Anyone due to start their chemo July 2014

We were all delighted Cath. Even Baxter who saw me running /walking by. It felt good.
Sitting in the sun is also fun … Make the most of it when you can.

Take care

Gill is that the 2nd fracture you had?
was your Dexascan ok?

My 5 k wasn’t all running girls. I did a lot of speed walking also but I was glad that I didn’t come last. I came 10th from last. :wink: Not bad for a first go, so you can always walk on the first attempt. I am hoping to improve.
Take care July ladies a rainy day today but the plants need it.


Hi Cath
Good to hear from you Yes dogs are so funny sometimes. It’s amazing how much socialising goes on in the park because of the dog. B can be hard work to look after (a child that never grows up) but so worth it. He was my life line at an important time in my journey. Took me away from self pity . LOL.

Hello July ladies

Hi Gill so true what you said. My dog has made me so much fitter nearly 2 yrs post chemo completed. I am feeling nearly as fit as I was b4 the journey. Thank God for mine. He is such good, loving and loyal company also.
Couldn’t do without him now.
Your leg fracture is healed now Gill… as you are meandering now ???


hi Gill and Cath
what lovely days we are having weather wise.

Gill I also think stress and cancer is linked although research does not confirm that but I am pretty sure stress might have something to do with my breast cancer.

one day it might be proven. Glad you were not left with any ill effects from your leg fracture.

hi July ladies. Looking forward to Oct as now have 2 holidays planned. Chicago with my son (marathon run) and a mini 4 day Mediterranean cruise with my friend.

lots of love

Hi all you lovely July ladies.  Not been on for ages as been so busy, mainly with our eldest buying her new house and then all the work we’re having done on our house.  It’s still very messy here and we’ve had no cooker in for about 5 weeks which hasn’t helped my figure at all - lots of eating out, chip shop etc!!  Just booked to go to Cyprus next week so that will be more eating out - oh well!

Gill - good luck with your new bathroom.  I feel your pain in an upside down house but it’ll be worth it when it’s done.  New towels are always lovely too :slight_smile: - enjoy! x

Cath - glad you’re getting a bit of decent weather and enjoying your granddaughter even if she wears you out - best way to be knackered I reckon x

Clare - well done on your 5k! That’s fantastic! I’m so unfit again at the mo and struggle to run/jog as it hurts my surgery boob but can’t wait to get back to Zumba after the school hols x

Love to all the other July ladies - hope you’re enjoying the ‘summer’ xx

Hi Cath, Just, Wendy and Gill good to see some activity on line. Even more activity off line going on I see lol.

Gill and Just I can emphasise with the home Improvements I’ve lived with it all my married life living with hubby who likes DIY.
Well worth it when it’s finished though.

Gill great weight loss. What goal are you aiming for? I am trying to get to 76kg … nearly there :-).

Wendy going back to Australia sounds like a good move and the weather there is better. Also the chance to relax after work etc? The weather here always interferes with that aspect.

Cath. Must be so lovely to have grandchildren to make you tired. They can be so sweet that makes up for it eh?

Well. Take care. Enjoy the rest of the summer


Wendy so sorry about your losses and that you were feeling emotionally low. Yes It’s amazing how suddenly every news about cancer feels so close to home.
A had to go to an acquaintance’s funeral who died from breast cancer on Friday but we changed our minds the day b4. Too close to home for comfort. Well one has to try and focus on the positives and move onwards and upwards as Cath always says.

Well July ladies try and be happy and enjoy life

Enjoy your BH weekend everyone We r off to a BBQ today. I am going to dance the night away.

Thanks Cath. It was a worrying time, back to Google searches I’m afraid! Still all is good now.

Weather’s gone rubbish here too. Damp but humid. Waving goodbye to summer already. ?

Hi July ladies
Hope all is fine. Cath - Hope hubby is much better now and that you are back to seeing the grandchildren.

Gill- sounds like you are having great fun and living it up. You must be very excited about the wedding and in Sunny Spain as we speak eh? enjoy to the fullest

I am well. improving slowly on my running speed and stamina and feeling so much better for it. I have lost weight also so that’s a bonus. Enjoying life to. Bet the invites will slow down when Winter approaches. lol.

Take care ladies

hi Catholic. Guess what I went to a followup app to breast clinic and saw a different Dr, who dragged back emotionally by asking me to explain all about my failed op. I felt really upset and told her that I did not what to talk about it. Ended up calling a friend who lived lacal to the hospital to talk over coffee.
I feel better now but having trouble sleeping . I think I am going to ask for some counselling as I am very surprised about my reaction.

Glad you are well , swimming and losing weight. well done

Cath not Catholic Silly auto spell lol

Thanks Cath and Gill. I am waiting for the BC nurse to get back to me. If no joy I will access my GP if no help there then I will have to go private. That bl**dy CA has been a very expensive journey for me so far so I would like some free help for a change … :slight_smile:

Have a good day ladies

Thanks Cath.
X x

hi Gill and Cath. Good to hear you are both enjoying life. Grandchildren makes life even more enjoyable I guess. Me my enjoyment is my dog and travelling for now and lots of retail therapy. lol. …until I hopefully have grandchildren.
Returned from Chicago yesterday. Son’s Marathon time 2hrs 53mins. I am so pleased.
I am feeling even fitter now that I am am running 5ks

hi Cath Gill Just and all July ladies. Yes we have been lucky with the weather. Just good that you have settled in your new home.

Cath I did go to Chicago and have just returned from A mimi Mediterranean cruise. enjoyable but tiring .
Hope all you ladies at well.


Hi Gill. Good to hear that you have made the decision to retire and then fully retire in 6 months. You will have time now for lots of fun with your family and don 't forget the dog. You might wonder where you found the time to work . lol.
I still can’t let go to my 1 day week. Think I need a complete change of lifestyle and home to let go . Lame isn’t it?
Anyway Have a fun Xmas and don’t stress too much over the hols. I wish I could just go on a Xmas holiday cruise with my sons and hubby.
Maybe one day.

Hi Wendy Good to hear you are enjoying your new job. Hope the commute isn’t too.stressful. Hope you are keeping well
Merry Christmas to all the July ladies. Have fun with your family.
I am having my right breast expander replacement on the 20th. The last bit of the journey. Next the tattoos. Wondering how Karen got on as she hasn’t been on site for a while.
love to all

Hi Cath And July Ladies Have a lovely Christmas. Waiting for anaesthetist. was scheduled first but he had a toothache so I had to wait. Boohoo!! Nothing is ever straight forward for me.
nipple or no nipple? ??? Still can’t decide.