Anyone due to start their chemo July 2014

Hi Clare, the Shine Walk was fun, although I do remember saying towards the end ‘I’m never doing this again’. However a couple of days later I’m looking to next and trying to improve my time ( remind me of childbirth, looking back it seemed fine but each time I went through it again I remember thinking it didn’t seem so bad last time!)
How did you get on at the Doctors, Sylvia? Hope your scan results were ok, are you on extra Calcium/Vitamin D? Still waiting for mine.
Fairly quiet weekend just gone but got to see my son play his first rugby match. Have to take a day off work tomorrow to deliver a couple of things to my eldest daughter at Uni, she has a job interview on Wednesday.
Love to all
Karen x

Hi Cath and Karen, the doctors appointment was as predicted a waste of time. It was pure coincidence that my own doctor had made a note on my file to call me in towards the end of my third year on anastrozole and that I had spoken to a different doctor about it the week before. If only she had read my notes I could have saved myself and the NHS some time and money. Never mind.

Lovely day here today, sunshine and autumns finest colours, is there anything better. ???

His Cath, Gill, Kate, & Sylvie and other July ladies. I am well thanks. In Norfolk at the moment unwinding from my stressful week… Extended family stuff.
The garden is like a jungle as it’s 3 months since staying at the bungalow but it’does therapeutic Tidying up. I don’t really like gardening like my hubby but it’s something that we can do together eh? He really loves that stuff.

Kinda preparing for my run on Sunday. I would like to get another PB.
Just an idea. Gill when you are organising the reunion do you think it might be a good idea to incorporate the moonshine walk in the meet? What do you think girls. It might encourage you to get those treadmills out. :-).
Just a thought

Goodmorning and love to all

Karen not Kate. this phone is really annoying. It wants to predict my spelling. lol

Morning Ladies, hope everyone is well.

Hi Sylvia, unfortunately NHS time being wasted by files not being read seems to be a familiar story. My friend who is due her WLE this week was called in at the weekend for further MRI and biopsy. Then turns out they weren’t even aware her Op is scheduled for Wednesday! Glad all is ok with you though, better a wasted appointment than finding something else up.
Hi Clare, sounds like you have been really busy, I hate gardening too. Unfortunately so does my husband so we don’t have a great garden. How was Sunday? Did you manage a new PB?
Hi Cath, your sister must be delighted to have finished her rads. It is such a good feeling to have all the active treatment under your belt although I don’t have any experience of herceptin so don’t know if that has any effects? Where you live sounds amazing, I can’t imagine being able to see mountains from my home, what a wonderful view.
I got my Dexa scan results last week, there has been a slight deterioration but am to continue on same supplements and recall in three years.
Been out watching my son play rugby and football this weekend, I love Autumn when it’s dry and mild like this so it’s been great.
Hugs to all
Karen x

Hi Cath and Karen. Feeling great now after week in Norfolk . I guess The moonshine walk was a bad idea . I think it is half or a full marathon.

Didn’t do as well as expected but I did run the last lap of the marathon relay. By then I was tired and the sun had made it warm. Did it in 1:18 so better luck next time. We came 4th out of 10 teams so happy with.that and raised.about £230 for cancer research. It was fun and a great team event.

Karen how often are you having dexascan? Sorry that there was slight deterioration but hope the calcium and VitD tablets do the job the need too . When are you having your next scan?

Take care

Thanks Cath but won’t want you coming to meet up with us and deserting you in a pub :-). Not fair.
There’'s lots of other things we can do together.
Maybe we should start putting out some ideas. Gill said she would organise the meet. It would be nice to put faces to names.
take care

I’ll get my thinking cap on, Clare and see if I can come up with any ideas for the meet.
Cath, where you live sounds absolutely glorious, I really can’t imagine what it must be like to wake up to those views everyday. Hope you stay safe in Orphelia and that the worst doesn’t hit land.
Karen x

Stay safe all. It’'s now grey in Hertfordshire. Looks like rain but they predicted dry weather.

OMG Cath . Please stay safe x x
So sad about the fatalities

x x

Hope you are all ok, Cath? I thought of you when watching coverage of Orphelia on the news, Mother Nature can be brutal at times xx

hi Gill. Glad to hear that you r enjoying retirement. I still can’t make the clean break. You will have to give me some advice.
Any day to meet would be fine with me
Enjoy your day ladies

Morning All,

Beautiful day here today, hope you are all well?
We are decorating our living room to go with our new fireplace, I never realised how difficult it would be to choose between different shades of grey. I have spent a fortune on tester pots and still can’t decide…?

Wendy, were you due to have more scans? Hope all is ok.

Anytime is fine for me for the get together, will be lovely to meet up.

Take care all


Hi Karen

I feel your pain, we’re doing our living room too. Former dining room, large but cold so a new log burner and fire surround has gone in, replastered, new carpet, curtains, sofa, the works. Picking colours was easy, stressing over curtain poles! I’ve bought eyelet curtains but want a wooden pole, I’ve been advised to go metal. Curtains rings are an unusual finish and I don’t like the sound of metal on metal. What to do?? My head knows I need metal poles but my heart wants wood. ?

Lovely day today once the fog had gone, feeling a cold draft now though. Have a lovely weekend everyone. Xx

Did you finally decide, Sylvia? That’s quite a lot of work you’ve had done but it must be lovely now, especially with the cold weather creeping in. Woke up to frost on the cars today for the first time this autumn…brrr…
Stay warm all xx

Hi ladies.
Karen and Slyvia how the decorating
Hope you are nearing the end. I always look forward to completion but got used to the present chaos waving a DIY husband.
Guess where I am. In Mexico at last after 1 year of planning. 60 of age and 40 years Friendship. one year delayed. Unfortunately 1 dropped out (going to be a nanny) so back to the famous duo again. off to Cuba on Sunday to start 8 days of cruising.
looking forward. There is life after CA girls.
I also improved on my PB park running so really pleased.
Hope everyone is doing fine

Yes Cath. Exciting times for you. Life plans for children all coming together.
Gill Wooden poles are lovely to look at so nothing wrong with loving them.
Bath sounds like a good plan. I haven’t been to Bath yet so would be nice to explore somewhere else

Take care ladies

Morning Ladies,

Wow, Cath, congratulations to your son and his partner, how exciting having a wedding to look forward to. Have they set a date yet?

Clare, hope you are having a wonderful time, a cruise to Cuba sounds amazing, you certainly are living life to the full.

Sylvia, tartan curtains and wooden poles sounds great, must be lovely and cosy on these cold evenings. I love it when I can come home from work, put my pj’s on and snuggle under my blanket on the sofa.

Gill, sounds like you’ve been busy since retirement. I’m trying to work out if I can go in the next few years, I’ve had enough commuting but with one at Uni and possibly another two to go I don’t think I can afford to get a local job. A meet up in Bath sounds good to me.

Unfortunately my friend with BC has had a bit of a hard time with it. After her first op it was found to be in her lymph nodes so she’s had to have them removed. Then a scan revealed something on her liver, luckily on the ultrasound it looks like a benign cyst. But I remember those worrying times which even now suddenly sneak up from nowhere.
I saw the latest research confirmed something I was told on my Moving Foward course, with Er+ cancer the risk of recurrence and spread is the same after 20 years as 2. However treatment is improving all the time and I will be on hormone treatment for 10 yrs instead of 5.
Sorry that was all a bit dark, have a lovely day all

Whoops, having plumped for Goose Down and painted the whole room, put everything back ready for new fireplace, I’ve decided I don’t really like it. Looks a bit blue in some lights, so now decided to go with Chic Shadow…don’t think I’m very popular at the moment ?

Goose Down sounds interesting, how does chic shadow vary? I can see why you’re not popular though! I’ve had to get in touch with Dulux, every time anyone touches the wall that was painted raspberry diva it leaves a mark that can’t be removed. Luckily the other three walls are a different colour and the paints washable.

The curtains are up and the wooden poles look good. So pleased I went with them. A local curtain making company supplied and fitted the poles, I know I’d have nagged my husband if they hadn’t been perfect.

Sofa arrives tomorrow, corner suite, fingers crossed that it fits as I’m not confident. ?

Weathers turned cold here, however the Autumn colours are hanging on and they’re gorgeous. Have a fab weekend everyone. Xx