Anyone due to start their chemo July 2014

Hi Karen. BTW forgot to ask how long is the waiting list for your tattoo as that seems a long time to wait. Have you got a number to call to check on what the hold up is?
Cath sorry to hear that your sister I’d having a hard time with her claustrophobia during radiotherapy.

Sylvia Glad to see you back on the forum. The literasure states that yearly Dexa scans should be done but like you I wasn’t given any. I was commenced on Vit D and Calcium tablets instead. Post code lottery again I suppose.

Hi Sylvia, it’s good to be back! I know what you mean when you worry about ‘dropouts’ I often wonder how the rest of our group are. There wasn’t really any reason for me staying away from the forum for so long other than having a bit of an emotional wobble.
The postcode lottery re dexa scans even appears in my hospital. My oncologist has referred me for the follow up as he says should be done every 2 years whereas my surgeon said it should be done every 3 years…so who knows.
Hi Clare, apparently the waiting list for nipple tattooing is 9 months to a year. I’m on the cancellation list again so you never know …
Another reason I dropped off the forum before was because I was having so much trouble posting from my phone (never use anything else these days!) but I have now discovered the Becca app …it’s brilliant so no more excuses ?
Take care all x

Karen I really hope you don’t have to wait that long. it makes such a positive difference once it’'s done.

Oh Gill . So sorry about your brother’'s Cancer. When will life go back to normal for us eh? I am keeping all crossed that his treatment was effective and he will be on the mend. Keep Soaking up the sun safely when you can and also look after yourself too. BIG HUG x x

love Clare.

So sorry to hear about your brother, Gill. It must be so hard to see him so frail, hope you get good news about his treatment.
I would love to have the bone infusion as I’m so rubbish at taking my Vit D and Calcium.
My hair is awful too, occasionally it goes ok but usually ends up as a frizz ball I think I will have to end up having it cut short too. How are everyone else’s eyebrows? Mine have never really recovered.
Good luck with the Becca app, Cath, it’s great for me on the train.
I’m already 4 months into the waiting list, Clare so hopefully won’t be too long now.
Looks like Storm Aileen is due to hit tonight, hope everyone stays dry.
Love Karen x

Karen my eyebrows are not too bad. I don’t do anything with them when walking the dog but use eyebrow powder when working or going out socially.
I am fortunate that my hair grew back thick and normal. and slowly getting longer.


Oh Gill, I would say that’s definitely a plus! Unfortunately I have to shave my legs just as often as before although strangely don’t get too much underarm hair, which is understandable on treatment side but the other side is definitely more sparse too.
I must try to get the hang of eyebrow powder, I’ve used a pencil a couple of times but it looks so false that I usually end up rubbing it off again.
I wish my hair had come back normally, Clare, it’s fairly long but frizzes at slightest excuse. It also has lots of annoying ‘kinks’ and is neither properly straight or curly!
Welcome back Helen, good to hear that you are keeping well but very sorry about your friend. I don’t know if it’s just that I notice it more now but there seems to be so many more people I know or know of with cancer.
Talking of postcode lottery yesterday, how often does everyone else see their medical team? I see my Oncologist and Breast Surgeon annually but a friend who had exactly the same treatment as me just a year later is on 3 monthly checks. She did go private but this still seems a huge discrepancy.


A windy good morning July 2014 ladies

Helen so sad about your friend. So hard to have to be faced with CA again but own experience must surely help for coping and empathy. Good to see you back.

Karen … My appointments are now yearly which suits me fine as I always dread them as they bring back too my difficult memories.

I would like to forget and move on although I know that can never happen every time I look in the mirror.
The powder eyebrow brushes makes it so much easier to shape and darken your eyebrows and so much quicker. Try it


Hi July ladies

Thanks for the powder tip, Clare I shall give it a go.

Cath, from the sound of the wind last night I was expecting some damage, or at least a lost wheelie bin but luckily was all fine. Hope you weren’t too badly affected


Glad you weren’t affected, Cath ?

Dexa Bone scan done just a 3 week wait for results to arrive in the post.

Have a lovely weekend

Karen x

Hi ladies. Fell over badly a couple days ago but could get up and continue my dog walk with no broken bones and only a badly right grazed knee so I suppose no Dexa scan needed??? :-). Hope your results are norm Karen. 3 weeks wait! Couldn’t the sonographer give you some indication of results?
Glad the storm passed by uneventully girls.

I am running The Enfield’'s Major Charity 10k on Sunday. Excited can’t wait.

Thanks Cath and enjoy yourself. Let your hair down. x x

Wow, Clare, there’s no stopping you now! Well done I really admire you, wish I could run. I’m doing the Shine Walk half marathon on Saturday night but that is just a leisurely stroll so even I can manage that.
Sounds like you had a busy weekend Cath, hope you had a great time and weren’t too hungover at the Christening ?
My eldest daughter starts Uni today so we took her down on Saturday, it was a very strange feeling. Desperate to talk to her and find out how she’s getting on but don’t want to intrude too early. Having to make do with texts ( she’s already after money and forgotten jeans being posted on to her).
Have a good Monday everyone

Hi ladies.
Cath good to hear that you enjoyed yourself.
Karen you’ll miss your daughter but like Cath said you’ll soon hear from her when she needs you.

My son was the same. Uni goes a long way to help them grow up which is great

I did it! Cut off 2 mins on my 2nd 10k run. 1hr 17mins. I still have at least 2 more minutes to cut out. Maybe on the.Cancer research relay in Oct?

love to all

Congratulations Clare, that’s a fantastic achievement. How long have you been running for? Another 2 minutes off your time seems an awful lot to me, I would love to be able to run.
Glad you were good on the Hen night, Cath, and ok for the Christening. I don’t know about you but I can’t do hangovers these days. I had a few too many when out with friends a while ago I didn’t think I was that bad but still felt horrible for the whole of the next day. Definitely getting old!!
Karen x

Good morning ladies. Karen I started running in July last year when we took our son to a park run. I walked most of that one . lol.
I am slow but I am always pleased that I can make it to the finish line and hoping that the exercise will keep these CA cells permanently away.


Haha Cath, I was really worried about reading your post when I saw that header. It always amazes me when things like that pop up without knowing how and then being unable to get rid of them ?
Clare, that’s fantastic progress, I didn’t realise that you started running so recently. I need to give myself a kick up the backside and get more active.

Have a lovely day xx

I wondered why that warning came up Cath but thought it was a glitch on my phone . lol

Hi Cath, I’m glad your sister is coming towards the end of her treatment. It’s a long haul but hopefully by Christmas she should be feeling a bit more like her old self. Does she need any further treatment or medication after rads?
Gill, I’m like you, can’t run at all although I really would love to. Thanks for your reassurance about my daughter going to Uni, she had a bit of a blip and was home with us for the weekend. She’s back now though and seems to be a bit happier.
I took part in the Shine Walk for Cancer Research at the weekend, it’s a night walk through the centre of London. Good fun but I can only do the half marathon not sure how anyone manages the full one - although I suppose if you actually do the training rather than just turning up on the day that might help.
Half day at work today then off to cemetery to visit my Dad’s grave on what would have been his 76th birthday.
Hugs to all
Karen x

Hi Karen. Hope you are feeling OK today after your visit to the cemetery. It’'s always so sad when our loved ones are not with us esp on the special occasions. Pleased that your daughter got over her blip. Great news about the shine walk. It must be fun. Might do that next year
Cath glad your sis is getting to the end of radiotherapy. Although I never experienced that part of the journey I bet it must a great relief for her esp with her claustrophobic experience
Hi Gill hope you’re enjoying retirement and that you fracures are all healed up well with on after effects.

love to all July ladies

Glad to see your sister is nearly finished her rads Cath, that end really marks a milestone. I felt it all start to get easier at that point.

On the running front I’m not a runner, barely a walker. I’ve recent put my treadmill on the incline to get more benefit, however I feel the benefit will only be had if I actually turn it on! ?

Went to the doctors last week for a repeat prescription and asked about the frequency of Dexa scans which seem to vary between us all. The doctor I saw said she’d put a note on the system to make sure I had another when I finish anastrozole in 2 years. Monday morning I get a call from the surgery wanting to make me an appointment with my own doctor to discuss the scan, which is tomorrow morning. I’m going to be a little vexed if all it is is a chat which could be done over the phone. I’m quite curious though so will keep you posted.

Quiet evening and dinner for one, husbands gone shopping alone. Hurray.