Anyone due to start their chemo July 2014

Chemo brains persists. lol. I meant May of course.


Haha…I’m terrible with chocolate once I start. Can never see the point of re-sealable packs, once I start a bar I have to finish it no matter how big!
At least you should be ready for some more by Sunday, Cath


Karen good luck on the 26th . And July ladies enjoy your chocolates.
My husband loves chocolate more than me but I love the nutty ones. yummy
Claremont x x

Happy Easter Ladies, had chocolate for a late breakfast…it was lovely.
Sun is still out here at the moment, hope you all enjoy the day


lol Cath. Definitely the chocolate.
I had a lovely Easter so far. A lovely dinner cooked courtesy of hubby. . scrumptious. I get so spoilt most times .
and one of my boys is home chilling with us the other is working :frowning:

Sounds like we all had a good Easter with lots of chocolate (or cream cake), family and relaxation.
What a difference a couple of years makes xx

Cath of course I’ll write a review of your book. Happy to promote good work. ?

busy thread. Glad everyone enjoyed Easter. Cath I bought your book but not read yet. The steel band practice, dog walking, appointments and socialising …don’t forget my running and one day working seem to take up all my time.

Wow, look at all the posts. I’ve had to go back 2 pages to catch up. So happy to see everyone doing so well and enjoying life- go girls.

I have no excuse other than still clearing dads flat (finished at last), work, dog walking and gym, so haven’t done a good job of keeping up recently.

Cathy can you send the link to your book again please, looks like I’m missing out on a good read and I’m bored of the one I’m half way through.

Just booked a week in Venice for June, will be the first time abroad since 2013 and so much has happened since then we are planning to make every second count!

Cath thinking of your sister. I went through the FEC-T forTN as well + rads. Do hope she comes through as well as I did.

Just got my mamo appt for May which is after hospital appt, doesn’t make much sense to me but hay ho. I still have 6 month apps up to 5 years, looks like that’s different for everyone.

Have a lovely weekend everyone in the sunshine - off to dinner with friends tonight should be a good night they always manage to keep me laughing all night.

Love to all Helen. Xx

Happy 22nd Anniversary Cath. Wishing you many more of those
Have a great day. Off to the London Marathon to see son today. Hope I have better luck of actually seeing him as I travelled over London like a lunatic last year but never got to see him.
it was so frustrating

Congratulations on your 22nd wedding anniversary, Cath, hope you both had a lovely day.
Did you get to see your son, Clare? A few friends went to watch the marathon yesterday, you must have been really proud of your son, it’s a fabulous achievement.
Venice sounds wonderful, Helen. You’ve had a tough year, hope you have an amazing time.
Hugs to all
Karen xx

Hi Karen and Cath.
Yes I went to see the marathon. So exciting and noisy like me. :slight_smile: . The weather was lovely and sunny although slightly chilly occasionally.
I was on top of the world and managed to see my son Twice. You should have heard me shouting . Proud Mama. Time 2hrs 49mins and 18secs. A new PB.
I have also got a new PB of 35mins and 10 secs for my 5k run
Have a great day.

Yes. Good luck with your appointment Karen.

x x

Thanks for the good wishes Cath and Clare, after leaving 2 hours before appointment which was then 45 minutes late, I actually saw the Consultant for a whole 3 minutes. I was being very optimistic thinking I might get the tattoo done there and then. I have been referred for further appointment with the nurse who will then make a further appointment for the process to begin…
Clare you must be so proud of your son, he did so well and great that you got to see him twice. Well done on your pb for 5k too, great achievement.
Hope everything is going well for you, Cath. How is the writing going? I have recommended your book to a friend who says it sounds right up her street.
Very cold here today,
Hugs, Karen x

Oh Karen. I can understand your frustration and what a long wait to be seen!!!. Hope your other appointmens goes better and quicker and that your tattoo is completed ASAP.

Thanks Clare, apparently the tattoo will be done over several sessions, will you have your 3D ones done all in one go?

yes. Apparently in 2 hrs but if I need any adjustments later that will be included in the cost.
x x

Oh that’s good, I’ve seen some photos of Facebook of 3D tattoos, they look amazing


Hi Cath and Karen.
Pleasant but chilly day. Yes Cath had said tattoo being done on the 14th May. Glad your sis chemo is going well. Fingers crossed. Keep writing as I bet that is therapeutic

Take care

Hi Cath and Clare,

It’s cold and miserable here, not looking forward to taking my son football training this evening. It’s an hours drive so unfortunately can’t drop off and pick up later.
Apparently the tattoo has to be done over several sessions as they have to match the colour to my real one.
I’m glad your sister has her first chemo under her belt, Cath. The fear of the unknown is the worst part, one down five to go.
Good luck with the writing I’m looking forward to the next one!!
14th May isn’t far away, Clare, will be great to get that over and then your done…other than the ongoing hormone treatment. Good luck
