Anyone due to start their chemo July 2014

Hi Cath, hope you and your husband have a lovely time meeting up with your friends next week, and that the weather stays dry for you.
I know what you mean about scrolling back through posts, it takes forever and by the time I read something and then get back to comment, I’ve forgotten what I read. Doesn’t help my memory being so rubbish, I could blame my age, chemo or letrozole but tbh I think it’s always been bad!
No date yet for recon, just languishing on the 12 - 18 month waiting list and hoping for a cancellation.
Take care all x

Hello to all of you lovely ladies


Just thought I’d look to see if anyone posted since my last post and see that the same faithful LOL. It is so nice though to hear from all of you, it feels like a secret family which had been supporting and understanding me so well during those awful times. 


In response to breast pain question, I have so much pain in my surgery breast, but only when touching it. My opposite shoulder though is stiff and painful, no idea why, but cannot be bothered to worry about.


Like one of you said, just live life and not live in expectation of medical events.


Take care of yourselves and your loved ones,



Flossie XXX

Hi to all the old faithfully, hope everyone is doing ok?
Clare, it made me smile to read your comment about fattening up your abdomen for the recon…if only I had that problem. I have plenty to spare, the PS is going to reduce my good boob at the same time so I’m hoping for a much slimmer figure afterwards.
I was trying to remember the date of my last chemo earlier, I know it was around this time or possibly early November. It’s not a date I expected to forget, it’s amazing how quickly this year has gone. I’m still suffering from a dry mouth, drinking water seems to make it feel worse for some reason but I’ve ordered some Biotene toothpaste from Amazon. Worth a try.
Sorry to hear some of you are still suffering from aches and pains hopefully things will improve soon.
Take care all

*faithfuls not faithfully ?

Great news Clare, I’m so pleased for you!!
Do you think you will get in done before Christmas? What a great start to the New Year that would be?.
Can’t wait to hear how you get on.

Love Karen x

Absolutely Cath, puts everything into perspective.

Best wishes on the imminent arrival of your grandchild xx

Wow, not long now then. Let’s hope he/she doesn’t keep you waiting too long! ??

Whoo hoo, Congratulations Cath ???

That’s great news, what a wonderful Christmas present and doesn’t it make the events of last year seem so long ago. I shall join you in a toast this evening ?.

Happy Christmas Gill, hope you are having a fabulous day. Indoors celebrating with family sounds perfect on a day like this ?

Hope everyone else is well, it’s been great reading such positive posts recently. Saw my onc a couple of days ago and she is trying to get me on a trial of taking a daily dose of aspirin!

Love to all
Karen x

It’s because I mentioned reading about a daily dose of aspirin can possibly prevent recurrence in some cases. My onc said that this is being researched at the moment and my hospital is part of that trial, they are just after volunteers. I’m happy to give it a go, she did also say if I don’t fit the trial criteria there would be no harm in taking a small amount daily anyway. I’m not really sure of the details but will let you know if I find anything out.
Enjoy your cuddles with your granddaughter, I bet she’s gorgeous x

You too, Cath. Give the baby a cuddle from me, don’t forget to let us know what name they choose and I’ll keep you posted re aspirin.

Hugs, Karen

Hello again,


Sounds like you are all just enjoying day to day life which is fantastic.


Cath congratulations on the new arrival, you must be beside yourself :smileyvery-happy:


Like many of you I am just trying to get on with life, but as someone said, you never stop worrying. I have taken myself to the BCN who asked for a surgeon appointment to check on my pain in my affected breast. Unfortunately I couldn’t see my regular surgeon and the lady I have seen has referred me to have a bone scan #worried

Has anyone had one yet and why are they giving me this, I was more expecting to be given an MRI scan of the breast ? 


Otherwise, feeling well and active, hair nearly long enough for a minuscule ponytail LOL


Take care and look after yourselves 



Flossie xxx

Lovely to see the regulars still posting Ladies ?

Slyolddog, your holiday sounds amazing. Now you’re back just in time to enjoy Christmas.

Gill, glad you enjoyed your early Christmas, you will have to become an expert on Skype now. Hope Claire isn’t going for too long.

Cath, what a beautiful name. I’ve always liked Charlotte. Hope you got plenty of cuddles again today.

Flossie, it’s very true that you never stop worrying. Have you got a date for your bone scan? I’m sure it’s just a precaution and it’s reassuring that they are checking everything out.

Hope no one has been affected by the floods, we’ve been very lucky with the weather down here.

Take care

<Empty imported post>

Wendy, I’m so sorry to hear about your experience with the onc, how insensitive. When I had an ongoing concern 6 months after finishing chemo my onc sent me for a CT scan as although he thought it was nothing serious he said it was the only way to find out for sure. I’m very lucky as he is always as much concerned for my peace of mind as my physical well being. Hopefully you will have more luck with your surgeon.

No news on the aspirin trial despite being told I would hear one way or another whether I was suitable. I will give it until after Christmas then start taking it anyway. No news either on the recon, should be within the next 14 months.
Hope everyone is keeping well and enjoying getting ready for Christmas

Karen x

Merry Christmas to you too, Cath and to all the other July ladies.
Great news about the recon, Claire roll on February.

Not sure how much peace in this household, every time I leave the room to sort dinner and get ready for guests hubby keeps turning the Christmas music off !!!
Have a wonderful time all ???

Merry Christmas to all of you lovely ladies. I hope you all had a fantastic time as did I and family. Hubby and I celebrated 10years of being together with a special dinner at the Shard in London, what a treat…


Luckily bone scan was clear yippee!!!


In answer to your questions about weight/exercise I have been exercising since last January starting very very small, with only able to do a minute of low level cross trainer and although only going to the gym a few times a week, I have improved my stamina greatly despite the aches and pains; doing mostly cross trainer, planking and weight machines for toning legs and arms.

Weight is towards my highest, but not as high as during chemo thank heaven… Still in the healthy BMI bracket…

And the greatest news, my temporary menopause is finally over :womanvery-happy:


I am reluctantly not cutting my hair and apart from a very slight trim I had in July, I am going to bear with it till I can at least straighten it up into a bob then let it grow as I love long hair or long-ish…It does have a wave still and I keep on dying it although I have no greys. For the work Xmas do, I had been pulling back the sides with bobby pins and teasing the top so it looked like it was all the same length and styled. No need for hairdresser :smileytongue:


Enjoy the New Year with your loved ones and let’s hope it will be another year that we can smile and get on with living live with the understanding of how precious it is.


Love and hugs,










Hi Cath - no mention of anything needed for the seroma, I believe the body absorbs them eventually.

Clare - ‘the old faithful’, makes me feel like I should be laying in a round bed with a squeaky toy!! As Cath says, it’s nice to know this is here even if we don’t look in every day.

Had someone compare someone on TV to me as ‘mumsy’ this week. That will be the hair, it’s amazing how it makes me feel older. Still, not forever, and there are worse things to be called. After all I am a mum. ?

Hi all, glad to hear everyone is doing well, aches and pains aside, and getting on with life. I had check up with surgeon on Tuesday, treated like a VIP called in straight away in front of loads of ladies who looked like they’d been waiting a while. Everything was ok so I was out in 10 minutes with another appointment for 6 months time.
Unfortunately not having a great start to 2016, my Dad has had 2 strokes and is currently in hospital awaiting further scans.
Keep well Ladies x

Thanks Cath, he should have had them yesterday but they were too busy so should be this morning and hopefully we will find out a bit more then x

Karen, so sorry to hear your dad’s not well. I hope his scan results are positive. Sending you a hug from Hampshire. Xx