Anyone due to start their chemo July 2014

Hi Cath and Clare, the kitchen is going slowly. Waiting for plaster to dry before it can continue!
Glad your sister is feeling positive, Cath. I’ve nearly finished the book (still engrossed)!
Clare have you settled back to normal yet after your trip?
Awful day today, I was at work when we had a call about the Westminster attack, luckily we weren’t put into lockdown. Thoughts and prayers with the dead and injured and their families x

yes really awful news yesterday in Westminster. My thoughts are with all affected. Glad ladies on thread are OK. Karen Cath Gill and Karen.
Cath. So glad sis 2nd op went well . Is she going to have radiotherapy also after chemo?

So sorry bout your sense of smell. I remember you mentioned it ages ago and thought it would return. Glad to see you are so positive about life. It really is the only way to be after CA.
I am fine thanks ladies. Back to reality and worked on Monday and went to a study day on Tuesday which left me feeling quite tired. Maybe it’s my age eh? Approaching 61 in April
take care

his Cath. The study days I attend are to keep me updated as per RCM rules. We need to do at least 5 in 3 years.

Nothing spectacular planned for my bday. but maybe we will go out for our usual meal.
x x

Happy Mother’s Day ladies. Hope you were all spoilt rotten today.
Gill your wrist took a long time to heal?? or was it a new fracture?
Take care

Hi ladies, hope you are all having a lovely Mother’s Day.

Clare, hope you have a lovely birthday and enjoy your meal. I don’t think I could cope with training days anymore, my memory is awful .
Glad to hear that your wrist is continuing to heal well, Gill. Hopefully you’ll be back to normal soon.
Cath, I finished your book- Wow - it was really good. I enjoyed it so much and do envy your writing talent, must be lovely. I shall write a review on Amazon for you.
Have a lovely week
Karen x

Hi Ladies, hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine.

Sobering news about Linda Nolan, must be the thing we all dread the most. After that amount of time it must be such a shock.

Take care all


Karen x

Hiya Cath, just had to let you know my hubby has just finished your book. He read it in 3 days and really enjoyed it too!!


You deserve to be doing the happy dance, Cath. So lovely to be able to celebrate your achievement after everything you’ve been through.
Little did I know when I first logged onto this forum, just under 3 years ago that we would still be in touch and have come so far

Hi ladies. Have great Sunday. So glad everyone is well. I saw the plastic surgeon on Friday. All well and decision made. It’'s 3D nipples for me as any more operations would cause nipples indentation .
I am secretly pleased as that was my first choice but was really sure so happier that decision has been made for me.

Feeling great
love to all

That’s brilliant news, Clare, I bet you can’t wait. Will this be your last treatment? (apart from the hormones).
Seems to be lots of good news at the moment and then weather is glorious ??

Love to all
Karen x

You are right Karen . Last huddle :-). Appointments are spreading out to yearly now so that’s good news and it’s just the hormones and Vit D tablets to take.
Hopefully no more hiccups

Hi Cath just saw your comment. I have to ring up to book. Will be doing it with a private Co in Luton which is apparently better than the NHS tattoist.
Clare x x

Good luck, Clare, hope you don’t have to wait too long!!

I’m due to see the Recon nurses at the end of the month, I’m hoping to get my tattoo done then

Sounds like you’re having a lovely day, Cath. Séarlait must be getting big now.
I’m still on the NHS for my tattoo, but it’s just straightforward not 3D, I was shown photos just after my recon but can’t really remember how they looked …still will be a lot better than it was.
Enjoy the sunshine xoxoxo

Hi Cath. The tattooist was recommended by the hospital and give special rates. I could have done a NHS one then if not happy go private but I just one 1 treatment. Can’t be fuffing around…need to move on.
Ask Karen re NHS photos.
Yesterday I started steel band lessons. great fun.

Lovely sunny day today.

Hi. Just saw Karen’'s reply lol. Good luck Karen.
Let us know how it goes

Hi Cath. Chose steel band as my friend encouraged me to join her group and I also love the sound. Having fun but have to catch up with the rest who started a month or 2 ago.

Gill yes that will be the end of procedures I hope . Also hope silicone implants behave themselves and outlasts me .lol.
My appointments are now yearly so counting down. :wink:
I would certainly still love to meet up when ladies are ready.

Hugs to your sister Cath. Yes it would definitely bring back lots of memories. It amazing how brave we were then … Hugs to you too.
Have a great day Cath, Gill and July ladies

Happy Easter ladies. Enjoy the holiday weekend

Had my tattooist appointment. Cost £400 to 500 for bilateral tattoos. Cheaper than going to America. Having them done on the 14th March.


I thought that seems a long wait too, Clare. Should it be May? Don’t know when mine will be done, hopefully find out on the 26th.
That should be end of treatment for me, Gill, other than letrozole for next 7 years or so!
Big hugs to your sister, Cath, is she having the same chemo as you?
Happy Easter, ladies, I’m looking forward to eating lots of chocolate