Anyone due to start their chemo July 2014

This is the first time since my cancer that I have felt so low. Op went crap and had to have a expander inserted instead.
Surgeon had said clean and graft or silicone implant. Apparently they have to gradually expand the skin now it’s from the tummy then put in silicone later. Can’t sleep tonight and can’t stop crying. Seems like Nothing ever goes to plan for me. I feel so sad at the moment. I just want to go home and recover. I really thought that things were going to work out so that I could move forward. Fat chance.
I had such a lovely perfect pair my hubby loved them I was even able to flash them for my friends who visited as I was so happy for 4 days …now this horrible expander. I don’t feel positive any more. Boohoo.

Karen I am really pleased that yours went well and that you are recovering well. Sorry to be so sad today but I feel like a failure. .

love to July ladies
thanks for and wishes

Cath Good luck with your scan. X X. keep well

Clare, I’m so sorry that your op didn’t go well. I can’t begin to imagine how you are feeling. To be looking forward to this for so long only to end in disappointment, no wonder you can’t stop crying.
I know it’s no consolation but I really hope that once the expansion is done and the silicon added, you get a good result. Sending lots of love and hugs xx
Cath, wishing you lots of luck for today. Hope all goes well and you can get on and enjoy your hols xx

Clare, I’m so sorry things haven’t gone to plan and I can totally understand why you’re feeling so low. To be looking forward to something which is really personal and then for it not to turn out as you’d expected is massively disappointing. Let your tears flow as much and as often as you want to, you’ve earned the right. We are all here for you, you have several invisible arms giving you a hug and we are all feeling your pain. Xx

hi Cath c, Karen, Julie, slyolddog and hbunny. Thanks you for your virtual support hugs and understanding.
I am now at home and feeling much better for it. Pain still moderate to occasionally high. I had hiccups with the painkillers (given paracetamol as TTO) I knew that wasn’t enough so went to GP for stronger rather than wait another 3hrs on the same day I came home. O the battle with receptionist which reduced me to more tears.
Eventually I was rescued my a GP in whose surgery I worked for years. She had come to my GP’S surgery for a meeting. God was good to me that day.

Anyway I spent most of the day in the sunny conservatory colouring a very therapeutic book for adults and that lifted my mood.
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to rant ladies.

Karen hope you are recovering fast and not needing all those pain killers like I do.
Cath I am really pleased that all went your scan
Cath enjoy your cruise and sending positive vibes re scan results
Regards to all

Hi hbunny, Karen, Cathcart, (Just)Julie, so and slyolddog. Good morning a much better morning. :slight_smile: . I woke this morning almost pain free for the first time. The 2nd op on the right side appears to be healing well. I have decided to take one day at a time and focus on the positives After all I didn’t even give up work when I was on chemo which was the worse experience in my journey do I can deal with big hiccup like an expander.
positive thought. … I am alive and well and I have a good team of people around me.

Karen how are you this morning? The thead has been very quiet ;-). Hope you are nearly
ainfree like me. .

Julie your travel plans sound good. Wish we could all meet up an go travelling like the soul mates I feel you all are… The good old faithfuls. :-).

I have made an app for me to see the BC nurse when I go to the dressing clinic on Weds. I would like to go thro notes as I was so.fuzzy headed. Can’t remember everything I was told .

Catherine hope you enjoy cruise and everyone else be good and enjoy life. My fund raise for cancer research is continuing £225 pounds just from FB.

Well hope to catch up with everyone soon.


Karen are you on the hormone tablets? I heard that one had to stop them for 3 months before op

Hi Clare, so pleased to hear that you are home and almost pain free. I definitely think being home makes all the difference, just being able to sleep in your own bed without being woken up every couple of hours for obs made me feel so much better. Good to hear that you are pleased with the result on your right side and hopefully once you speak to your BCN everything will be much clearer.
I have been very lucky in that I had very little pain, although I didn’t have as much done as you, just Diep on the left and reduction on the right. I do hope things have turned a corner for you now you’re home.
How is Dexter behaving? We’ve had to rehome Toby with the in laws for a couple of weeks as he jumps all over me.
Isn’t it strange how we are still told different things, I was told to carry on with the Letrozole all the way through. I shared a bay with 3 ladies who all had Diep on same day but with different Consultants, one wasn’t allowed caffeine or chocolate for 2 weeks post op!!!
Please keep us updated with how you are doing and to let off steam whenever you need to. This forum has been such a support to me over the past 2 years, I too feel like I know you all.
Cath, Julie, Slyolddog, Hbunny and Wendy, hope you are all doing well, love reading your updates even if I don’t always respond as often as I should
Hugs to all, Karen.

Sorry Gill, I knew I would miss someone! Glad to hear you are doing well x

Hi Gill. Glad to hear that you enjoyed Mother’s Day. The 5 year meet sounds like a good idea. Hopefully we will all be putting the Big C behind us by then.
I keep getting flash backs of what could have gone wrong. Can’t wait to go thro my notes. The care from professionals was great but empathy is lacking. Too busy for that side of holistic care but it’s running joke about surgeons. Too used to anaesthetised people :-).

Happy Mother’s Day to all July Ladies. Mine was 10:10. My younger son who has pratically moved in since my op made it most enjoyable by cooking, showered me with presents and card and flowers.
My older son brought me a bottle or Merlot all the way from Malta . Can’t complain

Hello Karen how are you? You must be up and about now. No driving for 6 weeks I was told.
BTW how did they keep your Diep flap warm post op? 11days and 6 days post op.I am still getting a sharp break thro pain in my right breast. The one with the expander which makes me reach out for the Tramadol at 2 and 10 p.m. A weird nerve pain and I am slightly stiff in abdominal area. other than that I am fine and pottering around esp in the mornings. Hope you are fully recovered is it 18 days today?
How was Mother’s Day? Hope dad is still in good spirits and that his pain is being well controlled well.


Have any of you July ladies been invited to the forum meeting in October and are you going?

Hi Clare, glad to hear you are a bit more mobile and able to reduce the painkillers. They were very focused in hospital on keeping the flap warm, I had big pad of wadding, a bit like a slim pillow, over my chest for the first couple of days and they always ensured I was well covered up. I did feel tight and engorged at the beginning but that is all wearing off now and I’m enjoying being able to get out and about. How are you today? All ready for tomorrow and being able to speak to someone about the Op?
Hi Cath, how long now until your cruise? Will be lovely to get away from everything for a while.
My Dad is still better than when he was in hospital but still very confused and is now having problems with a leaky catheter. The district nurse doesn’t want to change it as apparently this could cause more problems.
Hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine, I’m enjoying last few days without Toby, much as I miss him he is a mad dog so am appreciating the break.

Love Karen

Sorry Clare, forget to say hope all ok with your results xx

Hi Cath you are do good at replying yo posts. Thanks for your ongoing support and have a great upbeat day swimming
Hope the dentist is gentle.
Big hugs

So pleased your results came back clear, Clare, that must be a huge relief. I have a mole on my back which has recently started to crust over. I’ve been putting off getting it seen to which is really stupid bearing in mind my Dad is now dying from secondary melanoma but have made an appointment now for next Friday.
Your BC nurse sounds very good, I’m so glad that you were able to talk through everything that went wrong with her. Sometimes it makes all the difference just having someone to talk to who understands what you are feeling.
Hope your recovery continues to go well xx

Not long now, Cath, you must be so excited. I would love to go on a cruise but my husband is completely against it. Hope the Christening goes well, lovely to have a big family occasion to look forward to before you go away xx

Hi Karen thanks for logging in so quickly to support me. I am really pleased that you have made an app with GP. How is dad today. Hope he is comfortable

How are you doing? Is your recovery now moving in leaps and bounds or slowly uphill? Mine feel slowly up hill inwardly but outwardly everyone who visits say I look so well. If people could only see discomfort without having to ask so one sounds like a moaner life and empathy would be much improved in this situations. :wink: That’s why it so important to talk to people in the same situation. It is such a great help.

Cath enjoy the Christening and your cruise
love to July ladies X x

Hi Clare, my recovery seems to be coming on well, I don’t notice the difference on a daily basis but when I look back a couple of weeks I’m so much better. The hardest thing for me is still getting out of bed but once I’m up it’s not too bad. The main problem is because I feel well I sometimes forget I’m not supposed to do certain things!!!
It’s certainly very true that because I look normal, people expect more from me. When I’m out for a walk with my husband he keeps rushing ahead and darting across the road between traffic then gets irritated when I can’t keep up. I shouldn’t moan too much though as he is doing a lot at the moment, my girls are useless, my fault for doing everything for them as it’s easier.
I do remember thinking at one stage that my recovery seemed to have stagnated, you have had a bigger op than me and also have the expander to contend with.
How do you find the binder? I hate the way it digs into my ribs and I’m never sure if it’s tight enough.
Dad’s not great today, had to have his catheter changed which has really worn him out and it appears he has another urine infection.
Hope you’ve had a good day and had visitors to make you laugh, I went out for breakfast with friends which was nice.
Take care
Love Karen xx

hi Karen and Cath. Day 16 and Day 11 post op. A much better day do far. . Less pain relief needed and can potter around doing only what my body let’s me.
I am doing my breast exercises regularly to stay supple because as soon as I can I am going to do proper exercises. … apparently after 6 weeks healing.

I am venturing out to a party as I really need to get out. A friend’s driving so that is good and I shall not be drinking and will be coming home ASAP.

Cath once again enjoy the cruise with hubby. My hubby might come round one day but I am not waiting on him.

Karen good to hear you are mending quickly. Getting out of bed has never been a problem It’s the internal stinging in the breasts which gets to me and has me reaching out for the Tramadol. lol
I am not wearing a binder just a good supportive bra that was given to me last op. It help to keep the breasts comfy. I also have to wear a supportive abdominal garment which I don’t like as it makes me feel restricted but not for much longer hey. :slight_smile:

Well ladies. Take care. Have a lovely weekend. The mild sunny weather we ae having here makes life more upbeat

BTW Cath .4got to ask how your dentist appt went.
Swimming is great exercise Cath…keep it up. How’s the Weight Loss going July Ladies