Anyone due to start their chemo July 2014

Hi July ladies,

I hope you all had as best a weekend as possible. Goodness so many posts in a day. It’s great!! X

My hair is very thin now, with several bald patches so I finally wore my wig out a friday night for a meal with my husband. I actually felt really good in it and my daughter made me feel a million dollars, saying it took years off of me, bless her. I also managed to host a little barbecue Saturday with some close friends, which was lovely. Feeling a little tired though today, so may have overdone it a little. Herbal tea and early night for me!

Cath - so good to hear you stayed away from hospital this week and your feeling so good. Long may your SE’s remain at bay.

Wendy - how frustrating for you. Glad your nans funeral went okay and also your third treatment, despite the delay.

Clare - thank you for sharing the link and glad you weren’t affected by your UTI. Its great how you are having fun with wigs, I’m thinking of getting another one too. I may even brave one that’s a little longer and sexier for nights out.

JuSt - sorry to hear it took a couple of attempts for your final FEC, but whoop whoop there done and your halfway through. Hopefully the next drug will be easier on your veins.

Shoes220 and ruby44 - I too have my 2nd FEC Friday, just crossing everything SE’s aren’t too bad as I’m off to canterbury in the evening for a few days.

Mogs - glad changing your meds worked, it’s great how much we can learn from each other and suggestions to help with SE’s. I have the friar tuck just starting, so won’t be long before the clippers come out.

Hi to all the other ladies I’ve not mentioned and big hugs to anyone else having treatment this week.

Dee x

Hi All just a quick post . Feel really good today [a bit tired] but nothing an early night wont cure. Had a great day went and got blood test done then when for a lunchtime carvery [while i can taste it lol].  mmmmmmmmmmso nice. Nurse came to flush line and change dressing after that i thought lets get some

Housework done  as trying to get washing  etc before Wednesday.  I am lucky i have a friend who comes to help me a couple of times a week so it does not build up.  

So much hair on my pillow this morning and lots came out when gentle with a comb so i have bitten the bullet and going to get my head shaved before my chemo.


Good luck to all this week. Keep well xxxxxx:catlol:



Hi All

Cath - two bars of chocolate sounds a very good idea, I’m pigging out more than usual this week as I know everything will taste horrible next week. I lost quite a lot of weight on the 5-2 last year but it’s all going back on again. Pencilling in new diet for January when chemo and rads should all be finished! Glad you got through day 14 ok and hope you carry on feeling good this week.
JuSt - congrats on getting through all your Fec and halfway through chemo. Sorry to hear about probs with your veins but at least the next regime should be easier on them.
Wendy - 3 out of 4 done must be a lovely feeling, hope your SE’s are minimal and you get plenty of rest. Nearly there!
Dellan - glad your night out in wig went well. I’m never quite sure if I’ve got mine in right place it’s either too far forward or back. It prob doesn’t help having hair underneath. Always looks much better than my own hair though.
Shoes - carvary for lunch sounds lovely, it’s nice to have a treat before the next round. Good luck for Weds, they seem to come round quite quickly at the moment.
Day 17 of 2nd Fec for me, expecting hair to start falling out big time again within the next few days just hope I can hold on to enough to allow me to use cold cap again next Monday.
Best wishes to everyone and sorry to anyone I’ve left out.

CathC - I’m still managing to avoid the germs so far and, yes, last FEC done (says me hopefully as there is a small risk of having reaction to Docetaxel, which apparently might mean more FEC, but I really don’t want to go down that route!). Glad you are feeling good and full of energy - hopefully you’ll stay that way as the last week is always the best and most normal for me.

Dellan - yay, halfway! Thanks. Glad to hear you got on well with your wig. The barbecue sounds great but, yes, sometimes I think we forget the effects of this treatment and it is so easy to do too much then feel ‘jiggered up’ after - hope a good rest sorts you out.

Shoes220 - glad you are feeling well too. Good luck with your bloods, with Wednesday and with your head shave - hope you find it helps to take some control.

Karen2609 - hope your veins are ok too for last FEC, I think if we can get through the last one they should start to improve after that as Docetaxel is supposed to be kinda to the veins. I’m also going onto Tamoxifen after chemo and radiation. Chillow sounds interesting - had a couple of hot turns today so might look into that. Cake and tea sounds great - I think we all deserve many many treats and reckon a bit of weight gain can be dealt with after

Sugar8 - yes, germs keeping away so far and (dare I say it) at the moment I don’t feel very sickly so hopefully the amend is working. Thanks for the links

Hugs to everyone

JuSt x

Forgot to ask but I’ve seen lots of posts on here suggesting using ice pops whilst having chemo. How do you keep them frozen? The chemo unit is half hours drive away and both times I’ve been there I’ve not started having treatment until 2-3 hours after my appointment times. Does a cool bag keep them frozen?

Well i bit the bullet and underneath my Greta Garbo hat i support a look that i thought would break my heart and make me cry. But no this did not happen the guy who shaved my head [well not really left a very fine and extreemly short crew cut] turn me away from the mirror while he worked  then told me to run my hands over my head then turned me round to the mirror.  I had to smile as i was so brave.

I then was given a nice soft cap to wear in bed as i was told my head could feel quite cold. i treated myself to anothere Greata hat.  Then my hubby said come on hedgehog lets go home. He has this way if i feel down to cheer me up. last night as i removed my hat i had a big bald patch i said look at that!!! he laughed and could not stop so i had to laugh with him.  I hope you all have the support of your loved ones as i have.

Well 2 nd FEC tomorrow and i will send hubby to get me ice lolly i think.


Hugs to all you ladies and i look forward to reading your comments tomorrow xxx

Hi Slyolddog
Thanks for the tips about keeping ice pops frozen. Good luck for Friday, at least by the weekend you will be half way through! I don’t have to mix my injections, strange all the little variations. I’m a bit envious as my last Fec should have been on Friday but they booked me in for Monday for some reason. I’m prob being too optimistic but looking forward to moving onto docetaxol, hoping the SE’s won’t be too bad. I’ve been reading through the May thread and all the ladies coming to the end of their chemo trying to imagine how that must feel. We also have a nice lady who comes round and feeds us up with tea, sandwiches, crisps and chocolate, she was very insistent on me having chocolate last time not that I needed too much persuading!
Hope you are feeling ok and not too many SE’s. It didn’t even occur to me about having a reaction to docetaxol and needing to continue with Fec. Hopefully none of us will be in that position for the sake of our veins if nothing else.
I didn’t think of sending hubby to shop in search of Ice pops I will have to bear that in mind. I haven’t actually suffered from ulcers yet but my mouth does get sore from all that acid. Hair still holding out at the moment, still awaiting the next fall out. I have noticed that it doesn’t get greasy anymore, pre chemo I had to wash it everyday but I’m managing once or twice a week at the moment. Hopeful I’ll last out until Monday but I haven’t got much underneath and the parting area is thinning! Hope you enjoyed your coffee and shopping, small things that we previously took for granted seem so much more enjoyable now. Make the most of your good week, we are getting there.
Sounds like you are doing the right thing by resting up this week and letting your body recover. Hope you are not feeling too bad apart from the fatigue, at least that’s another one crossed off!
Good luck tomorrow, hope all goes ok and that you don’t feel too bad afterwards.

Best wishes to anyone else having treatment this week x

Hi all,


Slyolddog - sorry to hear you are also suffering with your veins.  They couldn’t use the vein they used last time on the back of my hand but found a juicy looking one at the side of my wrist, base of thumb.  It wasn’t too painful or uncomfortable at the time although I did feel the vein tightening again and used the heat pad to help ease it.  It just looks pretty bruised all around my wrist now and veins are redder up the inside of my arm but I’m hopeful that will fade and ease soon and it’s really not too painful.  Like you, I’m also feeling a bit apprehensive about going onto Docetaxel but am just trying to focus on the fact that it might be easier than FEC and also the thought that we’ll be over the top of the hill and heading down the other side once we get on that - fingers crossed all will be fine.  Good luck for your last FEC on Friday x


CathC - so pleased you are feeling great at the moment and have avoided hospital this time - yayyy!  Glad to hear you had a great time out with the girls - moments of normality are so good, aren’t they?  Hope your veins hold out ok for your remaining FEC - at least other SE’s will hopefully remain well controlled by then instead of having to work with a possible set of new ones from changing over.  I’m sure we’ll all get through this one way or another x


Wendy (WP23) - well done on getting through your 3rd tax and glad to hear you managed some sleep last night.  Doing absolutely nothing for the week sounds like a great plan and hopefully the much-needed rest will sort you out.   I’m having a day like that myself today - had plans for doing stuff but feel pretty lousy and tired so have decided they will have to wait as I need a lazy day x


Shoes220 - Well done with the head shave and glad to hear your loved ones are supporting you well. We are the lucky ones who have that and it must be so much harder for the ones who don’'t. Good luck with your 2nd FEC today x


Karen2609 - my SE’s could be worse but I do feel pretty yucky today.  Didn’t get much sleep and kept going from cold, shivery tremors through my body to hot flushes and throwing the covers back minutes later - anyone else had that?  The nurse giving me the FEC on Monday brought up the possibility of a reaction to the Docetaxel and when I queried what happens then she said it could be more FEC - wish I hadn’t asked lol! Some things are best not thought about beforehand and hopefully, as you say, none of us will experience that and we’ll all have minimal SE’s.  She also said I’ll be offered ‘ice mitts’ for my feet and hands to help prevent nail damage and loss - anyone else going for/had that?  I like the idea of protecting my nails but not sure if I’ll be able to cope with the frostiness as I’m always a bit ‘nesh’ anyway! x


Hope everyone on the forum is feeling as good as possible with minimal SE’s - hugs to all




Hi Ladies thanks for all the tips about ice pops, brought a cool bag and some lolly moulds today so I will give that a go, if all fails and they melt I’ll send hubby to buy me some.
Hi Sugar
I’ve been saving my wig for best too, sometimes my hair is ok to go out with or I just stick on a baseball cap. Hope cold cap continues to go well for you. I’m going to try to get through this post without mentioning food or drink as I think I’m becoming a bit obsessed.
Hi Cath
Glad you are feeling well and enjoyed your shopping trip. It is so nice to do normal things, I appreciate little things more than I ever did before. I didn’t realise you were having 6 Fec, there seems to be so many different regimes.
Hi Wendy
Glad you managed to get a bit more sleep, hope you do tonight too. As you say Onwards and Upwards, definitely should be our motto throughout this.
Hi JuSt
Sorry to hear you’re not feeling too good today, hopefully each day that passes you will feel a bit better. I’ve not heard of ice Mitts before but sounds like it could be a good idea, hope they use it at my unit but probably not. Here’s hoping we don’t have an allergic reaction to docetaxol, I heard today of an ex colleague of mine who has a recurrence of bc, she is having weekly chemo (I don’t know what type) but she had an allergic reaction which sounded horrific. Sometimes people share stories with you that you just don’t want to hear. Anyway, halfway through must be a good feeling. I also swing from night sweats and throwing off the covers to feeling chilly and pulling them back on again much to the annoyance of hubby.
Hi Shoes
Hope all went well today with your 2nd Fec and that you have minimal SE’s

Good luck to anyone having treatment this week , we are getting there slowly I look forward to the first time one of us posts that they have completed chemo x

Morning everyone

I’ve woken up after a good nights sleep only to remember its my last for a while!! Steroids today and 2nd docetaxel tomorrow. My hair continues to shed but no bald patches yet - scarves and hats at the ready because I think the cold cap will yank half of it out!! I will shoo my hubbie off to the spare room for a fortnight now as my timeclock goes bizarre and I spend half the night awake and nap through the day.

I know I’ve only had one docetaxel but I had absolutely no problem with my vein at the time or after so hopefully you ladies that are moving onto docetaxel will find it easier in that respect.

Wishing everyone a good day. Ruby xx

Good morning all I hope ?

Sly dog - one birthday you’ll remember but maybe would prefer to forget, what a shame it upset you but I know it doesn’t take much. It’s music that does it to me, one slow song and a minute to think and the tears creep up and bang, I’m off!!! My hubbie and 2 children are off on holiday to Lanzarote on Sunday for a week and because I knew it would be a rough week for me I decided not to go (think I’d rather be at home) - so I think my emotions could be in for a roller coaster as the kids are going to FaceTime me every day!!

Hubby & sly dog - I think the FEC sounds a harsher regime on your veins. As you know I’ve only had TC&H once and I had no sickness at all, flu symptoms day 1-5 and felt a bit hungover. Nails fine (wearing dark varnish), teeth fine bit of mouth soreness with small ulcers but mouth washes chased that away after a week. Worst symptom for me was bone pain after the Neulasta injection but lots of regular painkillers controlled that eventually. The Herceptin injections aren’t very pleasant to have, 5 minute injection slowly into leg but I’ve had no probs with site or SE’s. My advice is, get all meds offered take them - including sleeping tabs - everything is harder to handle if you don’t get a reasonable nights sleep. I’ve never had so many tablets in my life, I rattle and before the cancer I never even liked to take even a Paracetamol!!! Oh well, we can all 'dry out ’ after treatment!!!

WP23 - I drank iced cold water all the way through my Tax and had sore mouth ?for a week with tiny ulcers so think I’ll try the ice lolly approach today and try and keep that away. I’m trying the dark nail varnish too? and so far so good!

Cath - enjoy your good week, that’s my danger week for piling on the pounds! Coz it’s school hols, I’m feeling better and appetite back, it doesn’t take much persuasion from the kids for me to take them out for dinner, been out four times this week!!! Still I reckon we deserve the treats to compensate for the yucky bit?

Karen, shoes, juST, sugar - it’s makin me dizzy going up and down the thread to do individual replies - is there an easier way? Maybe line up computer and phone at the same time!! Anyway just to wish you all a good day, keep positive and remember we’re all one day closer to the end of chemo ???

I’m off to have cereal and steroids and prepare for my trip to London and the ‘torture chamber’

Bye for now. Love Ruby x

Sorry guys missed coming on for the last 2 days and thats it read througbh the posts and am lost who is doing what but thanks anyway i still pick up tips on the way. ie ice pops, eat plenty, drink more water,sleep when i need to.

The birthday i missed belated greatings.

Well had 2nd fec on wed took 6 hours becaues my onc had reduced by 20% and it had to be mixed.  Watching people round me having to have pacs on their arms because of their veins made me wonder why they had to suffer after my first fec i had a pick-lin put in so i dont get the same vein pain. But when i have blood test they find it difficult to find a vein. if on the ward they use my pic-lin.Started a cough yesterday saw doc he said i dont have chest infection yet but as i am copd [i have emphasima] the chemo unit said i must contact them straight away and have blood test if it is low then i will have to go onto the ward agin and go on antibiotic drip. Hope not.

Hubby has got me a hub so that if i have to go in hospital i can use my laptop. as i really cant do with out my July buddies.

Love to you all and i hope you have minimal SEs this:manwink: time round.


Hi Ladies
Slyolddog - belated Happy Birthday, I hope your day was as good as it could be and that you enjoyed your pizza with your family. As you say pizza is always good. Being the school holidays we are having lots if takeaways and meals out at the moment! Hope your chemo went well today, last Fec done? and halfway through
hbunny - halfway through and last Fec done for you too, woohoo must be a good feeling, hope SE’s ok. I tried Manuka honey before my last chemo but bloods still borderline so I haven’t bothered anymore, have another blood test tomorrow ahead of Mondays chemo so I’ll have to see if it makes a difference. Enjoy your bath and rest up.
Ruby- I think you made the right decision to stay home but it will be so hard for you. As you say an emotional week ahead for you, sending you big hugs. We are not having a holiday this year, hopefully make up for it next year all being well although if I haven’t had reconstruction by then we will have to go somewhere very private. Hope your chemo went ok today and that you continue to have no probs with side effects - another one under your belt.
Clare - good luck for Wednesday, hope your bloods will be ok, good idea to sleep when you need, I’m glad in some ways that chemo is over the school holidays, at least I haven’t got to worry about getting up early and kids to school. Been sleeping in, or at least staying in bed until about 8.30 most mornings so if I am awake during the night it doesn’t seem so bad. It’s great that you are 3/4 of way through already must be a good feeling.
Wendy - sorry to hear you’re feeling nauseous, I’ve been sick after both cycles so far my onc has told me to mention it to chemo nurse but when I did last time they were reluctant to change my meds. Hope you are feeling better now.
Cath - glad you are still feeling ok, like you my veins are tender rather than sore. Hope you have a good weekend ahead of next weeks treatment. Duvet days are always good, I’m getting through so many books at the moment, nice to escape for a while. As you say, the diet is for after.
Shoes - glad your 2nd Fec went ok but sorry to hear about your cough and possible re admittance. Keeping everything crossed for you but at least you know that you will be taken good care of if you do have to go on antibiotic drip.
Sorry if I’ve left anyone out but hope everyone has a pleasant, side effect free weekend.
Day 21 of 2nd Fec and feeling good. I haven’t lost as much hair as I did on 1st cycle although it is thinning. It looks a frizzy mess but at least I can stick on a hat on my wig if going out. Going to have a glass of red whilst watching the Bake Off later as I might as well make the most of an extra chemo free weekend!
Love to all, Karen

Morning everyone! Enjoying my chemo SE free days, blasting me again next Thursday :frowning:
Been soooo busy! Set up my animal portrait business and started taking orders! Figured out how to create a page on fb, now need to work out how to do a simple web page?
Doing something new and different really helps take your mind off the illness and process we are going through. I have found myself becoming bored thinking about and dwelling on the disease and treatment. I am not letting it define who I am!
Absolutely shattered today, we went to Equifest horseshow yesterday. My daughter competed and did really well despite thinking sidesaddle is poo poo. She had a face like thunder lol.
Had oncology appointment Thursday. She was lovely and very sympathetic about that ghastly nurse we had last time, seems we were not the only ones complaining and nasty agency nurse will not be having her contract renewed! I hope that nurse never has to have chemo and be treated as badly as she treated me last chemo, but then karma does have a way of catching up on you in life.
My blood again has bounced back, incredibly robust she said! I think its all the fresh veg my son grows - potatoes , courgettes and beans are our staple diet! Also, as soon as my chemo wears off, i am very active, feeding chickens, mucking out pony, walking…does this help?
I will again receive a smaller dose of tax chemo next round as oncologist says the level of terrible SE. I get needs reducing. I’m only little…
Good luck to everyone, chin up and eat well xxxxxx

Morning all

Day 2 after 2nd TC & H. Feeling fine but not looking forward to tomorro as have to give myself the Neulasta injection at 4pm today and that’s what seemed to give me all the trouble least time. Advice from hospital is just to double up on the painkillers so I’m already dosing up to be ready for when it kicks in. I refuse to spend nearlty a week in bed like I did last cycle.

I’m putting off washing my hair because I just know what’s going to happen and I’m trying to delay the inevitable. Don’t think I’m in the 20% that it works for !!! Shedding so much already.

Sorry I don’t have time to reply to individual messages but just want to pass on hugs and encouragement to everyone. It won’t be long till a September thread appears and that means we’ll be the ‘old girls’!!!

Love Ruby

hello all not feeling to well today so just a quick note. stil got a little cough a bit sob and tired. so hoping my white cell injections that i start today work and i can stay at home. love to you all hope to feel like taking notes tomorrow so i can reply to all.

Hi Ladies

Horseslave - good to hear you are doing so well, sounds like you been very busy and I envy your healthy eating. I have very good intentions but find I am eating worse since chemo began than before. Hope all goes well on Thurs.

Cath - I’m with you on enjoying last few days before chemo 3, having another glass of wine tonight while I can it will be the last for a while. The nurse said she wouldn’t change my meds because of side effects of the stronger stuff, I already have Emend and another one which disolves under top lip, I was only sick once last time and didn’t feel nearly as nauseous as I did the first time so not too bad. Hope the Manuka honey and beetroot juice are working for you.

Ruby - don’t be too despondent about shedding hair - I lost loads around day 18 - 21 of first cycle but then it slowed down. Although it’s still coming out, esp when I wash it, it’s not too bad and I haven’t got any bald patches yet! Hope the Neulasta injection went ok and you don’t suffer too much tomorrow.

Wendy - is 10th September your last chemo? Must be a good feeling if it is, chemo def seems to be the worst part of treatment.

Shoes - sorry to hear you’re not feeling too well, hopefully each day that passes you will feel a bit better. Fingers crossed for you that you do manage to stay home.

Had pre chemo blood test today and was delighted when the nurse commented on how well my veins are standing up to treatment. One more Fec to go so hopefully they will last through that before the T which should be gentler on them.

Hope everyone that had chemo on Friday is recovering well and that everyone on a ‘good’ week enjoys making the most of this weekend!


Karen - Mine is the 10th and Wendy’sthe 1st Sept.Great that your veins are standing up to the chemo  :smileywink: Good luck with your last Fec. onward and upwards. 


shoe s-sorry you’re not feeling so well. Hope you feel better today. ((Sending you hugs)).


Ruby - good luck with the Neulasta injection and wishing you minimal SEs.


Wendy - Hope our aches and pains disappear quickly after our chemo. I find exercising helps me esp. my long walks It also helps me to sleep better :smileylol:


Cath - Thanks for the luck. Like you I find I’m energetic in the morning but tired in the afternnons so weather permitting I get  up  and go for as long a walk I can manage. I read somewhere that exercise helps to kickstart the bone marrow cells. I am all for that esp. as I am not using the injections. We shall see tomorrow if that theory works. :smileysurprised:


hbunny - Good luck with your next treatment. Hope your blood picture continues to be as normal as possible to let you continue your chemo without any hiccups.


horseslave - Congratulations and goodluck in your new business. I like your attitude. x x


Good luck to all


Cath - good for you, 2 glasses of wine and 2 cakes, sounds scrummy! I enjoyed a couple of glasses myself too, been good today pre chemo - lots and lots of water but did manage one last slice of cake before the taste buds go again. If I don’t get to post on here before Weds, hope all goes well. Fingers crossed your blood count will be ok esp after all that Manuka honey and beetroot juice.
Clare - thanks for the good wishes. I didn’t realise exercise helped kick start the bone marrow. My dog will be pleased I’m going to have to start giving him extra long walks now.
hbunny - hope you starting to feel less wiped out.
Fec 3 tomorrow all being well. Have to admit feeling a bit more apprehensive as it seems like the cumulative effects of chemo seem to start kicking in around number 3. Felt so much better after 2nd Fec than 1st but not convinced I will be so lucky this time. Still will be one more under my belt and half way there.
Onwards and upwards x

Slyolddog - hope you feeling better and manage to get some cake in before the chemo taste takes effect. I’ve never eaten so much cake before, was always a chocolate and crisps person.
Only natural to have down days with all we are going through but glad to hear you seem a bit brighter today. Sorry to hear about the problems with your veins, although mine are holding up at the moment they still feel a bit tender so I know what you mean about physio for both arms. As so many ladies have said my best veins are in the arm I can’t use. Good to hear about your bloods, any advice gratefully received!