Anyone due to start their chemo July 2014

Morning Clare and all July ladies. Clare I’m thinking of you this morning, do hope all goes well.

Sorry I haven’t been in touch for what seems like months, but it’s great to see everyone is doing well and getting back to normality?

After few trial runs dad finally gave up his fight with old age and passed away last month, so have had lots to deal with recently. I have however kept on top of the posts even though quiet, it’s hard to believe we are now looking at 2 years since finishing treatment for most of us anyway - Clare you are a strong woman indeed!

I do hope everyone has a very happy Christmas and a healthy and peaceful New Year.

Love to all xx hbunny

hbunny. I am sorry about your dad and sending you lots of hugs.
It’s always so difficult when parents pass no matter how old or how close you are. The grieving process takes a long time.

Cath so good to hear from you as always. Are we still meeting up at 5 years?

I am feeling great. The best ever op so far. So glad I opted for a day case. No pain killers required overnight?
Karen where are you. I need so advise re nipped.

Love to all July ladies and Merry Christmas.

Cath the suspense continues. I left the decision for now as I was do scared that something will go wrong again if I did the nipples at the same time as expander replacement so I shall wait.

Considering 3D tattoos instead so no nipples will show if bra less. Will keep you updated. Wondering what Karen did.

I hope they will Cath. Gill was very keen and was going to organise us

Flipping right I’m up for it girls. Claire so pleased to hear how well your doing. New boobs for Christmas - there’s a song in that somewhere. Hope all the July ladies are well busy and hence quiet. Hbunny (Helen) - thought it was about time. Xx

hi Helen. lovely name. Yes my surgeon said it was my Christmas present . LOL

Have a lovely Christmas X X

Let’s make a song about new boobs for Christmas.
If you can write the words I’ll ask my son to make the tune for us.

Hi Cath, Gill, Helen and the rest of the July ladies. Hope you had a good Christmas. Mine was wonderful as both my sons were home and my favourite niece also came and spent time with us. My lovely husband cooked the dinner. All I did was insist on clearing up the kitchen .
I am feeling well. Feeling much happier about my boobs now are they are now symmetrical. I could bear looking at my real boob and the silicone implant …too many anxious reminders.

The dressing was removed yesterday now the scar massages begins. I feel great and happy to be alive and well although sometimes get the pangs of what if I had gone to a specialised hospital like Royal Marsden instead… would the outcome have been different? Then I know That is silly and I can’t go backwards.
Anyway I am embracing 2017 with vigour and stepping up my running ASAP to 10K.

Hope to meet up in 2018/ 2019??
I found lump on 4th Dec’13 :Final diagnosis on 31st Dec’13. Three operations on left breast by 28th April’14. and you know the rest

New Year’s Eve has never been the same since. I think it’s PTSD.
Happy New year to all. Enjoy. I am going to a party this year so moving onwards and upwards.

Evening ladies, Happy New Year to you all, here’s looking forward to a good year.

Helen, so sorry to hear about your dad. There is never a good time to lose someone close, my thoughts go out to you.

Clare, glad your op went well and you’re on the mend. I’ve not heard of 3d tattoos, I’ll have to google them.

We’ve been quite quiet on here for a while, I’m hoping that’s s good thing. I do worry about the ladies who don’t pop in occasionally. Here’s hoping they’re all busy and getting on with their lives.

Here we are about to start a new year. This year was awful for our family so I’m hoping next year will be better. Here’s to karma!

Have fun tonight whatever you’re doing (I’ll be in bed!). Happy New Year everyone. Xx

Happy New year everyone. Wishing you a healthy 2017. BTW went out with best friends for lunch instead. Don’t think the neighbours party ever kicked off . Didn’t hear any music so stayed in, watched fireworks on TV and drank wine.
Here’s to 2017


Happy New Year ladies
Just a quick hello as I’m on train to work ( 2 1/2 hr commute each way agh). I didn’t realise this thread has been so busy as I’ve stopped getting notifications for some reason so just assumed all was quiet.
Anyway…Woo hoo, congratulations Clare on getting your boob done. It’s a lovely feeling, mines uneven, scarred and far from perfect but it’s there and a million times better than a prosethic.
Nipples!! I wasn’t sure what to do either but in the end went for recon which I had done a month ago. Really strange lying there whilst surgeon is cutting into your boob whilst discussing antics at the Christmas party. Again it doesn’t look amazing but I feel more ‘complete’ just waiting for tattoo now.
Hope everyone is well, I’m going to have to log on and catch up tonight…been away far too long

hiya all. Good to see you are back and we’ll Karen. Hope the long commute is not too tiring and you don’t get caught up in too may strikes delays. Glad to hear you are well. For me the advantage not doing nipples is that I could go braLess. Which is great esp with them hotflushes. I am not in any hurry to decide so dragging my feet.
Gill sorry to hear about your husband possibility of redundancy. Keeping everything crossed for you both. Hope you had a pleasant day out with friends. They are great medicine.
Cath, Helen and the rest of the July ladies. I wish you the best of health for 2017

Haha Clare, I like your thinking re nipples. Unfortunately that wouldn’t have worked for me as I only had one side done!! I’m so glad to see how much things have moved on for you, what a great start to the New Year.
Hi Cath, I’ve missed reading your posts, glad you are still on here regularly.
Helen, so sorry to hear about your Dad. It was this time last year that we found out my Dad’s cancer had spread and everything went downhill from then. My thoughts are with you

Love to all the July ladies xx

Hi Karen and Cath. Hope all well. yeah dem hot flushes are the pits. wake’s me intermittently at night. I sleep with a fan next to me and wear light clothes. Also bought a silk duvet which had some effect. The culprit is the letrozole tablets and I am so hoping that the flushes stop when I have completed my 5 yr course . Enjoy the rest of the week and onwards.
I am looking forward to Seville in February for my son’'s marathon
Take care
Clare x x

Hi Clare and Cath

Those hot flushes are a nightmare, especially when it’s cold. I end up throwing all my layers off whilst I’m burning up just to be freezing cold again moments later. The worst thing is that I didn’t really suffer from them during the menopause.
I don’t know if this will apply to you Clare, but I was told to expect to be on Letrozole for 10 years at my last one appointment!
I’m fine since the Op, thanks Cath. Just fed up with commuting. I’m hoping that my job will become in scope for redundancy at some time in the next couple of years so have to put up with it for now. Alternatively maybe I’ll win the lottery.
Don’t know if it’s just me but I find it hard to believe everything we went through a couple of years ago. It almost doesn’t seem real but just a bad dream.

Anyway trying to do dry January so might have to buy some chocolate on the way home as it’s so cold ? Xx

I too am doing dry January and for the sake of me can’t think why, I don’t drink much but not being able to is miserable. ? I’m out tonight with work colleagues and I’d love a glass of wine. Must stay strong, my liver will thank me.

I’m glad everyone is doing ok. At my last hospital appointment they suggested 10 years on Anastrazol, I’m not keen as I hate taking tablets but they said the resesrch into the benefits is still in its infancy and its a case by case judgement. I think it will be a no from me.

Have a good week everyone. Xx

I normally look forward to a couple of glasses of wine at the weekend, I think I miss the anticipation of relaxing with a drink as much as the wine itself. Well done for abstaining on a work night out, I’m not sure I could!!

Hi ladies
Im looking for donations of your lovey headwear. Anyone who can help please inbox me xx

Hi Karen . I haven’t been told yet bout the 10 yrs. It was briefly mention during my My first app with oncologist but not confirmed by anyone else so far. I am really hoping that I can stop it as my lump was small 0.4cm with no node involvement. We shall see.
We all know it’s postcode lottery as a didn’t automatically get a Dexascan and had to request one myselfor from my GP. I asked BC registrar re repeat and she said that I don’t need anymore. Saving money I suppose. Anyway my regular exercises should protect my bones.
Were you prescribed Vit D as that helps prevent osteoporosis?

Cath good morning to you too. A very frosty morning out there. Hope it improves as I have to walk the dog.

hi slyolddog. Good to hear from you. A real bummer you going through menopause so smoothly and now this. It’'s a small price to pay I suppose for sustained good health.
Keep up the dry January. I too am going out with colleagues tonight. I am am a light weight as I can’t and don’t drink more than 2 units at one sitting esp wine as I just get so sleepy and unsociable so I stick to spirits when I go out.