Anyone due to start their chemo July 2014

Oh Clare, it never rains eh? Your luck must be due to change soon. I can’t imagine how you are feeling, how long will you have to wait for your next op once you have recovered from this one? I’m glad your BCN is being so supportive x
Lovely to hear from you, Slyolddog. Hope you are doing well X
Cath, sorry this is a bit late but I hope you have a wonderful holiday. Can’t wait to hear all about it X
Unfortunately I’ve managed to get an infection not in the reconstruction but in the reduction side. So I’m back on antibiotics for a week although I can’t see much sign of the redness going down yet.
Had a bit of a shock getting on the scales this morning, I was expecting to be all svelte after my op but I can only get one pair of jeans over my hips at the moment. I’m definitely going to have to try and hold back on the chocolate at the weekend.
Love Karen

Clare, sorry to hear your bad luck is continuing, I’m sure you’ll turn a corner before too long. There you were admiring Karen’s progress and now she has an infection. ? I hope this clears up soon Karen, the anti biopics will kick in eventually.

Fully with you in the weight issue. I’m trying to use my treadmill and to actually run a bit too rather than just walk fast. I’m not built for running, I’m built for (or from!) lazing around. I have bought Easter eggs for everyone but not for me so I can avoid them. Easter orange anyone? ?

Hi Wendy good to see you back same and sound. Glad you had a great time in Australia and New Zealand. Shame about the jet lag though.
I am glad that your friend has made some positive progress after her chemo.

Gill sorry about your fracture. Have they done a bone scan (Dexa scan) ; to check for osteoporosis?

would have been nice if it had been me on the high seas lol. Anyway I am off to.Maimi on the 27th April after supporting my son’marsthorn.

Karen sorry to hear you have an infection in reduction side What a bummer our last bit of the journey turned to be. The sensitivity in my right bread still persists so still reaching out for Tramadol at about 4 p.m.
How is dad ?

Well hello to the rest of the July ladies

beast not bread. lol… silly autospell…

Hi All

Not been able to get on here for a while so just a quick post. Great to see how busy this thread has been recently and that everyone is coming to terms with their two year anniversary.
Sadly my Dad passed away last week, very worried about my mum as she is lost without him and lives to far away for me to be able to just pop in. We are also having terrible trouble trying to get his death registered as he had not seen a dr within 14 days of his death (missed the cut off by 8 hrs). Everything is now in the hands of the coroner who doesn’t appear to be in any rush.
It’s a beautiful day here, hope the sun is shining for you all too x

Karen I’m so sorry to hear your dad passed away, my thoughts are with you and your family. Have you any brothers or sisters who live near to your mum who can keep an eye on her. Sending a big hug. Xx

Oh Karen so sorry about your dad and the hiccup re registering his death. Hope you get some much needed support from family and friends big hugs. Hope you are fully on the mend now.

Cath, Gill , sly old dog, Wendy. Read your post. Anxieties around our anniversaries will hopefully get less with time .Wish we could just relax and live life in a carefree way as before cancer.

Gill hope your cast gets removed on the 22nd and you can drive soon
Talking about driving Idtove yesterday again since op for the first time. Joy of independence.

BTW yesterday was my 60th Birthday and 30th Wedding Anniversary . Spent quietly at lunch with hubby. Today we are going out with the boys. I think I shall be celebrating this birthday till Christmas. I am alive and my prophecy that I will be dead by 60 didn’t happen.

38th Wedding anniversary . This phone types what it wants. :-).
I am feeling much better now. More like my normal self. They said 6 weeks recovery and they were right.
Hope you all keep well and mammograghs are all clear always. I won’t be having those as I chose the risk reducing option. BTW. The histology result for the right breast was clear. JOY!!!
love ya

Belated happy birthday Clare. I’m so pleased you’re feeling more like your old self. And 38 years married! Child bride!! ? and driving as well. No stopping you now.

Typical April weather here, sunny and then raining. Good for the garden. Have a good weekend lovely July ladies. Xx

hi Wendy I agree it would be good to meet somewhere central sometime. Maybe to celebrate our 5 yrs of remission. That would give us lots of time to plan.
Great about the slimming program and good luck with losing the pounds. You to Slyolddog.

Cath re risk reducing surgery . The cancer lump was in the left breast but I decided to have a right mastectomy to reduce risk of reoccurrence when I was having my DIEP recon. (bilateral failure as you know ). This will stop reoccurrence in the right breast . It might never have happened but I found chemo so traumatic that I wouldn’t have been able to repeat that experience . I also like symmetry so I am happier with same appearance on both sides. also no underlying worrying. I just wanted to get on with life. The failure of DIEP was a kick in the teeth but I have nearly come to terms with my bad luck.

Blessed Sunday July ladies and what a pleasant sunny one. X X

Hi Cath I have gone into hibernation an hr ago. It was lovely and sunny this morning. though and Myself and Baxter went for a walk in the park.

BTW just to let the July ladies know that M&S does a lovely fitting post op bra and you get the VAT refunded to you.

I have done a big Spring clean of my old clothes . Never knew I had so many stored away lol.

hi Cath no duvet for me today. I spent the day finishing my Spring cleaning. You are right it is great to have space in the cupboard to actually see what you can wear . I have to attack the drawers next. lol.

Have fun July ladies.

Hi Gill I live in Hertfordshire so London is closer but Game to go with the majority vote.

How are you and hope you are pain free from your fractured wrist.
Regards to the July ladies X X


Morning everyone

Regards meeting up I’m in north Hampshire but willing to travel just about any where.

Spring cleaning? You mean I missed winter clean?? ?

Hi Ladies

Love the idea of meeting up and putting faces to names, I feel like I know you all already. I’m in Essex but happy to travel


Hi July 2014 ladies, lovely to see how you are all doing. The meeting idea is fantastic, it will be something for all of us to look forward to and almost like writing history. I am in Essex, so London is easier, but also prepared to travel, as travelling all the time for work… Going to Turkey next week, but I have travelled to Chile for the first time and seen the Andes, felt like a tick off my bucket list, thank you work LOL.


I am yet to receive my mammogram invite, not sure how early they are sending it, but must say I’m dreading the mammo because of the tender breast. Any idea if they can offer a scan instead?





Really sorry to hear the sad news about Victoria Wood today. One thing you can say about cancer, it doesn’t discriminate. ?

It’s terribly sad, I can’t believe how many famous people we have lost to cancer recently. X

Hi Julie, glad you enjoyed your holiday to the east. We enjoyed it so much last year we’re thinking of going again next year. It’s just so different. Finding a lump must have been extremely worrying, I can’t imagine your relief at finding out its not a problem. Long may that reign.

Cath, I think I also understand your feelings about being signed off by the oncologist. While we don’t see the specialists often regular appointments can be reassuring. Even when we get so anxious during the appointment that we forget all the questions we were going to ask!

Well another day another celebrity loss. What is going on? ?