Anyone due to start their chemo July 2014

Hi lovely July 2014 ladies,


It’s fascinating to read all your posts, some sad and most happy and normal, that’s what life is like…


My surgeon has brought my mammo forward and after 4 weeks waiting, got the results and all is fine ?

3 years yippee !!! 


The statistics for Triple Negative get better after 5 years, so counting down now.


Has anyone tried to get critical illness insurance after their breast cancer treatment and did you manage to?

I am going to try about December time, my financial adviser says that they normally won’t consider it unless you have 3years from remission i.e end of treatment.


Have a great weekend all xxx




Hi Ladies! I feel so guilty - not been on for ages but hope you’ll forgive me.  Great to see so many keeping in touch & I’m defo planning on joining you for that meet-up in 2 years :smiley:


There’s too much for me to catch up on at the moment (& I’m feeling a bit sorry for myself with a raging temperature, aches & shivers etc). Very bad timing as I’m booked in to do a Skydive this Friday (don’t ask!) but am pretty sure I’ll need to postpone it :frowning:


It’s that time of year again for us all - had my mammogram a couple of weeks ago, no results yet but due to see onc mid-June.


Wishing everyone wonderful, all-clear news & I’ll really try to drop in & catch up with you all soon.


Big hugs,



welcome back Flossie and Julie. Hi Gill and Cath.
Julie sorry to hear that you are ill but glad that you are recovering. Brave lady doing a sky dive… one of my secret wishes. You definitely must let us know what it is like. Alzhemier is a great charity to raise funds for.

Thanks Cath for the best wishes. I will let you know the verdict. Hope it’s not too painful. Never thought that I would ever have a tattoo in my lifetime.
Well needs must eh?

My speed on my 5K continues to improve slowly. Don’t know if I will ever achieve my 30mins goal though. I have entered a 10k run in July. Madness!! but that’s what the shock of getting cancer does. It certainly motivated me.

Regards to the July ladies.

Hi Cath. Tattoo done. First photo looked really lovely and made boobs complete. Have to wait 6 weeks for final picture and I have made appt for 7 weeks for tattooist to review and touch up if necessary. The procedure was initially painful but got used to the feeling soon enough and it was fine. Visualisation and relaxation worked. lol. Just thought that numb boobs should not feel pain. :wink:

So glad that your sis is coping well. Losing her hair must me a moment for grieving a loss. At least looking at yours now must help her a lot.
Tell her hello and big hug for me and I am Thinking about her journey.
BTW started reading your book and so gripping that if I didn’t have to move for the dog etc; I would have sat and finished.

Also forgot to tell you that when I searched for the title of your book on Amazon that much to my surprise I found several with the same Title. It’'s a good thing you were the only Cathy. :slight_smile:
I shall definitely do a great review.

Morning Gill
My what a busy weekend you are having but it must be so lovely to have a grandson. My 2 sons haven’t product any grandchildren for me yet!! You must be worried though about all the assessments he has to go through but at least it will be a relief when it is sorted so that he gets the right support to thrive. Fingers crossed.

I was very unsettled this week because my neighbour opposite me died in a fire.

On a positive note I improved on my PB run on Sat. 34:37. I am so happy with my progress. Did I tell that my son signed me up for a 10K run in July. Hope it rains that day. lol

Enjoy the sunny Bank holiday weekend ladies. Gill don’the work too hard

Enjoy the sunny Bank holiday weekend ladies. Gill don’the work too hard

Gill like Cath I won’t skydive. It’'s Julie who is doing that jump. I am enjoying running and keeping my feet on the ground lol.
Isn’t it coincidental that both you and Cath have family with the same diagnosis? It is good that You will be able to support/advise each other.

Cath how’s your sis coping? Hope she is still being strong. Take care

oh Julie what a shame you have to wait that long to do the jump. More nail biting for 3 weeks! Brave lady.
Take care

That’s brilliant news about your sis Cath. Sure brings back memories x x

Hi Ladies

Sitting here with my feet in a footbath to keep me cool. Hot today isn’t it?? :sunny::sunny::sunny:

Gill, congratulations on your retirement, I’ve had the day off today and done nothing except a bit of holiday washing. Just got back from a week in Malta, very hit there too, but at least there was a pool. I think it’s difficult to keep yourself motivated when you don’t have to get up and go to work. That’s not to say I wouldn’t like to retire though!!

Terrible tragedy regarding the tower block fire. What must have gone through their minds as the fire took hold, it doesn’t bare thinking about. I really feel for them all.

Wendy, I am so so sorry to hear your news. I doubt you will upset anyone on here for any other reason than genuine concern for you. Sorry for my ignorance but what is a PET CT. Have you been advised about what treatment is available going forward or will that come when you get scan more results.

Please please keep us posted when you’re ready to. Sending you the biggest virtual hug possible. We’re all in your corner.

Sylvia XX

Hi July ladies. Life has been so busy that I haven’t read or posted for a while.
Wendy so sorry to hear your news and I’m here to support you. Good luck for your CT scan tomorrow and a big positive hug. Try and enjoy your holiday as much as possible.

So much awfulness has happened in the UK and world recently. It bring tears to my ears every time I watch the news. Makes one want to keep the TV off.
Take care
Love and hugs to all

Oh Wendy - so, so sorry to hear your news.  Hope all goes well with your PET scan tomorrow and that your results are as positive as they can be.  I’ve also been having a few problems lately and am due to have a CT scan on Friday so it’s back to waiting for investigations and results for me too. It must have been difficult for you to hear those results on your own & I hope you’re getting lots of support and also being kind to yourself as you adjust to this. There are many positive stories around and treatment is still improving all the time so I really hope you have a good outcome. Sending you big hugs and prayers xx


Gill - congrats on your retirement! Enjoy every minute of it x


Love to all the July ladies



Julie and Wendy. Glad your scans went well and hope results are as good as can be. Cath and Gill have both expresses exactly as I feel about your news.

BIG hugs

Hi Ladies - thanks for all your good wishes.  Well, the oncologist’s secretary finally called me back - apparently, my scan has not been reported on yet and, because they’re so busy, the earliest available follow-up appointment is 2nd August so a few more weeks of waiting.  In the meantime, me & hubby have re-booked to do our Skydive next Thursday again so at least I can spend some time worrying about that instead, lol!


Gill - glad you had a lovely time in Portugal - fish and sunshine sounds great! Hope your foot heals quickly so you can get more mobile again - what a drastic start to your retirement! xx


Cath - glad to hear you’re having a gorgeous, sunny morning - not been too bad here either, a little dull but dry and warm so I’ll take that! Long may it last.  Hope your sister’s doing ok, only two to go now, isn’t it? Yay! xx


Clare - glad you’re busy enjoying life - made me feel exhausted just reading about what you’ve been up to lol, especially your 10K - I’m very impressed! Well done you! xx


Love to all the July ladies,






Thanks Gill and Cath. Gill only started running for the first time in August last year. Enjoying it and improving slowly. Probably would not think about doing running b4 bc.
Used to do to the gym regularly though and swam a bit. … always a fairly active person.
Well girls … enjoy this lovely weather

Hi Julie. What a bummer this waiting game is. It is so unfair and frustrating . The skydive next Thurs sounds exciting. Enjoy and try not to be too nervous. Will certainly take your mind of things

Hi Julie. What a bummer this waiting game is. So frustrating and unfair.
Good luck for your skydive next Thursday. It will certainly take your mind if things

Hi Cath. .Good luck for your mammogram on Thurs the 20th. Hope all goes well.
Gill hope your foot is mending quickly.
Wendy keep enjoying the lovely weather. The weather has been so lovely that one can just stay local for holiday.
Julie let is know how the skydive was.
Another lovely day again . Enjoy the day

Wendy so glad to hear you got your results and they’re good, so pleased for you.


Julie, sorry you’re still waiting for yours, it must be agony.  It only takes the slightest niggle for me to start streesing and googling again, we all know we have to avoid it. I can’t believe you’re doing a sky dive, you must be mad! Like yous aid it will focus your mind on something else.


Cath - good luck with your mammo this Thursday, not too many more to go now.


Clare - Well done on your 10K, that’s a heck of an achievement. I haven’t done any proper exercise for ages, my treadmill is looking a bit forlorn. Like you I am finally beginning to forget important dates.  A Facebook reminder popped up on July 4th, in 2014 I posted ‘Let’s get this show on the road’, I couldn’t work out what I’d been wittering about until I remebered it was my first chemo session.  I’m quite pleased I’d forgotten, however I could then recall all the dates of the following treatments! :womanfrustrated: Still, improvement none the less.


Hi to all the other July ladies just keeping an eye from the distance - I hope you’re all doing great.


Enjoy the lovely weather xx