Anyone due to start their chemo July 2014

Thanks Slyolddog and Clare for the good wishes for my Dad. Unfortunately the scan results weren’t good. It appears he didn’t have a stroke but has multiple secondary brain lesions. They don’t know at the moment if these are from his prostate cancer or, more likely, melanoma on his ear. My dad was diagnosed with his original cancer in the same week I had my BC diagnosis and had seemed to be doing so well, all his check ups came back fine.
We are hoping to get him moved to another hospital next week, preferably where he was treated for his cancer as he has been stuck in a geriatric ward with 2 dementia patients who shout and scream all the time. He needs to sleep and has a lot of pain in his head so needs to be somewhere quieter.
Clare, so glad you have a date for your Diep. Must be very exciting. My dog is being a bit of a rascal at the moment too. He’s not supposed to be allowed upstairs but keeps sneaking up.
Take care all
Karen x

Bad news I’m afraid, Cath. The cancer has also spread to his liver and lungs. All they can do is try and make him comfortable so we are trying to arrange for him to come home and have palliative care there.
Thanks to you and Clare for your good wishes and prayers, much appreciated. Hope all is well with you


Thanks Cath x

Karen I’m so sorry to hear your news about your dad. Like Cath says it’s good that you are able to bring him home to be surrounded by family. My thoughts are with you and your family at this difficult time. You take care. Xx

Thank you, Slyolddog much appreciated xx

Thank you all for your kind wishes and prayers for my Dad, they are much appreciated.
Hope you are all doing well
Karen x

Cath - it goes without saying but keep us all posted with your brain scan. They’d need the Hubble telescope to find mine!

Wendy - I’m sorry to hear about your friend. I know I’m not the only one who always had that fear at the back of their mind. I don’t think people who haven’t had cancer really understand it. Have a great time on your trip, I wish I was back in Oz. ?

I just bought my insurance today for my trip to Florida in may. I was expecting it to be nearly £500 as that was what Saga quoted me back in November but since they they’ve reviewed their policy on some cancers so I’ve got a years cover for about £250. Not as cheap as it used to be but I think it’s a bargain. Finally something improves.

Have a great weekend ladies. ?

Wendy, I’m so sorry to hear about your friend. It does seem to be all bad news this year. Have a wonderful trip to Australia and NZ, certainly sounds like a holiday of a lifetime.
Cath, not long until your holiday either. Hope you scan in and results back before you go, although the fact that they don’t seem to be in any great hurry must be a good sign.
Clare, Miami in April will be fab esp with your new body. Hope the mole removal went ok.
Slyolddog, glad the insurance wasn’t as bad as you expected and again, Florida in May sounds fab. We went there the year before all this started with my brother and his family and had a wonderful time.
Gill, glad to hear your daughter and son in law are enjoying their trip. How long are they away for?
Well ladies, since I last posted my Dad sank to the depths of despair, sleeping all the time and refusing to eat. However, since he got a date to come home he has completely transformed. He is now back home, eating and drinking and watching Doc Martin DVD’s. Although the outcome is going to be the same it doesn’t feel so imminent at the moment.
On that note, I had a phone call from my PS secretary this evening, they’ve had a cancellation so I’m all booked in for my recon on Thursday! I’m still in shock and wasn’t sure I should go ahead at this time but my mum and dad were adamant that I don’t turn it down as I could still have to wait another year if I did. Just hoping my dad will be ok the week I’m in hospital but after that Martin can drive me to see him.

Thank you again for all your good wishes and prayers, it means a lot. X

Thanks Cath, got admitted at 4pm and all marked up ready but then sent home as no beds!! Back again tomorrow morning and fingers crossed all goes ahead then.

Love to all
Karen x

Good luck for tomorrow Karen, I’m sure it will all go well. So pleased to see your dad has picked up since coming home too. I know you’re worried about being away for a while but you know he’d want you to go for it. Here’s to a swift recovery. Xx

Hi Karen - hope all went well with the recon.  Wishing you a speedy recovery.  Gentle hugs, Julie xx

Hi Ladies

It’s lovely to see such positive posts, sounds like everyone is getting on with their lives as best as we can. Happy holidays to those of you off on your travels, looking forward to hearing all about it.

Cath, hope you had a wonderful 50th birthday. Enjoy the cruise I hope you get thoroughly pampered.

Julie, Thailand sounds amazing, good luck avoiding the nozzles!

Clare, hope all went well with the recon, won’t be long before you are home being looked after.

Thank you all for the good wishes for my recon, did have a last minute scare as on the day I was all marked up and ready to go down to theatre when I was told it still may not go ahead as they had no beds. Then 10 minutes later it all happened very quickly.
The op went really well and I was in a bay with three other ladies who had the same procedure at the same time. It was so reassuring as we all has similar concerns which we could talk through with each other and we knew once one of us had the catheter or a drain out, the rest of us wouldn’t be far behind. When we couldn’t sleep at night after being woken up for 2 hourly obs, we could have a little chat without fear of disturbing anyone else. The nursing staff and doctors were absolutely amazing, they worked so hard but remained kind, professional and fun at all times.
I was discharged on Mon and am enjoying being back home. So happy to have 2 boobs again.
Hugs to all, Karen

Hi Cath, at least you don’t have to wait too long now you’ve got a date for your brain scan. As you say, get that over and done with and then get on and enjoy your holiday x

Thanks Gill

Happy 50th Cath. How on earth did I miss it? great age to be.
hi July ladies good to see so many more on site.
Hope all well. In hospital for recon. Not going as well as planned. only one done the right but have to return to theatre for exploration.
The left had to be silicone as not enough Blood vessels but it feels mots comfy and is healing well.
well I am keeping my spirits up. Karen how are you getting on?

hi Karen. Just saw your post. it’s harder to follow the thread on my mobile. I am so pleased for you that you are home and we’ll. How many days did you stay in for.
Unfortunately like I told Cath I have complications so back to theatre tomorrow . Will tell you more after procedure.
lots of love July ladies and enjoy your holidays.
I didn’t make Malta of course but my son rang me from there. He didn’t beat his personal best because it was windy and rainy . Time 3hrs 5mins
London marathon. next :wink:

Thanks for your good wishes Lilac X x

Thanks also Cath and Just X x

and hbunnu ,slyolddog and anyone I missed. Fuzzy as pain killer kicking in lol

Hi Clare, wishing you lots of luck for your op tomorrow. Hopefully you can get that out of the way and then concentrate on your recovery. I was lucky enough to only be in for 4 days although it’s much harder not doing things at home. I had to go back to hospital today as my wound started to bleed but all ok now.
Luckily I only needed a single recon as they had trouble with my blood vessels too, must be more common than we realise, at least you were able to have an implant on the other side.
Keeping everything crossed for you tomorrow and sending you lots of love for a speedy recovery
Gentle hugs, Karen x