible. 


Good luck with coping on a daily basis and listen to your body, big hugs to you all xxx





Hi ladies,

Ive not been able to get on for a couple of days and its amazing how many comments are here and what wonderful support everyone gives to each other.

Wendy (WP23) - glad to hear you had more energy, and felt better. I hope this has continued. I’m on day 13 of my first cycle. I tried the cold cap but not sure how successful it will be as it seemed quite big. I still have the itchy head, so just waiting now. I have a wig and bandanas at the ready.

CathC - glad your blood tests were fine. Do you know why your transfusions were faster this time around? Hope the nausea has calmed now x

Mogs - sorry to hear they’ve delayed your next treatment. Fingers crossed it goes ahead Thursday.

I’ve got my port fitted Friday so a little anxious about another operation under general. This will be my fifth one this year.

SE’s have remained fairly minor, so I’m keeping everything crossed it continues as I’m supposed to be meeting friends in Hull for a birthday party Saturday and I’d hate to not go.

Here’s hoping for minimal side effects for you all and sending big hugs.

Dee x

Ruby44 Yes I found the nights were worse and like you I didn’t get much sleep at all initially. I thought it was just part of the course of chemo. but after I spoke to my onc he tweaked my dosage and hey presto today is my second day post 2nd chemocycle and so far  (don’t want to jinx it) I am like a new woman… a happy one. I went for a walk first evening (trying to stay out of sun as much as poss). O

nly slight contipation  experienced today, but Ihave had an abundance of dried prunes and apricots so will see what happens. I have minimal side effects this cycle so there IS light at the end of the tunnel. NO sickness yet so decided not to take the drugs. I am only taking my steroids dexamethasone at present. I really hope your onc can sort you out also.                …

wendylois I hope you have a lovely wedding celebration and I bet you will look glamorous on the day, no matter what. The literature says hair falls out between 14 to 21 days.

hbunny Glad your lymphodema and sleep has improved and that you are getting on well with your wigs. I am popping out to get a hat for the wedding tomorrow as I can’t wash my hair too soon after cold cap. That should be interesting as i don’t normally wear hats :smileyvery-happy:

shoes220  It sounds like me you are anaemic. I am eating more red meat than I normally to increase my iron levels and felt better even before my last blood test on Mon 28th which still made me borderline. Hope you feel less tired soon and let me know what onc said. Just saw your post 'Hi lovely ladies, I went back to hosp for blood test to be told I’ve had a bad reaction to the Neulasta injection to boost white count and bone marrow has been over-working that’s why I had so many severe sternum and back pains. I’ve got extra strong painkillers, antibiotics and sleeping tablets - I’m off to bed to get at least ten hours sleep (I wish)!!!’


So were you also anaemic? Hope your pains subside soon and that you manage to get the sleep you need.

Mogs33 the cold cap is working for me so far … just have to see if I am just delaying the inevitable. So sorry to hear about your hiccup with your wbc. I do hope you will be ready for and is having your chemo today. Good luck x x

CathC thanks for tip re beetroot juice. I might need that in case, as you know my 5 injections of filigrastim were stopped by my onc. I also  discovered yesterday that the standard dose of TC was reduced to 75% but they have changed my regime slightly and are continuing to give me Herceptin alongside my chemo. It’s worked really well so far .Fingers crossed. I will just have to wait and see how by blood reacts to this tweak in regime. Hope you are well today.

Flossie  Love your positive outlook. You appear to have a very supportive manager. That’s great. Keep strong. Love reading your post. You cheer me up! I am resting more this time and will work on DAY12 which is about when I felt better/normal in the 1st cycle. But guess what? so far so good. Feeling good with minimal SEs Day 2. just sl constipation this time. I shall get some senna into my ever expanding drug cupboard just in case:smileyvery-happy:

Dellan Glad SEs are minimal  and that you are keeping well as possible. Good luck with the fitting of your port. Hope all goes smoothly.((hugs)).


Well good luck to all the other July ladies and wishing you a speedy recover with minimal SEs whenever you are post chemo and onwards.

Clare (sugar8)

X X 



Hi July ladies,

Well I’ve had my port fitted and although a little sore around the neck and chest where they cut, I’m feeling relatively well, actually too well, I’m sure they’ve slipped some happy pills in me whilst I was asleep lol.

Clare - I’m on Dex too and was extremely emotional on day five. It only lasted a few days and I was fine gain. I’m with you on the cost side. From bras, to wigs, car parking and bandanas it all really adds up! Hope the tears dry up and you’re feeling better soon. X

CathC - so good to here you feel like a new woman today, long may it continue x

To everyone else have a great weekend and hope any side effects are minimal.

Dee x

Hi Clare and Cath,

Yes very quiet. Here’s hoping you are all feeling well and suffering minimal SE’s.

Unfortunately my feeling great day was short lived and the happy pills have definitely worn off. The pain from he portacath is awful and my hair has started to fall out. We were supposed to be travelling to Hull for a party tonight but I’ve had to cancel.

Cath - when I had my radiotherapy I was given a free parking pass. It may be worth checking if your hospital does the same. I hope your sore throat has improved and you are able to get out tonight.

Clare - glad your feeling better today and the wedding went well. I love to dance too and it definitely lifts the spirits.

Big hugs to everyone

Dee xx

Morning ladies,
Yes where has everyone gone ?
Cath c …wow 11 hours sleep if only , you lucky girl . Hope your sore thought is nothing and I’m so glad your toilet issues have been resolved. Lol x

Clare… One day I’m up but the slightest thing can turn me into a blubbering wreck! I think everything put together just tips us over the edge occasionally but we will get there and soon be whooping as I saw a lady who had her last chemo yesterday doing and that made me smile!

Dellan. Sorry to hear your in so much pain and your missing your party. There will be plenty more so keep your chin up xx

Sugar 8 …really glad you had fun at the wedding and danced the night away in your fabulous hat. Any chance of any pictures ? I think we can upload them on our profiles .

Dear all it might be nice if we all posted a photo so we can out a face to our voices. I will give it a go and see what happens.

Well no chemo for me this week as neutrophils were 1 …brilliant …all that Manuka honey, vitamins, Siberian ginseng …must get the beetroot juice and see if that helps.
Onc appt for Tuesday and then maybe reduced chemo on thurs .very disappointing as just want to get on with it.

Heres hoping you all have a comfortable and reasonably se free weekend .
Love and hugs

Oh and I get a free parking permit from my hospital so look into that if you don’t.
I’ve managed to post a photo. Go into your profile and upload a photo then change your avatar to your photo. If you want to that is.
Speak soon

You look great ladies, very brave of you to put pics on :smileyhappy::smileyhappy:


It looks like it has been a quiet week, I must say my SE have been the same as first time round.

CathC, yesterday was my worst day, but I have not gone to work as I was expecting it and rested all day, in and out of sleep. My apetite is a little better today, so hope to get better from here towards my 3rd FEC unless my blood is playing up again, fingers crossed it won’t as can’t bear the thought of hospital again.


Managed to pick a dress for my friend’s wedding, but still waiting for my second wig. I have a more relaxed outlook on housework these days, thinking it can all be picked up when I can actually do any. I suggest you all try and make your lives easier by accepting any help possible, I know I do. 


Have a good weekend everyone, hope you all manage SE’s better xx



Morning to everyone! Hope you are all coping both physically and mentally. I had chemo round 2 on Thursday. It was an utterly depressing experience and Is taking me a few days to recover from the way I was treated by my nurse. Firstly, she couldn’t understand me, I couldn’t understand her. The oncologists recommendations for anti sickness to start the moment I got there was not ready, we had to ask. This then took over 3 hours to arrive. Everyone else was well under way and some leaving by the time I started my chemo! The nurse never smiled, told me what was happening. She cleaned my picc line area with strong alcohol and set off an allergic reaction. Another nurse came and rescued me when she saw the wrong dressing on, too much she said for someone on tax.
At the end of the chemo, we practically had to beg another nurse to write my plan out for my drugs! The original, grumpy nurse was nowhere to be seen!
Am I in my rights to refuse that nurse again? Quiet word with oncologist? My mouth is an utter mess again, couldn’t suck ice poles as by time my chemo started they were melted!
I am sick to death of hearing the word cut backs. Its no excuse for bad treatment! I have worked all my life as a full time teacher, mum to two kids and paid whopping taxes into the bargain.
Is it the chemo upsetting me, am I overreacting, do I have a right to better treatment? I was very upset by it all.

Sorry for my rant! If not here, where else though. I feel a little selfish getting worked up when people are having an equally awful or worse time out there. Usually I can remain positive but how can you when you are treated so badly by someone you are relying on . I think people are far too conservative and scared to put complaints in, but I will mention this to the oncologist. She cannot be allowed to make patients feel so unimportant. As a teacher, regardless of how tired or busy I am, I always try to make each child feel special and important!
Nice cool day here, on day 4 after chemo 2 and I fancy I do not feel quite as bad as last time.
I have organised for husband and daughter to go off to horse show. Both got a flea in their ear for daring to look miserable, especially when husband sighed about his day. Red flag to a bull! Lucky devils.

Hi ladies,

Wendy - I’m so sorry to hear that your nana passed away and that you’ve been so low. Sending lots of big hugs to you.

Cath C - thanks for your hugs, yes it was disappointing but feeling a bit better today. Still very sore though. Hair is still coming out so i think I’ll make an appt to have it cut really short tomorrow. That’s not good you had a yucky day yesterday, hope today is better for you. The suns out here, so I’m hoping it will be a nice day.

Clare - feeling better today. I’ve already got my wig and some lovely banadanas too, so need to think like you and say hey ho. Glad to hear you’ve been out walking. It’s the one thing I love to do and definitely seems to pick my spirits up.

Morag - sorry you’ve had your chemo delayed, fingers crossed the beet root juice works and it goes ahead next week,

Morag and Wendy - great photos, I’m going to try and change mine later.

Flossie - sorry to hear you had an awful day yesterday but good to hear your’re feeling better today. Long may it last.

Horseslave - you certainly went through it last time. That’s absolutely terrible how you were treated and I’m sure you can refuse to have the nurse again. I think it’s a good idea to mention this to your onc. It’s there job to care for you and try and make the treatment go as easily as possible not to add more stress and upset you.

Lots of big hugs to you all.

Dee xx

Hi July ladies

Hope you will be all feeling better by the time you read post.


Wendy , So sorry about the passing of your Nana, I bet you will miss her lots and I hope you’re in top form for Thursday’s funeral.


HorseSlave. You should definitely complain and not have to put up with a grumpy nurse’s projections on top of everythng else. Her manager need to review her practice. Speak to the charge nurse and you might be pleasantly surprised how supportive he/she will be.Then there is also a complaints procedure you can follow if you so wish.


CathC,  Can’t believe that you had so much sleep. Lucky girl. On the other hand I too have taken things so much slower that I catch myself dosing frequently during the day and feeling so much better for it. Hope your sore throat and mouth ulcers resolve completely soon. 


Hi wendylois, Hi Flossie, Hi Dellan. Hope all you guys are well  and coping with minimal SE’s.


Me I’m Day 6, 2nd cycle feeling so much  better this time, with No bone pains so no pain killers needed. Only slightly tired at times and heading for a friar bald patch :smileyvery-happy:  LOL. but  I remain happy and positive.


Look after yourselves well x x x ((hugs))


Sugar8 (Clare)




Hi July ladies,

Been a bit of a low day today. I washed my hair and it came out in clumps. I think at least 40%. My hairdesser also isnt around for a few days. I’m also still having trouble with the masectomy scar. They took the implant out 3 weeks ago and stitched me back up but there’s a whole which has started to leak from a seroma. I asked them Friday to stitch it but they just said leave it. Now I’m going through dressings every few hours. Back tomorrow for bloods as cycle 2 of FEC is due on Thursday so fingers crossed everything is okay.

Cath, glad your sore throat has eased and the ulcers are calming down, Your body must need the rest, so keep listening to it and sleep as much as you can. Lots of hugs to you.

Wendy - thanks for your encouraging words. Sorry though to hear your SE’s are still not good. I hope you’ve managed to have that day of rest today as it sounds like you have a busy few days ahead. Hopefully having your family around you, will give you more support and comfort.

To all you other ladies, I hope your SEs are minimal and sending lots of hugs to you.



Oh my goodness Dellan, you poor thing. What a stinker this illness is. Have you a friend who could pop round and discreetly shave your head, its going to drive you mad very soon. It feels so much better after.
The dressings sounds worrying, I do feel for you right now. I know people say it will all be behind us soon but its managing with the here and now thats the issue to be dealt with.

Hello ladies, I’ve been reading through your comments and I’m amazed by the range of side effects to be found. Of course not all treatments/people are the same so I shouldn’t be surprised. I had my second FEC on July 25th and mostly the side effects were the same but this time the weird pain in my throat/gullet got a lot worse. It felt like I had taken up sword swallowing, the pain went right down to my ribs. It stopped last Saturday after peaking in Friday. I just wondered if anyone else had experienced something similar. I’m guessing its heartburn, I’m due to see my GP today so I’ll mention it. One other more worrying issue is I have had a painful wrist since with what feels like a small lump and wonder if they caused some problem with the cannula. Does anyone have any experience if the alternatives and if so how did they go?

It’s all fun and games isn’t it?

Hi ladies,

Hope you are all doing okay and keeping positive.

Cath, Clare and Horseslave, thanks for all your comments and lovely words of support. Unfortunately today didnt go well and they’ve postponed my next chemo for at least two weeks because of the wound. They said it just won’t heal if I have it this week. I’ve got to go back tomorrow to see the surgeon so they can decide if they want to do anything with it. I have taken all your great advice about my hair and with everything else going on, I’m not going to let it bother me. Although a lot thinner now I can still tie it in a small ponytail. Once this changes or the bald patches come through my daughter is going to shave it off:).

Clare, fingers crossed you don’t lose anymore and good to hear how upbeat you are about it x

Cath - so glad to hear you are feeling better and hope the headache stay away. I can understand your worries about going back to hospital. It’s hard enough going through this without having to be there too. I have everything crossed for you that you won’t have to go back. Sending big hugs back to you too.

Skyolddog - sorry I haven’t experienced either. I hope the pain eases soon though.

Wendy - really good to hear your second treatment went well.

Horseslave - I love your idea of getting something every month. Us ladies all love treating ourselves and now is the perfect time :slight_smile: x

Hugs to everyone else having treatment this week or a tough time with side effects.

Dee x

Hi slyoldog. I can sympathise with your se’s. I’m on day 12 cycle 2 of fec and also had the horrible heartburn, not experienced first time, but it did go after about 3 days anything hot to drink was especially painful.
regarding painful wrist, is this a lump in the vein? In which case it will be philbitis, inflamed veins die to the irritant nature of the chemo. Ive also suffered badly since session 1 with this and have cream, huidoid to help. However have found arnica tablets and cream to be more effective. Good luck. Hbnny

Hi Wendy and horseslave. Great idea the look good feel better day, they are really popular so book soon - i couldn’t get on until mid Nov after treatment has finished, but going anyway i want my freebies for Xmas. Hope everyone is doing good today. Hbunny

Hi ladies,

Been another eventful day. After five hours in hospital they’ve decided to leave the wound alone and continue with chemo hopefully next week, just waiting on a date to be fitted in. Hope it’s not Wednesday though as its my birthday and not sure that’s how I’d like to remember my 42nd lol! Only other downside is because I’ll be more prone to infection with an open wound, I’ll have to self inject for seven days each cycle. Still smiling though :). Has anyone else used G- CSF and what SE’s did it cause?

Cath - great to hear you sounding so well, long may it last. Sorry cant help with the nipple as I had a masectomy in both. Since chemo though I have found all my scars much more sensitive! X

Horseslave - sorry you’ve had such a rough day. Stay strong and sending you a big hug

Clare - sorry to hear you’ve had a rough couple of days too. Glad you were on top of the UTI though and saw your Dr quickly. I used to suffer with them and found it helped to drink a mixture of one teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda with water a few times a day. I sympathise with you on the itchy scalp, mines driving me insane.

Slyolddog - I’ve just had the port put in and although very painful for a few days after, it’s much better now. I’ll let you know how I get on when they use it next week, just in case you have anymore trouble with your veins. From other posts ladies have said it was the best thing they did!

Hbunny - defintely worth mentioning the heartburn to your Dr before your next treatment. Always good to have as much to help on hand in case.

Sending positive thoughts and hugs to all the July ladies.

Dee x

Morning ladies,
Well finally I have the go ahead today for round 2 FEC … Only 8days late but hey Ho.
Still on full does but then 7 days of GCFS injections this time to see if that helps with my WBC count ! I now with that , the beetroot juice, the Siberian ginseng, the Manuka honey, vitamin c and loads of greens round 3 should go ahead on time!
Dellan. I haven’t had any side effects with my injections luckily unlike sugar 8 but we are all different . Also my district nurse comes out to do mine but I might get her to show me how this time as I don’t fancy hanging around for 7 days waiting for her to pop in ! Hope all goes well next week xx
Horseslave . You really do go through it. I supprised you manage to keep your wicked sense of humour and still make me laugh when I read your funnier posts. I asked them to change my anti sickness meds as felt rotten for about 5 days after last cycle , not as bad as you but I will let you know if they make any difference this time . What are you taking ? Oh also sucked on aniseed twist sweets or cough sweets to take away the taste and nausea.
Cath c . I’ve bought a powder eye brow kit , it was recommended on this sight somewhere. Beautifulbrows online just google that. It is £38 but has powder and stencils for different shaped eyebrows. It does take some practice but I love it !
Sugar 8 . Glad all seems better on your reduced dose .long may it continue.

Bit of a coincidence but my confirmation came through yesterday for the look good feel better afternoon . I’m going to derby on the 19th August . Anyone else ? Can’t wait for all the freebies. I did book this about 2 months ago though.
Take care all of you and speak soon
Morag xx