Anyone due to start their chemo July 2014

Hi Karen

I’ve no idea why my bloods are holding up. I’m not normally prone to getting ill, hadn’t had any sick leave from work for years. Comparing my bloods in my red book they are all up except haemoglobin which is only down by 2. My plts dipped between the second and third but even now is still higher than when I started. I don’t understand it. I do exercise on a treadmill when I feel up to it, but I did that anyway. I should say I don’t run, just walk at speed to keep the weight stable. Although that has crept up! If I could give advice I would but I don’t eat anything special at all. It will be I interesting to see how they are next time.

Hope all goes well for you.

Thanks Slyolddog

I’m like you in that before this happened I was rarely sick, I’ve not even had a cold in years which made the whole thing even more of a shock. Although I’ve not been called ‘young and healthy’ by so many medical people before although I don’t feel either at the moment ! It’s good that you are given the actual results of your blood tests I feel that I’m not told much at all unless I ask, even when I asked what stage my cancer was my onc fudged the answer, I asked outright if it was stage 2 to be told ‘probably’. Anyway moan over , off to drop kids in various places before today’s Fec !
Hope you have a good day and that everyone else is feeling well

Hi Karen

I don’t know what surgery you may have had before you started chemo but as one of the numerous booklets I was given by the BC nurses said I was entitled to a copy of my path report I actually asked for it. This gave me the information I needed about the size of the tumour, the grade and whether or not it was hormone receptive. If you haven’t been given one I suggest you ask for it.

It sounds like your nurses are not completing your red chemotherapy book. Mine didn’t the first time either but I asked for them to complete it the second time and they filled in the first set if results as well. I don’t know where you’re having treatment but it sounds a bit slack. I’m at Basingstoke and they’re mostly not too bad. In my bag of meds this time I had an extra pack of Dexamethasone saying take 4 twice a day to be taken the day before, the day of and the day after treatment. I phoned the hospital on Friday and left a message querying this but have had no response. Looking through stuff about Tax it seems I may have to start taking them before I have it. I will check back with the hospital again but it would be nice to have been told.

Anyway, moan over. I only have myself to look after during the day, my kids are in their 20’s so semi grown up. I really feel for you ladies going through this with young children.

Have as good a day as possible everyone.

Morning ladies,
I have been reading how you are getting on everyday for the last week but as it was my BAD ! Week didn’t get round to sending a message.
Feel great today so here we go !
CathC … Hope all goes well today with bloods and you get your 3rd Fec tomorrow …half way though!, yeah! it’s just amazing how fast this is all going (don’t mind if it goes a bit faster though)
Slyolddog… I’m the same as you …I was never ill and very active before they started to make me better ! (Read that somewhere on here ) my first full day in bed was last week . Good luck today and hope you have min side effects !
karen2609 … Good luck today , hope all goes ahead and you have min SEs .I like you have felt more tired after fec 2 so am presuming its a cumulative thing but we can get through this and just have to learn to rest when we need to.
Hunnybunny…hope you get some serious sleep soon there’s nothing worse and it just seems to compound everything else. You should see me if I’m tired and hungry ! A nightmare !
Sugar8…hope all goes well on weds for you and min SEs . Although the range side effects have been less for me on cycle 2 I have definitely been more tired so I’m thinking 3 will probably be worse. You are also on herceptin I don’t get that until I change onto docetaxel on cycle 4. I have read that a lot of ladies are suffering with joint and muscle pain on herceptin ?
Horseslave… Great that you’ve been able to focus your energy on something new…I just find this whole chemo thing all consuming. I have a photograpy course complete and so with you as my inspiration I’m going to get on with it ! I’ve never had so much free time on my hands you’d think it would be easy !
Shoes220…hope your feeling better? How did you feel after your injection ?
Ruby 44 …how did you get on with the neulasta ? Hope you’ve not had any SEs.
WP23 … 3/4 of the way though that is fantastic … Roll on September !

To all the ladies I’ve missed I hope you have a good week , min SEs and spoil yourselves as much as possible !

We will soon be through this and that must/will feel amazing …I for one can’t wait to get back to some normality and not be thinking about chemo 24/7
Xx morag

Hi all - another Monday, another week - yay! we are getting there!!  Just wanted to pop in and say hi as not been on for a few days.  


Karen2609 - good luck with FEC 3 today x


CathC - good luck with your bloods today & FEC 3 tomorrow x


Slyolddog - snap! I’ve also got the dexamethasone 4 twice daily due to start the day before next treatment (thanks Hbunny for the info on that) x


Hbunny - sorry to hear you are still feeling extremely tired and in need of a duvet day. I feel like I’ve had too many ‘lazy’ days lately but also that we must listen to our bodies and rest when needed.  Alas, sleep - that is a different matter altogether and I’m still really struggling in that department - I’m finding it pretty hard to get a balance between getting out for some exercise to help with sleeping and feeling too tired to go out to walk! Am determined to get out later today (when it stops raining) to walk the dog no matter how tired I am (she says hopefully). Anyway, hope you manage a good rest day and that you’re feeling brighter again very soon x


Mogs33 - glad to hear that you are now feeling great after a bad week.  What a good feeling, eh? Hopefully time will soon come around when we all have lots of the great feelings after all the grotty times x


To anyone I may have missed - Wishing everyone a positive week with minimal side effects and good luck to all those having treatment this week.


Ooh - just remembered I forgot to take my anti-biotic this morning! Chemo brain defo gets worse with each treatment (well, that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it),


Hugs to all




oops i didnt manage to miss a stay in hospital again after my 2 nd fec. Chest infection they think, my infection indicaters went nuts yesterday morning so had to come and stay for a few days. But funnily enough my ses are nothing like they were last time. But thanks for all the hugs guys i need some of them.


Cath c

Hope you are still feeling good you always manage to cheer me up.

Sugar 8  hope all goes well for you

Hbunny Sorry you feel wiped out but onwards and upwards tell me more about your soup?

Horseslave keep us updated on your new adventure

Slyolddog thanks for the reminder not done exercises for a least a month lol

Karen nice to hear all is still going well with you being half way through.


Anybody else i have missed take care and if you are due treatment this week hope the SE are not to bad.



Morning ladies,
I’m off to my look good feel better afternoon @ derby hospital ( not my hospital which is stoke on trent but they don’t do it ) I’ll let you know what it’s like and what freebies I get… Quite excited …it will be good to meet some other ladies face to face today and see how thya are all getting on.
Hope everyone has a good day .
Xx morag

Hope you are better and out of hospital soon. What are infection indicators ? I only have my trusty thermometer .
Xx morag

Morning all!


Shoes - sorry to hear you are in hospital again but glad your side effects don’t seem so bad this time.  Sending best wishes that your infection clears and you are back home soon.  Hugs x


Hbunny - your green soup sounds very healthy and pretty tasty - not sure if my system could cope with the extra ‘wind’ though!  Don’t know if it’s just me but I’m defo more windy this 3rd cycle - find myself saying ‘excuse me - chemo!’ quite a lot.  TMI?! x


Sugar8 - glad your bloods were fine and good luck for the 3rd cycle on Wed x


CathC - yes I finally managed a walk out with my dog yesterday - even managed to get out at the best time of day between rain showers and it felt great!  We have two dogs (labs) but ‘mum’ was at the vets being spayed so I took ‘son’ out, which he enjoyed (but could’ve done with a lot more as he has lots of energy)!  Hope to keep that up again as much as poss.  Best of luck for today to you x


Mogs33 - I’m also at UHNS.  Have heard a few people comment on ‘Stoke-on-Trent not good for much but it’s the place to be if you have cancer’ lines, so have found that quite reassuring.  Hope you enjoy your session at Derby today - let us know how it goes x


Wishing minimal SE’sl and sending hugs to all,



Hi Ladies
I’ve missed a day and loads of posts to catch up on so I apologise now if I miss anyone out!
Slyolddog - I had a mastectomy (delayed reconstruction ) and Anx clearance ( 2 out of 17 nodes). I did tick the box to be copied in to dr’s letters but haven’t received, so phoned bcn nurse today and I am going to get them all backdated. I haven’t even got a red chemotherapy book!
As I am having docetaxol next time I was also given the extra dexamethasone to take starting day before treatment, apparently this is to help counter any possible reaction. I was also advised to take first lot with breakfast and 2nd with lunch so that I’m not lying wide awake all night! Hope you are well
Morag - hope you enjoy your look good feel better afternoon, heard really good things about them, must book one soon. I know what you mean about the Sept group being up and running - some of our group will be finishing I Sept and I think the rest of us are due to finish in Oct?
Cath - hope all went well with Fec 3 today, another one under the belt and halfway there ?. Fingers crossed you have minimal SE’s
hbunny - glad you managed to get out for a walk last night and back to work today. I do admire you, I’m not allowed back until after chemo because of the risk of infection ( hour and half commute into Central London) but even if I was don’t think I could manage it until week 2. Sounds like the healthy soup is doing the trick!
JuSt - glad you managed to get out with your dog today, hope ‘mum’ is recovering from her op ok. Another duvet day for me tomorrow but plan to take mine out on Thurs, going to try and make the most of giving him lots of long walks while I’m off (well that’s the plan at least).
Shoes - sorry to hear you back in hospital, I could have popped in to see you yesterday! Hope your chest infection clears up quickly but glad your SE’s not so bad this time. Fingers crossed you are back home soon.
Clare - glad your blood results all good, good luck tomorrow, another one down
Wendy - glad to hear you are feeling better , must be nice to have a date to go back to work and some sort of normality.
Had my 3rd Fec yesterday and they changed my meds but I still managed to be sick twice last night, fine today though and eating plenty before chemo taste returns in earnest. Always feel completely wiped out after treatment and have to go straight to bed. Felt strangely down, had been so excited about getting to the half way point but yesterday kept thinking I’m only halfway through, can’t face another 3. Pathetic I know, of course I can face another 3 I haven’t even had bad SE’s , touch wood! Feeling much better today and planning another duvet day tomorrow, then hopefully start getting back to normal.
Love to all, Karen

Mogs - wow, small world or what?! I’m in Cheadle and we regularly walk our dogs around Oakamoor, Dimmingsdale, Hawksmoor etc.  Meeting up would be lovely so if you let me know what days are good for you we can either meet somewhere for a drink (maybe The Ramblers?) or just go for a walk - as you say, it would be nice to have a chat about our experiences as we go through this journey.


WP23 & Hbunny - reassuring to know I’m not the only one with the windy issue?  Thankfully, seems to have eased off at the moment (think my family are very relieved lol).


Karen2609 - well done on getting your 3rd FEC over! Sorry to hear your were sick twice and hope that is all over now - I actually didn’t mind the being sick bit as I knew I’d feel better after so hope that is the same for you.  I felt similar emotions last week about the ‘only halfway’ feeling, but it has got better again and I’m looking forward to feeling well on the downward slope after the next treatment.


Wendylois - glad to hear you had a good time on your LGFB session.  Sounds great - will have to check them out as they sound a real treat.


Hugs & best wishes to everyone,




Hiya all

I’m back in the land of the living. Day 5 of 2nd TC&H and I’ve survived!! I do wish my bone marrow would take it steady after the Neulasta injection, the bone pain is just horrid!! Anyway I’ve just read through all your posts and of course glad everyone is moving forward.

I too have a black lab, wind and rapidly decreasing hair !!! I’m in Hertfordshire, anyone else in this area???

Sorry cant reply to everyone separately as I just can’t flick back and forth efficiently enough on my phone!!! I just wish everyone a good nights sleep and a SE free day tomorro.

Ruby xxx


Yes I’m having 4 TC & H. Half way through the chemo bit. 3rd due on 5th Sept. What stages are you and Sugar at?? Xx

Still here hoping to go home this afternoon. But not banking on it they are trying me with a penicilline that is in liquid form if i can keep it down i can go home on it. Sorry i have not been on for a few days but not forgot any of you. Karen it would have been lovely to have seen you maybe our paths will cross.

Isn’t the poo pants chemo going quickly though?!
I may be foolish, but have just booked a weekend away at royal berkshire show, entered some of daughters rare breed posh chickens in the ‘poultry show’ there. At least I can go chill in the hotel room if I get tired. It will be a good week after chemo 4 so should feel fine.

Wendy - I’m so jealous - you’re nearly done and the Herceptin (I’ve had two) has been no problem at all for me so all looking good for you. Are u having the Herceptin injections or infusions?? Love Ruby xx


I’ve had that ‘buzzing all over’ feeling - horrid and yes it seems to happen more at night and gets the blood thumping in my head. No wonder we can’t sleep!!!

Ruby xx

Hiya Cath

Not been on for a couple of days as feeling a bit down, think it’s just due to tiredness like a few others I’m suffering from post chemo insomnia. The steroids always seem to make it worse but I had the last of those yesterday so hopefully tonight will be better! Dreading having double the amount of steroids with the next treatment it’s been bad enough now.
Although in some ways the chemo seems to be going quite quickly it still seems like there is a long way to go and still no timeline for rads and reconstruction. I don’t even know what sort of recon I can have. Just want to get back to normal.

Sorry for the long moan, I need to get a grip as things could be a lot worse I’m sure I will be ok after a decent sleep.

I haven’t had any bruising on my arm although it feels tender, maybe you could give your bcn a ring if worried just to set your mind at rest. Hope the constipation is under control and you don’t have to drink too much more prune juice.

Sorry not to reply to everyone individually but too many posts to catch up on, hope everyone is well. Big hugs to everyone, let’s hope by Christmas we will all be well over this part of the journey on our road to recovery
Karen x

Hope you don’t mind me dropping in, I finished chemo (6x fec-t) at the end of last year, I was reading about some of you having restless legs and a buzzy feeling. I had severe reaction to one of the anti sickness drugs metoclopromide this gave me a buzzy feeling and restless legs well entire body actually I had the shakes for 17 hrs!!. So maybe a your having mild reaction if you’re on that drug, just a thought x

Morning everyone!


It’s reassuring to hear that I’ve not been the only one ‘buzzing’ and thankfully it seems to have settled down over the last couple of days - hope that’s the same for you others also.  Last night I even managed a good 5 hours uninterrupted sleep which feels great - I’ve even done an hour’s ironing already!


CathC - did you get your bruise checked out at all?  I’ve had some light bruising of my veins but not too bad - would advise getting it checked though, especially if you have any swelling/redness.  Another lady I know going through treatment had hers checked this week and they discovered a blood clot so she has to inject herself daily now for the next six weeks.  I’m not saying yours could be this and don’t want to alarm you but just feel we should err on the side of caution and get anything we’re not sure about checked out.  I ended up calling the chemo ward about my veins and bruising last week and they went through an assessment with me over the phone before deciding mine was just normal side effects but better to be safe than sorry.  Also, hope your prune juice has done the trick now.  Glad your dog also went on ok at the vets and mine are re-united now.  Thankfully, son is not pestering mum much but it is hard walking them separately - whichever one we leave behind each time really doesn’t look impressed!!  x


Karen2609 - hope you are feeling more ‘up’ now after being down - I don’t think we’d be normal if we got through this without those days sometimes.  Hopefully, we’ll just keep having more ups, less downs and get some semblance of normality back quickly.  I hope you are managing to sleep better now the steroids are over as lack of sleep certainly doesn’t help - sending you a hug x


Nikki49 - thanks for dropping in with the info.  I’m not on the anti-sickness drug you mentioned but I imagine the feeling could be a mild reaction to any number of drugs we are taking.  Sometimes I wonder how we know what side effect is from which chemo or drug as there just seem to be so many??  Always worth mentioning them though. x


Wendy (WP23) - nice to hear you had a lovely day out yesterday.  Wow - work in September? that’ll be a shock to the system!  Must admit I’ve not even thought about heading back to work yet as it still seems so far away but feeling a part of normal life again seems very appealing.  Hope all goes well with your return x


Hope everyone has a lovely bank holiday weekend with minimal SE’s.


Hugs to all


