Ruby44 Yes I found the nights were worse and like you I didn’t get much sleep at all initially. I thought it was just part of the course of chemo. but after I spoke to my onc he tweaked my dosage and hey presto today is my second day post 2nd chemocycle and so far (don’t want to jinx it) I am like a new woman… a happy one. I went for a walk first evening (trying to stay out of sun as much as poss). O
nly slight contipation experienced today, but Ihave had an abundance of dried prunes and apricots so will see what happens. I have minimal side effects this cycle so there IS light at the end of the tunnel. NO sickness yet so decided not to take the drugs. I am only taking my steroids dexamethasone at present. I really hope your onc can sort you out also. …
wendylois I hope you have a lovely wedding celebration and I bet you will look glamorous on the day, no matter what. The literature says hair falls out between 14 to 21 days.
hbunny Glad your lymphodema and sleep has improved and that you are getting on well with your wigs. I am popping out to get a hat for the wedding tomorrow as I can’t wash my hair too soon after cold cap. That should be interesting as i don’t normally wear hats :smileyvery-happy:
shoes220 It sounds like me you are anaemic. I am eating more red meat than I normally to increase my iron levels and felt better even before my last blood test on Mon 28th which still made me borderline. Hope you feel less tired soon and let me know what onc said. Just saw your post 'Hi lovely ladies, I went back to hosp for blood test to be told I’ve had a bad reaction to the Neulasta injection to boost white count and bone marrow has been over-working that’s why I had so many severe sternum and back pains. I’ve got extra strong painkillers, antibiotics and sleeping tablets - I’m off to bed to get at least ten hours sleep (I wish)!!!’
So were you also anaemic? Hope your pains subside soon and that you manage to get the sleep you need.
Mogs33 the cold cap is working for me so far … just have to see if I am just delaying the inevitable. So sorry to hear about your hiccup with your wbc. I do hope you will be ready for and is having your chemo today. Good luck x x
CathC thanks for tip re beetroot juice. I might need that in case, as you know my 5 injections of filigrastim were stopped by my onc. I also discovered yesterday that the standard dose of TC was reduced to 75% but they have changed my regime slightly and are continuing to give me Herceptin alongside my chemo. It’s worked really well so far .Fingers crossed. I will just have to wait and see how by blood reacts to this tweak in regime. Hope you are well today.
Flossie Love your positive outlook. You appear to have a very supportive manager. That’s great. Keep strong. Love reading your post. You cheer me up! I am resting more this time and will work on DAY12 which is about when I felt better/normal in the 1st cycle. But guess what? so far so good. Feeling good with minimal SEs Day 2. just sl constipation this time. I shall get some senna into my ever expanding drug cupboard just in case:smileyvery-happy:
Dellan Glad SEs are minimal and that you are keeping well as possible. Good luck with the fitting of your port. Hope all goes smoothly.((hugs)).
Well good luck to all the other July ladies and wishing you a speedy recover with minimal SEs whenever you are post chemo and onwards.
Clare (sugar8)