Anyone due to start their chemo July 2014

Hi ladies.
Cath Glad your sister’s op and Well. finger’s crossed for the 7th. hope margins are clear and no future ops due (I had to have 2 then mastectomy)

Flossie good to hear from you and that you are getting on with your life. Shame about the constant painful reminder and hope that resolves soon and your appointment goes well.

Budapest is interesting . The spa baths are great and the weather has been kind to us so far even rising to 20°C but it is greyer today.

Cath can you send me private message with details of your book so I don’t have to bavk search for it? thanks

Take care

Hi July ladies

Cath, I would love details of your book too, I’ve always loved reading although my concentration isn’t as good these days so I don’t get through as many! I did try to preorder it on my kindle but couldn’t find it. Positive thoughts and prayers for clear margins for your sister.

Good to hear from you Candyflossie, my eldest is supposed to be going to Uni in September but is now having second thoughts, she’s so laid back about it, drives me mad.

Clare, your travels sound wonderful I would love to be able to go to all Seville and Budapest. Unfortunately my hubby isn’t into going away, we are having a holiday this year, first time since 2013.

Slyolddog, it’s lovely to see Spring finally arriving isn’t it? Cold here today but lovely and bright. It’s so nice leaving work in daylight.

I often wonder how the other July ladies are getting on. Hopefully all are well and getting on with life.

Hugs to all xx

Hi all. Good morning.

Karen I travel with my friends and my marathon son as my hubby is the same. He prefers to stay at home and do DIY. Handy as he can look after our dog.
But after my scare I have to fulfill my bucket lists while I can and he says he doesn’t mind me going .
Would prefer it if he came but c’est last vie.

So onwards and upwards as Cath always says.

Cath, I’m sorry to hear that your sisters results revealed another tumour and that she needs another op and chemo. I am sure you will be there to hold her hand throughout the journey and guide her through. Please let us know how she progresses. Big hug to you and your sister.

Sylvia xx

so sorry to hear bout your sister '‘s result Cath. I can truly emphasise as like I mentioned it happened to me.
It’'s a relief that the further excision op is soon so she doesn’t have to worry about next op for too long. Wish her all the best.
Good to hear from you Gill

take care

Cath, I’m so sorry to hear about your sister’s results. I’m glad she doesn’t have long to wait for her second Op and it’s good that she has strong support from her family. As Clare said, you being there for her having been through the Op and chemo yourself, and coming out the other side so positively will hopefully help.
Please give your sister all our best, thoughts and prayers with you all
Big hugs
Karen xx

Congratulations Cath, I’ve just downloaded your book onto my kindle. Just got to finish off my current book but really looking forward to starting Where There’s Smoke…sounds like the sort of book I’ll enjoy!!


Thanks for the update on your sister, I’m glad that the op went well and that she is home. I always felt better being home and sure I recovered better. I think the drain is another example of different trusts having different practices as I was never allowed home until all drains were out, although I know it was different for other ladies.
I really feel for her at the moment, as you say waiting for results is the worst part, at least when you know what you have to contend with you can start to plan for treatment. Must also be hard for you as you know what she is going through.
Sending you both much love xx

HI Cath congrats on publication of your book. Exciting for you and I am so pleased for you. Will order copy when I return.
Glad your sister is doing well and hope she has the drain out soon. Fingers crossed re results.

Hi Cath, glad to hear your sister’s home and the op went well. I also had a drain in for a week and was shown how to change the container. They take them out in less than a week, it depends how much gunk you put in it! Mine was there the full week, I’d probably still be filling it now if they hadn’t taken it out! The hospital gave me a little bag to put it in while I was up and about.

When did you say your book comes out in print, I’m old school and like turning pages. Can’t wait to read it. ?

Loving the book, Cath. I was so engrossed in reading it on the tube this morning that I missed my stop!!

More than happy to write an Amazon review for you as soon as I’ve finished it, Cath. I’m not going to have as much chance to read over next week or so as having kitchen gutted on Saturday but I haven’t cleared it yet…and have no idea where to put everything.
As soon as I’ve finished reading and posted the review I’ll let you know but well done again, it’s a cracking read ??

Cathy. Just puchased my copy from Amazon. Will receive it in a couple days.

Will give you feed back ASAP
Home to UK tonight. Can’t wait. Miss my family Inc the dog

Karen Hope your kitchen gets its makeover quickly and smoothly. It’s the worse room to renovate. So inconvenienthat LOL
Clare x x

Clare-safe journey back to the UK.

Thanks Cath. x x

Thanks Clare and Cath for your good wishes re the kitchen, I could quite happily fast forward the next couple of weeks!
Clare hope you had a good journey and are happily ensconced at home now!
How’s your sister doing, Cath?


Not horrible at all, Cath. It must bring it all back for you. I know that chemo is a different journey for everyone, as we saw on our own thread, but at least she can see that you came through it and are thriving now!
Lots of cake, as I remember xx

Of course, you used to have Chinese after every chemo didn’t you? I remember being amazed as I was always as sick as a dog after FEC, despite the anti sickness drugs.
Hope you are having a great St Patrick’s Day


Hi Karen how the work progressing in your kitchen?
Hope you r managing to eat well in spite of. lol.

Cath shame about your taste buds or lack of. Will your sense of taste ever revert back to normal?

Gill you are a fast reader.

Have a great day ladies
