Anyone due to start their chemo July 2014

Good to hear from you Sylvia. Glad life is going on as normally as possible.
Come on girls dust off those treadmills and get going. It’‘s a slow process but suddenly you will get to that point where there’'s no looking back. lol. and becomes fun .

His Julie. What a bummer these cancellations are.
Cath Hope your results come through quickly.
I am well.
Enjoy the weekend

Well ladies - I did it!! We skydived from 10,000 feet & it was the most amazing experience! I absolutely loved it! Surprisingly, I didn’t feel too nervous this time - just put my faith in my instructor & went with it. We are still collecting monies in & have over £300 for Alzheimer’s Society so far. My hubby was a bit green when he landed - said his breakfast was coming back up after being spun on the way down.  There was a lady there who jumped in the plane load before us - she was jumping 15,000 feet for her 90th birthday - truly inspirational!


I get my scan results on Wednesday lunchtime, then we are straight off to Majorca for a few days after the appointment - the plan is to surprise my sister & brother-in-law on their hols as it’s his 60th birthday on Thursday- we just have to work out how to find them when we get there!


sending hugs to everyone,






well done Julie. You and hubby should both be proud of your skydive and good luck with the fund raising.
That 90 year old lady epitomises that where there’s life there hope.
Hope your appt goes well and enjoy your surprise holiday in Majorca
Cath hope next time I log on you have some feed back from your mammogram x x

Julie, you are amazing! I can barely jump from the bottom step and get wobbly on a step ladder. I’m sure it must be the most amazing experience but I haven’t got the bottle for it. I hope all goes well with your results on Wednesday, and enjoy your break abroad straight after. What a week!

Cath, I hope you get your results soon.

Happy Monday to everyone. ?

Great news Cath. Whoohoo
X xClare

Hi Sylvie. Hope you’re keeping well x x

Hi Ladies,


Cath - great news on your mammogram :smiley: x


Thank you all for your kind wishes and I’m pleased to say that I got the all-clear last Wednesday - no changes reported from my previous scans - yaayyy! 


You’re right Sylvia - what a week last week was! I was buzzing from my skydive, had good results and several days in the (very hot!) sunshine :slight_smile: x


Sending hugs to everyone.




Hi Julie, fantastic news, I bet you’re so relieved. I’m glad you had a good few days away too, you absolutely deserved it.

Cath, congrats to you too for another clear result.

Weather here is the pits, I’ve even considered putting the heating on as I’m cold. It’s due to rain all day tomorrow too. Shouldn’t grumble I know but just a few mi e days here and there for balance would be good. Xx

‘Few nice days’ that should say. Stupid fat fingers! ?

Fantastic news Julie. I can now breath a sigh of relief now that everyone’s results are clear. Yippee to all.
The weather was awful today rainy and chilly but looks like it will be better tomorrow.
Clare x x

Thanks Gill and same to you too. Good to see that you have adjusted to retirement. Keep enjoying it to the fullest.
I am well. Just going to have some moles checked out on the 29th. Think they are just age related but in view of our situation best to get them checked out.
Enjoy the lovely weather July ladies

Hi Cath. A fun break is always a good idea. Don’t overdo it now you are rested.
My appointment well all fine as I thought.

Hi July Ladies

Glad to hear everyone keeping well and mammograms all clear.

Not been on here for a while so lots to catch up on.
Unfortunately my friend/boss at work has just been diagnosed hopefully she won’t need chemo but I’ve referred her to this Forum as I found it really helped.

Looking forward to the get together in 2019 xx

Hi Ladies. Just touching Base to see if everyone is fine. Quiet forum hopefully means healthy July ladies.
Cath Def Autumn weather. Very good for the hot flushes. lol.
Karen. So sorry to hear about your boss. Hope you cope with it all OK. So close to home… brings back memories.
Cath how is your sister’'s treatment going?
Take care all

Hi Clare

How are your 3D nipple tattoos? I’m still on waiting list for my tattoos to be done.
Cath, I’ve been wondering about your sister too recently, Has she finished treatment yet?
Very Autumnal here today, but as you say Clare, good for the hot flushes, every cloud…
Hope everyone stays dry today

Hi Karen. Tattoos went very well and very happy with them thanks. I ask for copy of b4 and after photos (cost £15) and results except for scars and smaller areolas not bad . Looks much better in the mirror.
Have a great day

Hi Cath . Yes the Letrozole tablets still gives me hot flushes. I really hope they will stop when I complete the course. Must say they are not as bad or I’ve got used to them .lol

So pleased you are happy with your tattoos Clare and I love the idea of before and after photos. Like you I have got used to the Letrozole hot flushes, just as well as I have another 7 years of them!!
I’m glad your sister has finished her chemo now, Cath but it sounds like she has really been through it. Hope she gets through the Rads ok, must be really hard if you feel claustrophobic, sending lots of hugs.
I have a Dexa bone scan on Friday which will hopefully reveal the Letrozole isn’t damaging my bones too much. Although even if it is, it’s a small price to pay.
Love Karen x

Hi Karen, so good to hear from you, you hadn’t been in here for ages. I always worry about the drop offs. Remember Horseslave who started this group? Glad you’re doing well, is your Dexa scan routine? I’m on anastrozole which is simulate to letrozole, I’ve had no follow up scan since I started the tablets. I’m counting down the last two years on them.

Cath, so pleased your sister has finished her chemo, the end is in site. Not too long until the rads are finished. Is her hair coming back well? Mines still rubbish, the back looks terrible.

Well we are definitely into autumn, the heating was on last night to warm the house up. Soon be Christmas! ? Xx

‘Similar’ not simulate! Stupid spell check!