Anyone due to start their chemo July 2014

hi July ladies. Where is everyone gone? I suppose that’s good news and everyone is well and getting on with life?

Hi Clare

How are you doing? My abdominal scar is fading very slowly and is fairly bumpy still. I must admit I’m not using the bio oil as much as I should be which probably doesn’t help. Starting back on the 5:2 diet this week as I can’t seem to shift the weight I put on in hospital.
I’ve signed up with my Mum and daughters to do the Shine Walk in September so am getting lots of walking in.
Unfortunately this is continuing to be a pretty bad year, my cousin has just been diagnosed with bowel cancer. She is only a year older than me and has always had a fairly healthy lifestyle.
Hope everyone else is well and enjoying life x

Oh Karen. What difficult news to have to cope with. so sorry and hoping that your cousin recovers quickly from the journey she now has to take.
I use the bio at less twice daily. I was told by the rep at my last conference that it’s 50% massaging and 50% bio oil so I am trying to be diligent.
I also read that it takes about 6 months to a year for the scars to fade so I am being patient.
Re the abdomen support my plastic Dr said I could stop using after 3 months. I am still getting numbness in some areas.

Well I am cheering you on for your diet. I have managed to get near my goal. … Thanks mostly to Baxter my dog companion. He loves walking :wink:

I also started Jazzercise and getting my physical self back. Re emotional I think that will take a bit longer to
happen. I also think that I am going to stop working in Feb and accept my retirement status. LOL.

Take Care Karen X x

Hi Clare, that’s so weird you writing today because I was wondering exactly the same. I tend to assume that all is good when there are less posts.

Karen I’m sorry that your recovery is going slowly. Well done for signing up for the Shine Walk, its such a good cause. I started sponsoring Macmillan when I was diagnosed and they have some fairly adventurous ways of raising money. A trek in Costa Rica looked appealing until I read the itinerary! I’m so sorry to hear your friend has been diagnosed with bowel cancer, and at such a young age. I can’t help thinking that modern living and materials play a part in the rise of cancer. ?

Sorry Karen, I should have said cousin not friend. I’m an idiot! X

hi Karen ,slyolddog and Gill. Good to hear from you again. Yeah I am worried that Cath haven’t touched base . Hope she’s ok.
Gill Bali sounds like a lovely place to be and family catch up even better. Sorry about your hair. Guess what I wore my wig this week as I couldn’t be bothered to do my hair. It was so much easier to get ready. lol.

yes Karen doing he walk is very brave. I looked at the cancer fundraising walks and chickened out. Maybe next year.

Well take care all


Hi Cath woohoo you are back . Good to hear from you. Great news re your bone density scan and I just can’t believe that you are still waiting for your mammogram esp as you are self examining. Have you contacted your BC nurse?
BTW I meant retirement in August. end of Aug to be exact. Freudian error eh? lol
well keep well

hi Gill.
hope Dexascan is fine. My son said to take Biotin tablets which I am doing to encourage my eyebrows to grow. I am also using a growth serum on my eyebrows twice daily. It appears to be working.

BTW Cath. 4got to say that my Vit D remains low.


Also Cath just saw your message after posting. I am already officially retired at 55 but work with the NHSP as a bank worker. A bit like agency hourly paid worker.
worked and gradually reduced my hours.During my illness I got no sick pay because I was not a contracted midwife. My luck… Hardly took sick leave while I was contracted by the Trust . Anyway now that I am 60 I am trying to wind down and relax but finding it difficult to cut off :wink: being the workaholic I am.
My team leader wants me to help the team for a bit longer so it might be next year after all. We shall see.


lol Cath. I agree bout the sun. My Gp gave me Vit D tablets 3 times a week.
Girls if you are on Letrozole have you Vit D checked and increase calcium intake to reduce risks of osteoporosis.
I ALSO agree with you bout my job. I like people and esp helping them to feel better.

Take care

I know what you mean Gill. So much updating too. I too am getting to that stage but I think it’s easier working on the community to survive longer :wink: ???

hi Cath thanks. I been in the NHS for 41 yrs. 7 in nursing the rest in midwifery. enjoyed every bit of it.

Summer is hiding away somewhere . I change my clothes from warm to cool most days as can’t find anything comfy to wear because of the changeable weather. A real bummer and the hot flushes makes it even harder.
I tried bowling yesterday and I am now pretty useless. kept scoring 0. lol. Well reality of my weaker self has now sunk in.
take care

:-). A medal would have been nice Cath . yeah can’t wait to stop taking the Letrozole in early Feb 2019. Hope it’s what causing the flushes !!!

LOL Cath. You are right!! I sleep in the draught of an open window and that helps immensely. I have learned the art of dealing with feeling cold then hot in a short space of time .
I am in Norfolk for a couple of weeks enjoying our lovely Summer and so chilled that I actually did some gardening!! Must be getting old.

Regards all July ladies

hi Cath. Thurs 14th July or weds 13th? well good luck and wish you all the best with your app.

Good luck Cath. Sunshine in Norfolk but chilly. What’s new eh?
happy summer July ladies

Hey all you lovely ladies. I feel really bad not having posted for ages, bit have been checking up on you all, I blame work going bonkers! Anyway congrats to all those positive mamogramm results. Mine also came back good - woo hoo, something else not to worry about till next year. Cathy I was told 2 week, actually took 5, so don’t expect too much - wheels grind ever slower in the NHS.

Lovely to see everyone having fab holidays and doing what is important ie enjoying life. It’s making me feel like I’ve got it wrong as I don’t feel like I have a moment to myself right now, think I could just do with some sun.

I did notice a while back some posts about thin hair, mine is as thick as ever now and no gray - not bragging but I’m wondering if it’s because I’ve been taking sulfer crystals for months now (high grade MSM) which h has been reported to turn hair back to nature colour and mack thicker, all get many other benefits - might be worth trying.

Anyway back to work. Have a lovely weekend everyone and l try not to be a stranger. Bunny xx

Thanks for tip re sulphur crystals hunny bunny. Never hear of it. Do you get at health shop?
Must try for my eyebrows. Hair thick as ever and not much grey considering I turned 60 in April .lol.

Cath hope you don’t have to wait too long for results. Shame bout the sore boob squeeze but we’ll worth it for peace of mind.

take care all

hi hbunny sorry to hear bout your dad. hope he is recovering some more today . BIG hug. Sisters can be bummers. :wink: . but bet you will make up soon .
Thanks for offering to send me the address.


Happy Belated also … guess what I did an unplanned 5k park run with my son Today. woopee!
I was only going to cheer him on then got the urge to take part. did it in 42 minutes and feeling good so far. Marathon here I come .LOL

take care